commit a362f4414b686e89842259ca8c1b2bee2876fdd4 parent da5d325b4f349c3ebbede0534cee30a91fe3b15f Author: ccx <> Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2024 03:26:43 +0000 Remove package and source data Diffstat:
D | packages/aat | | | 83 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/acl | | | 121 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/alpine-keys | | | 109 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/apk-tools | | | 107 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/applyuidgid-caps | | | 93 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/attr | | | 121 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/bison | | | 118 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/bootstrap.environment | | | 4 | ---- |
D | packages/busybox | | | 30 | ------------------------------ |
D | packages/busybox-diffutils | | | 12 | ------------ |
D | packages/busybox-kbd | | | 12 | ------------ |
D | packages/busybox-login | | | 12 | ------------ |
D | packages/busybox:bootstrap | | | 30 | ------------------------------ |
D | packages/confz | | | 81 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/containers | | | 111 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/containers.environment | | | 17 | ----------------- |
D | packages/curl | | | 140 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/default.environment | | | 44 | -------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/diffutils | | | 118 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/elf.h | | | 59 | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/elfutils | | | 125 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/execline | | | 83 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/fileset | | | 83 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/flex | | | 121 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/getconf | | | 91 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/getent | | | 91 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/git | | | 100 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/gnu-make | | | 115 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/gnu-make:bootstrap | | | 121 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/iconv | | | 91 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/kbd | | | 122 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/kernel.environment | | | 2 | -- |
D | packages/libarchive | | | 120 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/libbsd | | | 115 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/libcap | | | 119 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/libcgroup | | | 120 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/libelf-compat | | | 69 | --------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/libelf.h | | | 62 | -------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/libmd | | | 115 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/libressl | | | 122 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/libseccomp | | | 95 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/linux | | | 89 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/logincaps | | | 105 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/m4 | | | 115 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/mdev-scripts | | | 74 | -------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/mdevd | | | 77 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/mdevd.environment | | | 6 | ------ |
D | packages/musl-cross-make | | | 152 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/musl-cross-make:bootstrap-0 | | | 99 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/musl-cross-make:bootstrap-1 | | | 107 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/musl-fts | | | 116 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/netbsd-curses | | | 79 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/nosuid | | | 92 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/patch | | | 115 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/patchelf:bootstrap | | | 114 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/pidns_run | | | 92 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/pkgconf | | | 117 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/pkgconf-pkg-config | | | 11 | ----------- |
D | packages/popt | | | 114 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/pthbs-banginstall | | | 62 | -------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/rsync | | | 125 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/s6 | | | 79 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/s6-dns | | | 76 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/s6-linux-init | | | 78 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
D | packages/s6-linux-utils | | | 76 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/s6-networking | | | 84 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/s6-portable-utils | | | 76 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/s6-rc | | | 78 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
D | packages/safelink | | | 92 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/skalibs | | | 81 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/snaprep | | | 82 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/spawn-pty | | | 92 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/system-config | | | 130 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/system-config-init | | | 170 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/system-config-rc | | | 72 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
D | packages/system-config-scripts | | | 82 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/system-config-zsh | | | 72 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ |
D | packages/userspace.environment | | | 39 | --------------------------------------- |
D | packages/xbps | | | 158 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/zsh | | | 145 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | packages/zstd | | | 92 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | sources/aat | | | 1 | - |
D | sources/apk-tools | | | 1 | - |
D | sources/busybox | | | 1 | - |
D | sources/confz | | | 1 | - |
D | sources/containers | | | 1 | - |
D | sources/easyseccomp | | | 1 | - |
D | sources/execline | | | 1 | - |
D | sources/fileset | | | 1 | - |
D | sources/git | | | 1 | - |
D | sources/libcap | | | 1 | - |
D | sources/logincaps | | | 1 | - |
D | sources/mdev-conf | | | 1 | - |
D | sources/mdevd | | | 1 | - |
D | sources/musl-cross-make | | | 1 | - |
D | sources/netbsd-curses | | | 1 | - |
D | sources/patchelf | | | 1 | - |
D | sources/s6 | | | 1 | - |
D | sources/s6-dns | | | 1 | - |
D | sources/s6-linux-init | | | 1 | - |
D | sources/s6-linux-utils | | | 1 | - |
D | sources/s6-networking | | | 1 | - |
D | sources/s6-portable-utils | | | 1 | - |
D | sources/s6-rc | | | 1 | - |
D | sources/skalibs | | | 1 | - |
D | sources/snaprep | | | 1 | - |
D | sources/system-config | | | 1 | - |
D | sources/system-config-scripts | | | 1 | - |
D | sources/system-config-zsh | | | 1 | - |
D | sources/tcb | | | 1 | - |
D | sources/update-links | | | 11 | ----------- |
D | sources/zsh | | | 1 | - |
D | sources/zsh_config | | | 1 | - |
D | templates/autotools | | | 19 | ------------------- |
D | templates/base | | | 3 | --- |
D | templates/functions/autotools | | | 42 | ------------------------------------------ |
D | templates/functions/build_env_dynamic | | | 5 | ----- |
D | templates/functions/build_env_static | | | 5 | ----- |
D | templates/functions/check_static | | | 13 | ------------- |
D | templates/functions/vars | | | 6 | ------ |
D | templates/genlinks | | | 59 | ----------------------------------------------------------- |
D | templates/pkg/aat | | | 8 | -------- |
D | templates/pkg/acl | | | 18 | ------------------ |
D | templates/pkg/alpine-keys | | | 56 | -------------------------------------------------------- |
D | templates/pkg/apk-tools | | | 39 | --------------------------------------- |
D | templates/pkg/applyuidgid-caps | | | 25 | ------------------------- |
D | templates/pkg/attr | | | 18 | ------------------ |
D | templates/pkg/bison | | | 15 | --------------- |
D | templates/pkg/bootstrap.environment | | | 3 | --- |
D | templates/pkg/busybox | | | 32 | -------------------------------- |
D | templates/pkg/busybox-diffutils | | | 14 | -------------- |
D | templates/pkg/busybox-kbd | | | 14 | -------------- |
D | templates/pkg/busybox-login | | | 14 | -------------- |
D | templates/pkg/busybox:bootstrap | | | 32 | -------------------------------- |
D | templates/pkg/confz | | | 4 | ---- |
D | templates/pkg/containers | | | 39 | --------------------------------------- |
D | templates/pkg/containers.environment | | | 16 | ---------------- |
D | templates/pkg/curl | | | 37 | ------------------------------------- |
D | templates/pkg/default.environment | | | 7 | ------- |
D | templates/pkg/diffutils | | | 15 | --------------- |
D | templates/pkg/elf.h | | | 9 | --------- |
D | templates/pkg/elfutils | | | 22 | ---------------------- |
D | templates/pkg/execline | | | 10 | ---------- |
D | templates/pkg/fileset | | | 6 | ------ |
D | templates/pkg/flex | | | 18 | ------------------ |
D | templates/pkg/getconf | | | 23 | ----------------------- |
D | templates/pkg/getent | | | 23 | ----------------------- |
D | templates/pkg/git | | | 52 | ---------------------------------------------------- |
D | templates/pkg/gnu-make | | | 17 | ----------------- |
D | templates/pkg/gnu-make:bootstrap | | | 23 | ----------------------- |
D | templates/pkg/iconv | | | 23 | ----------------------- |
D | templates/pkg/kbd | | | 19 | ------------------- |
D | templates/pkg/kernel.environment | | | 1 | - |
D | templates/pkg/libarchive | | | 18 | ------------------ |
D | templates/pkg/libbsd | | | 12 | ------------ |
D | templates/pkg/libcap | | | 50 | -------------------------------------------------- |
D | templates/pkg/libcgroup | | | 17 | ----------------- |
D | templates/pkg/libelf-compat | | | 21 | --------------------- |
D | templates/pkg/libelf.h | | | 12 | ------------ |
D | templates/pkg/libmd | | | 12 | ------------ |
D | templates/pkg/libressl | | | 20 | -------------------- |
D | templates/pkg/libseccomp | | | 27 | --------------------------- |
D | templates/pkg/linux | | | 39 | --------------------------------------- |
D | templates/pkg/logincaps | | | 33 | --------------------------------- |
D | templates/pkg/m4 | | | 17 | ----------------- |
D | templates/pkg/mdev-scripts | | | 19 | ------------------- |
D | templates/pkg/mdevd | | | 4 | ---- |
D | templates/pkg/mdevd.environment | | | 5 | ----- |
D | templates/pkg/musl-cross-make | | | 106 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | templates/pkg/musl-cross-make:bootstrap-0 | | | 53 | ----------------------------------------------------- |
D | templates/pkg/musl-cross-make:bootstrap-1 | | | 61 | ------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | templates/pkg/musl-fts | | | 13 | ------------- |
D | templates/pkg/netbsd-curses | | | 31 | ------------------------------- |
D | templates/pkg/nosuid | | | 24 | ------------------------ |
D | templates/pkg/patch | | | 10 | ---------- |
D | templates/pkg/patchelf:bootstrap | | | 16 | ---------------- |
D | templates/pkg/pidns_run | | | 24 | ------------------------ |
D | templates/pkg/pkgconf | | | 15 | --------------- |
D | templates/pkg/pkgconf-pkg-config | | | 13 | ------------- |
D | templates/pkg/popt | | | 11 | ----------- |
D | templates/pkg/pthbs-banginstall | | | 14 | -------------- |
D | templates/pkg/rsync | | | 22 | ---------------------- |
D | templates/pkg/s6 | | | 32 | -------------------------------- |
D | templates/pkg/s6-dns | | | 1 | - |
D | templates/pkg/s6-linux-init | | | 5 | ----- |
D | templates/pkg/s6-linux-utils | | | 1 | - |
D | templates/pkg/s6-networking | | | 14 | -------------- |
D | templates/pkg/s6-portable-utils | | | 1 | - |
D | templates/pkg/s6-rc | | | 5 | ----- |
D | templates/pkg/safelink | | | 24 | ------------------------ |
D | templates/pkg/skalibs | | | 33 | --------------------------------- |
D | templates/pkg/snaprep | | | 5 | ----- |
D | templates/pkg/spawn-pty | | | 24 | ------------------------ |
D | templates/pkg/system-config | | | 77 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | templates/pkg/system-config-init | | | 123 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
D | templates/pkg/system-config-rc | | | 19 | ------------------- |
D | templates/pkg/system-config-scripts | | | 5 | ----- |
D | templates/pkg/system-config-zsh | | | 24 | ------------------------ |
D | templates/pkg/userspace.environment | | | 38 | -------------------------------------- |
D | templates/pkg/xbps | | | 53 | ----------------------------------------------------- |
D | templates/pkg/zsh | | | 44 | -------------------------------------------- |
D | templates/pkg/zstd | | | 29 | ----------------------------- |
D | templates/scriptsetup | | | 40 | ---------------------------------------- |
D | templates/skaware | | | 32 | -------------------------------- |
204 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 9413 deletions(-)
diff --git a/packages/aat b/packages/aat @@ -1,83 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+zsh.3d9297eaf146984d3769d01311c79c9bc450b0a35617f04b1e8260316348ba5a -#+pthbs-banginstall.30523c8519a401f119f27afff8133facdef51d710f56d83426d446132f20f8e7 -#@git:5ce6a6a1224101ce5b0dfec1544a98c94d233ae0:aat - -: ${JOBS:=1} -prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package -pkgdir="$pthbs_destdir/$prefix" -mkdir -p "$pkgdir/" -cd 'aat' - -for d in bin sbin command; do - if test -d "$d"; then - pthbs-banginstall "$d"/* "$pkgdir" - fi -done - -if test -d vim; then - mkdir -p "$pkgdir/vimfiles/pack/plugins/start" - mv -v vim "$pkgdir/vimfiles/pack/plugins/start/$pthbs_package" -fi - -if test -d zsh-functions; then - mkdir -p "$pkgdir/zsh" - mv -v zsh-functions "$pkgdir/zsh/site-functions" -fi -mv -v data.awk "$pkgdir/" - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./command/aat"]=1 - x["./command/aat.awk"]=1} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "zsh" { link($0); next } -$2 == "vimfiles" { link($0); next } -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/acl b/packages/acl @@ -1,121 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+busybox-diffutils.a22698424a7618572314d3da6953bf6652138ec492d3a0d01c37072f74adefc4 -#+m4.b78d93922dc9dbf43dd31037c98271490db5d6d1919b69b12122cf55fa1fb515 -#+attr.2872f4c03dbcff28ab017927b57c01b3bcd7c745e61167fcbf62c9b7c0d77c4c -#@untar:-z:sha256:5f2bdbad629707aa7d85c623f994aa8a1d2dec55a73de5205bac0bf6058a2f7c:. - -build_env_static() { - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pthbs_build_environment/library" - export CPATH="$pthbs_build_environment/include" - export LDFLAGS="-static -L$pthbs_build_environment/library $LDFLAGS" -} -autotools_config() { - prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package - ./configure -C \ - --prefix="$prefix" \ - --build="$(${CC:-gcc} -dumpmachine)" \ - --bindir="$prefix/command" \ - --sbindir="$prefix/command" \ - --infodir="$prefix/info" \ - --localedir="$prefix/locale" \ - --mandir="$prefix/man" \ - --libdir="$prefix/library" \ - --docdir="$prefix/doc/acl" \ - --datadir="$prefix/data" \ - --datarootdir="$prefix/data" \ - --localstatedir='/var/pthbs' \ - "$@" - -} - -autotools() { - cd "$1" - shift - autotools_config "$@" - make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) - make DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" install -} - -autotools_static() { - build_env_static - autotools "$@" --enable-static --disable-shared -} -check_static() { - local exe || true - exe=$pthbs_destdir/'/versions'/$pthbs_package/$1 - if ! test -f $exe; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: file '$1' doesn't exist!" - exit 1 - fi - interp_info=$(readelf --string-dump=.interp "$exe") || exit $? - if test x '!=' "x$interp_info"; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: '$1' is a dynamic binary!" - exit 1 - fi -} - - -autotools_static acl-2.3.2 -check_static command/chacl - - - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./command/chacl"]=1 - x["./command/setfacl"]=1 - x["./command/getfacl"]=1 - x["./library/libacl.a"]=1 - x["./include/acl/libacl.h"]=1 -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/alpine-keys b/packages/alpine-keys @@ -1,109 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a - -def_prefix() { - prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package -} -def_dest() { - dest=${pthbs_destdir%/}//versions/$pthbs_package -} -def_prefix -d="${pthbs_destdir%/}/$prefix/keys/alpine" -install -d "$d/aarch64" -install -m 644 -t "$d/aarch64" '' -install -m 644 -t "$d/aarch64" '' -install -d "$d/armhf" -install -m 644 -t "$d/armhf" '' -install -m 644 -t "$d/armhf" '' -install -d "$d/armv7" -install -m 644 -t "$d/armv7" '' -install -m 644 -t "$d/armv7" '' -install -d "$d/mips64" -install -m 644 -t "$d/mips64" '' -install -d "$d/ppc64le" -install -m 644 -t "$d/ppc64le" '' -install -m 644 -t "$d/ppc64le" '' -install -d "$d/riscv64" -install -m 644 -t "$d/riscv64" '' -install -m 644 -t "$d/riscv64" '' -install -d "$d/s390x" -install -m 644 -t "$d/s390x" '' -install -m 644 -t "$d/s390x" '' -install -d "$d/x86" -install -m 644 -t "$d/x86" '' -install -m 644 -t "$d/x86" '' -install -m 644 -t "$d/x86" '' -install -d "$d/x86_64" -install -m 644 -t "$d/x86_64" '' -install -m 644 -t "$d/x86_64" '' -install -m 644 -t "$d/x86_64" '' - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "keys" { link($0); next } -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/apk-tools b/packages/apk-tools @@ -1,107 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+busybox-diffutils.a22698424a7618572314d3da6953bf6652138ec492d3a0d01c37072f74adefc4 -#+patch.29275f81d7ca08a0126c5f1029bc3a8cae04b9baf9d40d84d697bda1ffc872c1 -#+libressl.dc3d77c147487b10dba1c94c97c776418f4c5d798583f17754b647912ff70066 -#+zstd.934aa8762e5bafa2364861a6dac405b0521953ab98c893363578431396344cc8 -#+pkgconf-pkg-config.00b5dde2db59264dcdcc0fba6f3952da3a4320bcf523fc7751d0e9dd34fe6294 -#@git:4cfb907282ede4b7f52f2514fbf96c60e1cad441:apk-tools -#@sha256:921442b5f5bd0070caeb9c27137e63b804e634a2f5a2d69a82145362b2055b33:apk-tools.patch - -check_static() { - local exe || true - exe=$pthbs_destdir/'/versions'/$pthbs_package/$1 - if ! test -f $exe; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: file '$1' doesn't exist!" - exit 1 - fi - interp_info=$(readelf --string-dump=.interp "$exe") || exit $? - if test x '!=' "x$interp_info"; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: '$1' is a dynamic binary!" - exit 1 - fi -} -build_env_static() { - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pthbs_build_environment/library" - export CPATH="$pthbs_build_environment/include" - export LDFLAGS="-static -L$pthbs_build_environment/library $LDFLAGS" -} -def_prefix() { - prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package -} -def_dest() { - dest=${pthbs_destdir%/}//versions/$pthbs_package -} - -build_env_static -def_prefix -cd apk-tools -patch -p1 <../apk-tools.patch -make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) STATIC=y LUA=no V=1 \ - DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" \ - SBINDIR="$prefix/command" \ - CONFDIR="$prefix/etc/apk" \ - MANDIR="$prefix/man" \ - DOCDIR="$prefix/doc/apk" \ - INCLUDEDIR="$prefix/include" \ - LIBDIR="$prefix/library" \ - PKGCONFIGDIR="$prefix/library/pkgconfig" \ - install-static - -check_static command/apk.static - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./command/apk.static"]=1 - x["./library/libapk.a"]=1 - x["./library/pkgconfig/apk.pc"]=1} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/applyuidgid-caps b/packages/applyuidgid-caps @@ -1,93 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+skalibs.e947ec7be24461373e51baad84682e49636a5c8a7b34ae559d847428bd851d56 -#+libcap.dac6d0c77ba58588f37575c11fcbae69b3a577345260df588a815a180ada0802 -#@sha256:818a5ad7061ab1a740a5c2e7d7d8cdcc7be7e84e3f04b479731cf94ff1f1d093:applyuidgid-caps.c - -name=applyuidgid-caps -check_static() { - local exe || true - exe=$pthbs_destdir/'/versions'/$pthbs_package/$1 - if ! test -f $exe; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: file '$1' doesn't exist!" - exit 1 - fi - interp_info=$(readelf --string-dump=.interp "$exe") || exit $? - if test x '!=' "x$interp_info"; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: '$1' is a dynamic binary!" - exit 1 - fi -} -build_env_static() { - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pthbs_build_environment/library" - export CPATH="$pthbs_build_environment/include" - export LDFLAGS="-static -L$pthbs_build_environment/library $LDFLAGS" -} -def_prefix() { - prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package -} -def_dest() { - dest=${pthbs_destdir%/}//versions/$pthbs_package -} -build_env_static -def_prefix - -gcc -D_GNU_SOURCE -static -o $name $name.c $LDFLAGS -lskarnet -lcap - -install -d "$pthbs_destdir/$prefix/command" -install -m 755 $name "$pthbs_destdir/$prefix/command" -check_static command/$name - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./command/applyuidgid-caps"]=1} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/attr b/packages/attr @@ -1,121 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+busybox-diffutils.a22698424a7618572314d3da6953bf6652138ec492d3a0d01c37072f74adefc4 -#+m4.b78d93922dc9dbf43dd31037c98271490db5d6d1919b69b12122cf55fa1fb515 -#@untar:-z:sha256:39bf67452fa41d0948c2197601053f48b3d78a029389734332a6309a680c6c87:. - -build_env_static() { - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pthbs_build_environment/library" - export CPATH="$pthbs_build_environment/include" - export LDFLAGS="-static -L$pthbs_build_environment/library $LDFLAGS" -} -autotools_config() { - prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package - ./configure -C \ - --prefix="$prefix" \ - --build="$(${CC:-gcc} -dumpmachine)" \ - --bindir="$prefix/command" \ - --sbindir="$prefix/command" \ - --infodir="$prefix/info" \ - --localedir="$prefix/locale" \ - --mandir="$prefix/man" \ - --libdir="$prefix/library" \ - --docdir="$prefix/doc/attr" \ - --datadir="$prefix/data" \ - --datarootdir="$prefix/data" \ - --localstatedir='/var/pthbs' \ - "$@" - -} - -autotools() { - cd "$1" - shift - autotools_config "$@" - make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) - make DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" install -} - -autotools_static() { - build_env_static - autotools "$@" --enable-static --disable-shared -} -check_static() { - local exe || true - exe=$pthbs_destdir/'/versions'/$pthbs_package/$1 - if ! test -f $exe; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: file '$1' doesn't exist!" - exit 1 - fi - interp_info=$(readelf --string-dump=.interp "$exe") || exit $? - if test x '!=' "x$interp_info"; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: '$1' is a dynamic binary!" - exit 1 - fi -} - - -LDFLAGS=--static -autotools_static attr-2.5.2 -check_static command/attr - - - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./command/attr"]=1 - x["./command/setfattr"]=1 - x["./command/getfattr"]=1 - x["./library/libattr.a"]=1 - x["./include/attr/libattr.h"]=1 -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/bison b/packages/bison @@ -1,118 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+busybox-diffutils.a22698424a7618572314d3da6953bf6652138ec492d3a0d01c37072f74adefc4 -#+m4.b78d93922dc9dbf43dd31037c98271490db5d6d1919b69b12122cf55fa1fb515 -#+flex.fef4582769af12b635ce5a8496195afc6edbc30bb5141713e3fa24323ad2c102 -#@untar:-J:sha256:9bba0214ccf7f1079c5d59210045227bcf619519840ebfa80cd3849cff5a5bf2:. - -build_env_static() { - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pthbs_build_environment/library" - export CPATH="$pthbs_build_environment/include" - export LDFLAGS="-static -L$pthbs_build_environment/library $LDFLAGS" -} -autotools_config() { - prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package - ./configure -C \ - --prefix="$prefix" \ - --build="$(${CC:-gcc} -dumpmachine)" \ - --bindir="$prefix/command" \ - --sbindir="$prefix/command" \ - --infodir="$prefix/info" \ - --localedir="$prefix/locale" \ - --mandir="$prefix/man" \ - --libdir="$prefix/library" \ - --docdir="$prefix/doc/bison" \ - --datadir="$prefix/data" \ - --datarootdir="$prefix/data" \ - --localstatedir='/var/pthbs' \ - "$@" - -} - -autotools() { - cd "$1" - shift - autotools_config "$@" - make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) - make DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" install -} - -autotools_static() { - build_env_static - autotools "$@" --enable-static --disable-shared -} -check_static() { - local exe || true - exe=$pthbs_destdir/'/versions'/$pthbs_package/$1 - if ! test -f $exe; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: file '$1' doesn't exist!" - exit 1 - fi - interp_info=$(readelf --string-dump=.interp "$exe") || exit $? - if test x '!=' "x$interp_info"; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: '$1' is a dynamic binary!" - exit 1 - fi -} - -export CPPFLAGS="-D_GNU_SOURCE -DSTDC_HEADERS" -autotools_static bison-3.8.2 --disable-nls -check_static command/bison -rm -vrf "$pthbs_destdir"/$prefix/lib/charset.alias -rmdir -p "$pthbs_destdir"/$prefix/lib || true - - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./command/bison"]=1 -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/bootstrap.environment b/packages/bootstrap.environment @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -#+busybox.8e33d8022cc1ea565c75884e2ede0ec1cc7a7fa0b741a3e0c909c4963a4af081 -#+gnu-make.e7ff1e81614b0d3c152cd2b39eb961289d08617e45a0a749932d053bba398337 -#+musl-cross-make.03e06250b7acd3aad4222be3e3eded91886c4a605ad2712f46f9359dd99a8646- \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/busybox b/packages/busybox @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.e7ff1e81614b0d3c152cd2b39eb961289d08617e45a0a749932d053bba398337 -#+busybox.8e33d8022cc1ea565c75884e2ede0ec1cc7a7fa0b741a3e0c909c4963a4af081 -#@git:aa4d303a3139107919f73cece4eaf85a7dc75db6:busybox -#@sha256:955edd28faae9dd665f002c85466eef58ef8fd36d76d1f39eb974e22933478ab:busybox/.config - -: ${JOBS:=1} - -export CC="$pthbs_build_environment/command/x86_64-linux-musl-gcc" -export CFLAGS="-D_GNU_SOURCE" -export LDFLAGS="-static" - -cd busybox -make V=1 CROSS_COMPILE=x86_64-linux-musl- LDFLAGS=-static HOSTLDFLAGS=-static \ - HOSTCC="$CC -static" CC="$CC -static" HOSTCFLAGS=-D_GNU_SOURCE -j$JOBS - -mkdir -p "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package/command" -cp -a busybox "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package/command/" -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -echo false | ./command/busybox --list >/dev/null # test if it works -./command/busybox --list | awk ' -/^(cmp|diff)$/ {next} # provided by diffutils -/^(login)$/ {next} # provided by logincaps -/^(reset|clear)$/ {next} # provided by netbsd-curses -/^(chvt|deallocvt|fgconsole|kbd_mode|openvt|setfont|setkeycodes|showkey)$/ {next} # provided by kbd -{ print "./command/busybox\t./command/" $0 } -END { print "./command/busybox\t./command/busybox" } -' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/busybox-diffutils b/packages/busybox-diffutils @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a - -mkdir -p "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -bb=$(which busybox) -mkdir command -for exe in cmp diff; do - ln -sf "$bb" command/$exe - printf '%s\t%s\n' "./command/$exe" "./command/$exe" >> -done -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/busybox-kbd b/packages/busybox-kbd @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a - -mkdir -p "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -bb=$(which busybox) -mkdir command -for exe in chvt deallocvt fgconsole kbd_mode openvt setfont setkeycodes showkey; do - ln -sf "$bb" command/$exe - printf '%s\t%s\n' "./command/$exe" "./command/$exe" >> -done -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/busybox-login b/packages/busybox-login @@ -1,12 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a - -mkdir -p "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -bb=$(which busybox) -mkdir command -for exe in login; do - ln -sf "$bb" command/$exe - printf '%s\t%s\n' "./command/$exe" "./command/$exe" >> -done -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/busybox:bootstrap b/packages/busybox:bootstrap @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#@pragma:nosandbox -#@pragma:nopath -#+musl-cross-make.03e06250b7acd3aad4222be3e3eded91886c4a605ad2712f46f9359dd99a8646 -#+gnu-make.e7ff1e81614b0d3c152cd2b39eb961289d08617e45a0a749932d053bba398337 -#@git:aa4d303a3139107919f73cece4eaf85a7dc75db6:busybox -#@sha256:9ee52091d7a41e7e492d508574573fbebe64155d85a07980128f21105eaad1e2:busybox/.config - -: ${JOBS:=1} -mcm=/versions/musl-cross-make.03e06250b7acd3aad4222be3e3eded91886c4a605ad2712f46f9359dd99a8646 -make=/versions/gnu-make.e7ff1e81614b0d3c152cd2b39eb961289d08617e45a0a749932d053bba398337 - -export PATH="$mcm/bin:$make/command:$PATH" -export CC="$mcm/bin/x86_64-linux-musl-gcc" -export CFLAGS="-D_GNU_SOURCE" -export LDFLAGS="-static" - -cd busybox -$make/command/make V=1 CROSS_COMPILE=x86_64-linux-musl- LDFLAGS=-static HOSTLDFLAGS=-static \ - HOSTCC="$CC -static" CC="$CC -static" HOSTCFLAGS=-D_GNU_SOURCE -j$JOBS - -mkdir -p "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package/command" -cp -a busybox "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package/command/" -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -echo false | ./command/busybox --list >/dev/null # test if it works -./command/busybox --list | awk ' -{ print "./command/busybox\t./command/" $0 } -END { print "./command/busybox\t./command/busybox" } -' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/confz b/packages/confz @@ -1,81 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+zsh.3d9297eaf146984d3769d01311c79c9bc450b0a35617f04b1e8260316348ba5a -#+pthbs-banginstall.30523c8519a401f119f27afff8133facdef51d710f56d83426d446132f20f8e7 -#@git:c6aef8098d37a1773439117a5674bfc8662ef62b:confz - -: ${JOBS:=1} -prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package -pkgdir="$pthbs_destdir/$prefix" -mkdir -p "$pkgdir/" -cd 'confz' - -for d in bin sbin command; do - if test -d "$d"; then - pthbs-banginstall "$d"/* "$pkgdir" - fi -done - -if test -d vim; then - mkdir -p "$pkgdir/vimfiles/pack/plugins/start" - mv -v vim "$pkgdir/vimfiles/pack/plugins/start/$pthbs_package" -fi - -if test -d zsh-functions; then - mkdir -p "$pkgdir/zsh" - mv -v zsh-functions "$pkgdir/zsh/site-functions" -fi - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./command/confz"]=1} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "zsh" { link($0); next } -$2 == "vimfiles" { link($0); next } -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/containers b/packages/containers @@ -1,111 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+zsh.3d9297eaf146984d3769d01311c79c9bc450b0a35617f04b1e8260316348ba5a -#+pthbs-banginstall.30523c8519a401f119f27afff8133facdef51d710f56d83426d446132f20f8e7 -#+execline.0006d5db63635af3cde28e67f8cc2a715bbedfd3f92c41a690ace145afa99d2a -#@git:9a17b517ad25e478476955987a4981f7a35cec58:containers - -: ${JOBS:=1} -prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package -pkgdir="$pthbs_destdir/$prefix" -mkdir -p "$pkgdir/" -cd 'containers' - -for d in bin sbin command; do - if test -d "$d"; then - pthbs-banginstall "$d"/* "$pkgdir" - fi -done - -if test -d vim; then - mkdir -p "$pkgdir/vimfiles/pack/plugins/start" - mv -v vim "$pkgdir/vimfiles/pack/plugins/start/$pthbs_package" -fi - -if test -d zsh-functions; then - mkdir -p "$pkgdir/zsh" - mv -v zsh-functions "$pkgdir/zsh/site-functions" -fi -mkdir "$pkgdir/data" -mv -v service_scripts container_template "$pkgdir/data/" -printf '%s\n' >"$pkgdir/zsh/site-functions/confz_containers_pthbs_init" \ - "typeset -g container_template_dir='$prefix/data/container_template'" \ - "typeset -g container_service_script_dir='$prefix/data/service_scripts'" \ - "typeset -g container_alpine_keys_dir='$prefix/deps/keys/alpine/x86_64'" \ - "typeset -g container_apk_executable='$prefix/deps/command/apk.static'" \ - "typeset -g container_void_keys_dir='$prefix/deps/keys/void'" \ - "typeset -g container_xbps_install_executable='$prefix/deps/command/xbps-install.static'" - -mkdir -p "$pkgdir/deps/command" -ln -sf '/versions/apk-tools.85e6fba8c4e97526c777238ea80226427aac4fe03f9e959f54aced0250ce657f/command/apk.static' "$pkgdir/deps/command/" -ln -sf '/versions/xbps.9b05e077e1ee1017741db02508d78eeb087b35cbee1563fa2c2ec1c8e4364ac5/command/xbps-install.static' "$pkgdir/deps/command/" - -for f in '/versions/alpine-keys.740208fb96445fc471dc554174bb60fd9aa5315a11c7b7ae54d5d0d8973b4f0b'/keys/alpine/*/*; do - d=$(basename "${f%/*}") - mkdir -p "$pkgdir/deps/keys/alpine/$d" - ln -sf "$f" "$pkgdir/deps/keys/alpine/$d/" -done - -mkdir -p "$pkgdir/deps/keys/void" -for f in '/versions/xbps.9b05e077e1ee1017741db02508d78eeb087b35cbee1563fa2c2ec1c8e4364ac5'/keys/void/*; do - ln -sf "$f" "$pkgdir/deps/keys/void/" -done - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./command/container_sysroot_run"]=1 - x["./command/ns_run"]=1 - x["./command/ns_umount_script.awk"]=1 - x["./command/"]=1 - x["./zsh/site-functions/confz_containers_init"]=1 - x["./zsh/site-functions/confz_site_containers_init"]=1} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "zsh" { link($0); next } -$2 == "vimfiles" { link($0); next } -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/containers.environment b/packages/containers.environment @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+busybox-diffutils.a22698424a7618572314d3da6953bf6652138ec492d3a0d01c37072f74adefc4 -#+execline.0006d5db63635af3cde28e67f8cc2a715bbedfd3f92c41a690ace145afa99d2a -#+s6.606ada5b2e3e9595f89e3c89bc8a9510b1d4de412b364a5faeda2c5c69b96b68 -#+s6-portable-utils.af76946489a598381892d544d97c0ac4696374afaaf8b12f40949923c6028775 -#+s6-linux-utils.b2ce7f6d3c6787ad93f43eca399237605570bb54b3cf260b4c8724f19eaba09a -#+zsh.3d9297eaf146984d3769d01311c79c9bc450b0a35617f04b1e8260316348ba5a -#+confz.0c14ded4301e612c3ad954f284eedd98632f06f2c4663f0dfabc48daf17bc523 -#+containers.96809e96cb194e68fcb19c3ddb8f0f0c82f12605abcdc02bb29813108aedead1 -#+xbps.9b05e077e1ee1017741db02508d78eeb087b35cbee1563fa2c2ec1c8e4364ac5 -#+zstd.934aa8762e5bafa2364861a6dac405b0521953ab98c893363578431396344cc8 -#+apk-tools.85e6fba8c4e97526c777238ea80226427aac4fe03f9e959f54aced0250ce657f -#+alpine-keys.740208fb96445fc471dc554174bb60fd9aa5315a11c7b7ae54d5d0d8973b4f0b -#+getent.71f3361f0fdf4529c54237c17a01a1b1bc376c430096d9aa6c4fbdd7ef23ccf0 -#+fileset.998d2ed18930fb567363facae7e05fbc921118d02967e23506f72604e354a9d8 -#+pidns_run.1032361c46d54d9b55ea64514db890cf8d698bf487b089bb992d870da930665a- \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/curl b/packages/curl @@ -1,140 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+busybox-diffutils.a22698424a7618572314d3da6953bf6652138ec492d3a0d01c37072f74adefc4 -#+m4.b78d93922dc9dbf43dd31037c98271490db5d6d1919b69b12122cf55fa1fb515 -#+libressl.dc3d77c147487b10dba1c94c97c776418f4c5d798583f17754b647912ff70066 -#@untar:-J:sha256:3ccd55d91af9516539df80625f818c734dc6f2ecf9bada33c76765e99121db15:. - -build_env_static() { - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pthbs_build_environment/library" - export CPATH="$pthbs_build_environment/include" - export LDFLAGS="-static -L$pthbs_build_environment/library $LDFLAGS" -} -autotools_config() { - prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package - ./configure -C \ - --prefix="$prefix" \ - --build="$(${CC:-gcc} -dumpmachine)" \ - --bindir="$prefix/command" \ - --sbindir="$prefix/command" \ - --infodir="$prefix/info" \ - --localedir="$prefix/locale" \ - --mandir="$prefix/man" \ - --libdir="$prefix/library" \ - --docdir="$prefix/doc/curl" \ - --datadir="$prefix/data" \ - --datarootdir="$prefix/data" \ - --localstatedir='/var/pthbs' \ - "$@" - -} - -autotools() { - cd "$1" - shift - autotools_config "$@" - make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) - make DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" install -} - -autotools_static() { - build_env_static - autotools "$@" --enable-static --disable-shared -} -check_static() { - local exe || true - exe=$pthbs_destdir/'/versions'/$pthbs_package/$1 - if ! test -f $exe; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: file '$1' doesn't exist!" - exit 1 - fi - interp_info=$(readelf --string-dump=.interp "$exe") || exit $? - if test x '!=' "x$interp_info"; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: '$1' is a dynamic binary!" - exit 1 - fi -} - - -# Do not generate manpages (requires Perl) -( - cd curl-8.6.0 - t=$(busybox which true) - for f in scripts/cd2nroff docs/cmdline-opts/*.pl; do - printf '#!%s\n' "$t" >$f - done -) || exit $? - -export LDFLAGS="--static" -autotools_static curl-8.6.0 \ - --with-zlib \ - --enable-ipv6 \ - --enable-unix-sockets \ - --enable-static \ - --with-openssl \ - --disable-ldap \ - --enable-websockets \ - --without-libssh2 \ - --without-libpsl \ - --disable-manual -check_static command/curl - -rm -r -v "$pthbs_destdir"'/versions'"/$pthbs_package/man" - - - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./command/curl"]=1 - x["./library/libcurl.a"]=1 -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/default.environment b/packages/default.environment @@ -1,43 +0,0 @@ -#+system-config.1972bd82f6db046afefe1c0b1da54c8e69a1f656363a6e6f68b9c729a7b7d3d9 -#+system-config-rc.de1128ff084a289c4a114ab18625046702c64df9aebaa80d1ad3e71735f2e87b -#+system-config-scripts.737d882d87f53d188547dfb194a16c3004e0b81a4fa5b7b7eb3ae34d8da71fb8 -#+system-config-init.5ef48233da09252b2caf4a5b5c8f5f7b9e99eac269a7c9feaa149fbf2d610d63 -#+system-config-zsh.372ec3909db9167e1e30399823d5d101625a8d5945469a13c74a7b1c1b138cbe -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+diffutils.811cee54633900909246e20210325e64c29140ee4246c91f4382b5ca3bac3f0b -#+patch.29275f81d7ca08a0126c5f1029bc3a8cae04b9baf9d40d84d697bda1ffc872c1 -#+flex.fef4582769af12b635ce5a8496195afc6edbc30bb5141713e3fa24323ad2c102 -#+bison.5a767ec011cf49920b4615ae57664ff3c1bb46717bd24bd9562f2621e83a2207 -#+rsync.91a4dd56d8e661d8d4c3010d0185d3ae78d9a1868c955c7fa614b4381b3d4c76 -#+execline.0006d5db63635af3cde28e67f8cc2a715bbedfd3f92c41a690ace145afa99d2a -#+s6.606ada5b2e3e9595f89e3c89bc8a9510b1d4de412b364a5faeda2c5c69b96b68 -#+s6-rc.2d297f21dc051cec71090c8f9eb291dc571b3b7277317d93d3286be4cb3285fe -#+s6-portable-utils.af76946489a598381892d544d97c0ac4696374afaaf8b12f40949923c6028775 -#+s6-linux-utils.b2ce7f6d3c6787ad93f43eca399237605570bb54b3cf260b4c8724f19eaba09a -#+s6-linux-init.91a238b2e35c0a34a0c91556a02b1666c2952a8d18a8c321f3b50270b1b33957 -#+mdevd.fd65eedd2d322f15003ba0849cf72922e453799c6271929d4c5501de538eec42 -#+s6-dns.9821d67738d39c93d8c00e3d8582029a5fee27d26a8bad371cc3fde98a48a890 -#+libressl.dc3d77c147487b10dba1c94c97c776418f4c5d798583f17754b647912ff70066 -#+s6-networking.6b81c33e9aa3abc55014fbd9874a6a04258b74f7cf1cc4678645fba2db23450f -#+zsh.3d9297eaf146984d3769d01311c79c9bc450b0a35617f04b1e8260316348ba5a -#+pthbs-banginstall.30523c8519a401f119f27afff8133facdef51d710f56d83426d446132f20f8e7 -#+aat.0423de00911453c239f3943718170ad1d06ca9c7c938c0bce76a5f4aab9b0f70 -#+confz.0c14ded4301e612c3ad954f284eedd98632f06f2c4663f0dfabc48daf17bc523 -#+containers.96809e96cb194e68fcb19c3ddb8f0f0c82f12605abcdc02bb29813108aedead1 -#+fileset.998d2ed18930fb567363facae7e05fbc921118d02967e23506f72604e354a9d8 -#+logincaps.c4935e8d5ebb293ec1869e8120a7773db3358365ffeb6ecbb9864a83dc2e6ce7 -#+snaprep.0b4dbd38dfc5e2a0adbbdfed1d02651cc352af6d39f6fc2b67c377537101b83c -#+curl.e8bb8d9ef43708e68ea60ac3121f6f81bf13c685c1da92dbfaaf2a0abd99a2f9 -#+git.65d286e5193241da806d0c935e6efb4aa962d388dbe80d38ac3223e7f5978035 -#+xbps.9b05e077e1ee1017741db02508d78eeb087b35cbee1563fa2c2ec1c8e4364ac5 -#+apk-tools.85e6fba8c4e97526c777238ea80226427aac4fe03f9e959f54aced0250ce657f -#+getent.71f3361f0fdf4529c54237c17a01a1b1bc376c430096d9aa6c4fbdd7ef23ccf0 -#+getconf.210a9afed740510e0bbb0d0884492f3cadf4ebfa7a3aa2294d75b7e5c9c713bc -#+iconv.fcc47b2200232e2fb3447748c5046c95eaefd6de8b92a7191ec7d0d7900ae352 -#+libcap.dac6d0c77ba58588f37575c11fcbae69b3a577345260df588a815a180ada0802 -#+applyuidgid-caps.5e53e21723d27c95de9967383e079daa1040217af920213f740ec2c1ba87210d -#+nosuid.9e12f6ca85f22e3fd2e36035a0454998f41147fa7ee270cc93471323a5e84790 -#+spawn-pty.23c1a43ab7099c9ad23b725b8196dd83a80a588167c0fa28f694e7260e52f9d5 -#+safelink.2e5bc1eee414b607d1c9f6d755cee2ab0b3b054f3a496caf0234411d6f410f55- \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/diffutils b/packages/diffutils @@ -1,118 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+busybox-diffutils.a22698424a7618572314d3da6953bf6652138ec492d3a0d01c37072f74adefc4 -#+m4.b78d93922dc9dbf43dd31037c98271490db5d6d1919b69b12122cf55fa1fb515 -#@untar:-J:sha256:90e5e93cc724e4ebe12ede80df1634063c7a855692685919bfe60b556c9bd09e:. - -build_env_static() { - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pthbs_build_environment/library" - export CPATH="$pthbs_build_environment/include" - export LDFLAGS="-static -L$pthbs_build_environment/library $LDFLAGS" -} -autotools_config() { - prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package - ./configure -C \ - --prefix="$prefix" \ - --build="$(${CC:-gcc} -dumpmachine)" \ - --bindir="$prefix/command" \ - --sbindir="$prefix/command" \ - --infodir="$prefix/info" \ - --localedir="$prefix/locale" \ - --mandir="$prefix/man" \ - --libdir="$prefix/library" \ - --docdir="$prefix/doc/diffutils" \ - --datadir="$prefix/data" \ - --datarootdir="$prefix/data" \ - --localstatedir='/var/pthbs' \ - "$@" - -} - -autotools() { - cd "$1" - shift - autotools_config "$@" - make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) - make DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" install -} - -autotools_static() { - build_env_static - autotools "$@" --enable-static --disable-shared -} -check_static() { - local exe || true - exe=$pthbs_destdir/'/versions'/$pthbs_package/$1 - if ! test -f $exe; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: file '$1' doesn't exist!" - exit 1 - fi - interp_info=$(readelf --string-dump=.interp "$exe") || exit $? - if test x '!=' "x$interp_info"; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: '$1' is a dynamic binary!" - exit 1 - fi -} - - -autotools_static diffutils-3.10 --disable-nls -check_static command/diff -check_static command/cmp - - - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./command/diff"]=1 - x["./man/man1/diff.1"]=1 -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/elf.h b/packages/elf.h @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#@sha256:a6ffb38364effd623e135b206ec97ff9e6826a1f285e349a3633df55db38bc9e:elf.h - -installdir="$pthbs_destdir//versions/$pthbs_package" -mkdir -p "$installdir/include" -mv elf.h "$installdir/include" - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/elfutils b/packages/elfutils @@ -1,125 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+busybox-diffutils.a22698424a7618572314d3da6953bf6652138ec492d3a0d01c37072f74adefc4 -#+m4.b78d93922dc9dbf43dd31037c98271490db5d6d1919b69b12122cf55fa1fb515 -#@untar:-j:sha256:39bd8f1a338e2b7cd4abc3ff11a0eddc6e690f69578a57478d8179b4148708c8:. - -build_env_static() { - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pthbs_build_environment/library" - export CPATH="$pthbs_build_environment/include" - export LDFLAGS="-static -L$pthbs_build_environment/library $LDFLAGS" -} -autotools_config() { - prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package - ./configure -C \ - --prefix="$prefix" \ - --build="$(${CC:-gcc} -dumpmachine)" \ - --bindir="$prefix/command" \ - --sbindir="$prefix/command" \ - --infodir="$prefix/info" \ - --localedir="$prefix/locale" \ - --mandir="$prefix/man" \ - --libdir="$prefix/library" \ - --docdir="$prefix/doc/elfutils" \ - --datadir="$prefix/data" \ - --datarootdir="$prefix/data" \ - --localstatedir='/var/pthbs' \ - "$@" - -} - -autotools() { - cd "$1" - shift - autotools_config "$@" - make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) - make DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" install -} - -autotools_static() { - build_env_static - autotools "$@" --enable-static --disable-shared -} -check_static() { - local exe || true - exe=$pthbs_destdir/'/versions'/$pthbs_package/$1 - if ! test -f $exe; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: file '$1' doesn't exist!" - exit 1 - fi - interp_info=$(readelf --string-dump=.interp "$exe") || exit $? - if test x '!=' "x$interp_info"; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: '$1' is a dynamic binary!" - exit 1 - fi -} - -export CFLAGS="-D_GNU_SOURCE -Wno-error -Wno-null-dereference" -export LDFLAGS="-static -L/versions/musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd/lib" - -autotools elfutils-0.189 \ - --disable-nls \ - --disable-werror \ - --program-prefix=eu- \ - --enable-deterministic-archives \ - --disable-nls \ - --disable-libdebuginfod \ - --disable-debuginfod \ - --without-zstd \ - --without-argp - - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./library/libelf.a"]=1 -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/execline b/packages/execline @@ -1,83 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+skalibs.e947ec7be24461373e51baad84682e49636a5c8a7b34ae559d847428bd851d56 -#@git:fc71ed0e88d4ef910b504a96172bcc4a604aca8e:execline - -: ${JOBS:=1} -prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package -cd 'execline' -./configure \ - --prefix="$prefix" \ - --dynlibdir="${prefix}/" \ - --bindir="${prefix}/command" \ - --libdir="${prefix}/library" \ - --shebangdir="${prefix}/command" \ - --with-sysdeps='/versions/skalibs.e947ec7be24461373e51baad84682e49636a5c8a7b34ae559d847428bd851d56/sysdeps' \ - --with-include="$pthbs_build_environment/include" \ - --with-lib="$pthbs_build_environment/library" \ - --with-dynlib="$pthbs_build_environment/" \ - --disable-shared --enable-static --enable-allstatic --enable-static-libc --absolute-paths - -make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) -make DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" install -if ! test -e "${pthbs_destdir%/}$prefix/command/eltest"; then - # TODO - printf '%s\n' >"${pthbs_destdir%/}$prefix/command/eltest" \ - "#!$prefix/command/execlineb -S0" \ - 's6-test $@' - chmod +x "${pthbs_destdir%/}$prefix/command/eltest" -fi - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/fileset b/packages/fileset @@ -1,83 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+zsh.3d9297eaf146984d3769d01311c79c9bc450b0a35617f04b1e8260316348ba5a -#+pthbs-banginstall.30523c8519a401f119f27afff8133facdef51d710f56d83426d446132f20f8e7 -#@git:1b161b09bc889d17ac0a4ccce2dc3e74b64e1433:fileset - -: ${JOBS:=1} -prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package -pkgdir="$pthbs_destdir/$prefix" -mkdir -p "$pkgdir/" -cd 'fileset' - -for d in bin sbin command; do - if test -d "$d"; then - pthbs-banginstall "$d"/* "$pkgdir" - fi -done - -if test -d vim; then - mkdir -p "$pkgdir/vimfiles/pack/plugins/start" - mv -v vim "$pkgdir/vimfiles/pack/plugins/start/$pthbs_package" -fi - -if test -d zsh-functions; then - mkdir -p "$pkgdir/zsh" - mv -v zsh-functions "$pkgdir/zsh/site-functions" -fi - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./command/fslist"]=1 - x["./command/fsapply"]=1 - x["./command/fileset"]=1} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "zsh" { link($0); next } -$2 == "vimfiles" { link($0); next } -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/flex b/packages/flex @@ -1,121 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+busybox-diffutils.a22698424a7618572314d3da6953bf6652138ec492d3a0d01c37072f74adefc4 -#+m4.b78d93922dc9dbf43dd31037c98271490db5d6d1919b69b12122cf55fa1fb515 -#@untar:-z:sha256:e87aae032bf07c26f85ac0ed3250998c37621d95f8bd748b31f15b33c45ee995:. - -build_env_static() { - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pthbs_build_environment/library" - export CPATH="$pthbs_build_environment/include" - export LDFLAGS="-static -L$pthbs_build_environment/library $LDFLAGS" -} -autotools_config() { - prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package - ./configure -C \ - --prefix="$prefix" \ - --build="$(${CC:-gcc} -dumpmachine)" \ - --bindir="$prefix/command" \ - --sbindir="$prefix/command" \ - --infodir="$prefix/info" \ - --localedir="$prefix/locale" \ - --mandir="$prefix/man" \ - --libdir="$prefix/library" \ - --docdir="$prefix/doc/flex" \ - --datadir="$prefix/data" \ - --datarootdir="$prefix/data" \ - --localstatedir='/var/pthbs' \ - "$@" - -} - -autotools() { - cd "$1" - shift - autotools_config "$@" - make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) - make DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" install -} - -autotools_static() { - build_env_static - autotools "$@" --enable-static --disable-shared -} -check_static() { - local exe || true - exe=$pthbs_destdir/'/versions'/$pthbs_package/$1 - if ! test -f $exe; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: file '$1' doesn't exist!" - exit 1 - fi - interp_info=$(readelf --string-dump=.interp "$exe") || exit $? - if test x '!=' "x$interp_info"; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: '$1' is a dynamic binary!" - exit 1 - fi -} - - -export CPPFLAGS="-D_GNU_SOURCE -DSTDC_HEADERS" -export LDFLAGS="--static" -autotools_static flex-2.6.4 --disable-nls -check_static command/flex -check_static command/flex++ - - - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./command/flex"]=1 - x["./command/flex++"]=1 - #x["./command/lex"]=1 -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/getconf b/packages/getconf @@ -1,91 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#@sha256:d87d0cbb3690ae2c5d8cc218349fd8278b93855dd625deaf7ae50e320aad247c:getconf.c - -name=getconf -check_static() { - local exe || true - exe=$pthbs_destdir/'/versions'/$pthbs_package/$1 - if ! test -f $exe; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: file '$1' doesn't exist!" - exit 1 - fi - interp_info=$(readelf --string-dump=.interp "$exe") || exit $? - if test x '!=' "x$interp_info"; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: '$1' is a dynamic binary!" - exit 1 - fi -} -build_env_static() { - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pthbs_build_environment/library" - export CPATH="$pthbs_build_environment/include" - export LDFLAGS="-static -L$pthbs_build_environment/library $LDFLAGS" -} -def_prefix() { - prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package -} -def_dest() { - dest=${pthbs_destdir%/}//versions/$pthbs_package -} -build_env_static -def_prefix - -gcc -static -o $name $name.c - -install -d "$pthbs_destdir/$prefix/command" -install -m 755 $name "$pthbs_destdir/$prefix/command" -check_static command/$name - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./command/getconf"]=1} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/getent b/packages/getent @@ -1,91 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#@sha256:002c1a216f6bed0f816ab1cfebde94a0b127193ef410c36b2190599983e015b8:getent.c - -name=getent -check_static() { - local exe || true - exe=$pthbs_destdir/'/versions'/$pthbs_package/$1 - if ! test -f $exe; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: file '$1' doesn't exist!" - exit 1 - fi - interp_info=$(readelf --string-dump=.interp "$exe") || exit $? - if test x '!=' "x$interp_info"; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: '$1' is a dynamic binary!" - exit 1 - fi -} -build_env_static() { - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pthbs_build_environment/library" - export CPATH="$pthbs_build_environment/include" - export LDFLAGS="-static -L$pthbs_build_environment/library $LDFLAGS" -} -def_prefix() { - prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package -} -def_dest() { - dest=${pthbs_destdir%/}//versions/$pthbs_package -} -build_env_static -def_prefix - -gcc -static -o $name $name.c - -install -d "$pthbs_destdir/$prefix/command" -install -m 755 $name "$pthbs_destdir/$prefix/command" -check_static command/$name - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./command/getent"]=1} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/git b/packages/git @@ -1,100 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+busybox-diffutils.a22698424a7618572314d3da6953bf6652138ec492d3a0d01c37072f74adefc4 -#+m4.b78d93922dc9dbf43dd31037c98271490db5d6d1919b69b12122cf55fa1fb515 -#+libressl.dc3d77c147487b10dba1c94c97c776418f4c5d798583f17754b647912ff70066 -#+curl.e8bb8d9ef43708e68ea60ac3121f6f81bf13c685c1da92dbfaaf2a0abd99a2f9 -#@untar:-J:sha256:f612c1abc63557d50ad3849863fc9109670139fc9901e574460ec76e0511adb9:. - -check_static() { - local exe || true - exe=$pthbs_destdir/'/versions'/$pthbs_package/$1 - if ! test -f $exe; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: file '$1' doesn't exist!" - exit 1 - fi - interp_info=$(readelf --string-dump=.interp "$exe") || exit $? - if test x '!=' "x$interp_info"; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: '$1' is a dynamic binary!" - exit 1 - fi -} - -prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package - -make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) -C ./git-2.43.2 \ - LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pthbs_build_environment/library:$pthbs_build_environment/" \ - CPATH="$pthbs_build_environment/include" \ - LDFLAGS="-static --static -L$pthbs_build_environment/library" \ - CPPFLAGS="-D_GNU_SOURCE" \ - NO_REGEX=NeedsStartEnd \ - NO_TCLTK=1 NO_PYTHON=1 NO_EXPAT=1 NO_GETTEXT=1 \ - DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" \ - prefix="$prefix" \ - gitexecdir="$prefix"/git-core \ - bindir="$prefix/command" \ - mandir="$prefix/man" \ - infodir="$prefix/info" \ - sharedir="$prefix/share" \ - gitwebdir="$prefix/gitweb" \ - V=1 all install - -check_static command/git - - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./command/git"]=1 - x["./command/git-upload-archive"]=1 - x["./command/git-receive-pack"]=1 -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/gnu-make b/packages/gnu-make @@ -1,115 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.e7ff1e81614b0d3c152cd2b39eb961289d08617e45a0a749932d053bba398337 -#+busybox.8e33d8022cc1ea565c75884e2ede0ec1cc7a7fa0b741a3e0c909c4963a4af081 -#@untar:-z:sha256:dd16fb1d67bfab79a72f5e8390735c49e3e8e70b4945a15ab1f81ddb78658fb3:. - -build_env_static() { - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pthbs_build_environment/library" - export CPATH="$pthbs_build_environment/include" - export LDFLAGS="-static -L$pthbs_build_environment/library $LDFLAGS" -} -autotools_config() { - prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package - ./configure -C \ - --prefix="$prefix" \ - --build="$(${CC:-gcc} -dumpmachine)" \ - --bindir="$prefix/command" \ - --sbindir="$prefix/command" \ - --infodir="$prefix/info" \ - --localedir="$prefix/locale" \ - --mandir="$prefix/man" \ - --libdir="$prefix/library" \ - --docdir="$prefix/doc/gnu-make" \ - --datadir="$prefix/data" \ - --datarootdir="$prefix/data" \ - --localstatedir='/var/pthbs' \ - "$@" - -} - -autotools() { - cd "$1" - shift - autotools_config "$@" - make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) - make DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" install -} - -autotools_static() { - build_env_static - autotools "$@" --enable-static --disable-shared -} -check_static() { - local exe || true - exe=$pthbs_destdir/'/versions'/$pthbs_package/$1 - if ! test -f $exe; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: file '$1' doesn't exist!" - exit 1 - fi - interp_info=$(readelf --string-dump=.interp "$exe") || exit $? - if test x '!=' "x$interp_info"; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: '$1' is a dynamic binary!" - exit 1 - fi -} - - -autotools_static make-4.4.1 --disable-nls -check_static command/make - - - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./command/make"]=1 - x["./man/man1/make.1"]=1 -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/gnu-make:bootstrap b/packages/gnu-make:bootstrap @@ -1,121 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#@pragma:nosandbox -#@pragma:nopath -#+musl-cross-make.03e06250b7acd3aad4222be3e3eded91886c4a605ad2712f46f9359dd99a8646 -#@untar:-z:sha256:dd16fb1d67bfab79a72f5e8390735c49e3e8e70b4945a15ab1f81ddb78658fb3:. - -build_env_static() { - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pthbs_build_environment/library" - export CPATH="$pthbs_build_environment/include" - export LDFLAGS="-static -L$pthbs_build_environment/library $LDFLAGS" -} -autotools_config() { - prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package - ./configure -C \ - --prefix="$prefix" \ - --build="$(${CC:-gcc} -dumpmachine)" \ - --bindir="$prefix/command" \ - --sbindir="$prefix/command" \ - --infodir="$prefix/info" \ - --localedir="$prefix/locale" \ - --mandir="$prefix/man" \ - --libdir="$prefix/library" \ - --docdir="$prefix/doc/gnu-make:bootstrap" \ - --datadir="$prefix/data" \ - --datarootdir="$prefix/data" \ - --localstatedir='/var/pthbs' \ - "$@" - -} - -autotools() { - cd "$1" - shift - autotools_config "$@" - make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) - make DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" install -} - -autotools_static() { - build_env_static - autotools "$@" --enable-static --disable-shared -} -check_static() { - local exe || true - exe=$pthbs_destdir/'/versions'/$pthbs_package/$1 - if ! test -f $exe; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: file '$1' doesn't exist!" - exit 1 - fi - interp_info=$(readelf --string-dump=.interp "$exe") || exit $? - if test x '!=' "x$interp_info"; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: '$1' is a dynamic binary!" - exit 1 - fi -} - - -mcm=/versions/musl-cross-make.03e06250b7acd3aad4222be3e3eded91886c4a605ad2712f46f9359dd99a8646 - -export PATH="$mcm/bin:$PATH" -export CC="$mcm/bin/x86_64-linux-musl-gcc" -export CXX="$mcm/bin/x86_64-linux-musl-g++" -export CFLAGS="-D_GNU_SOURCE" -export LDFLAGS="-static" - -autotools make-4.4.1 --enable-static --disable-shared --disable-nls - - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./command/make"]=1 - x["./man/man1/make.1"]=1 -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/iconv b/packages/iconv @@ -1,91 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#@sha256:f79a2930a2e5bb0624321589edf8b889d1e9b603e01e6b7ae214616605b3fdd7:iconv.c - -name=iconv -check_static() { - local exe || true - exe=$pthbs_destdir/'/versions'/$pthbs_package/$1 - if ! test -f $exe; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: file '$1' doesn't exist!" - exit 1 - fi - interp_info=$(readelf --string-dump=.interp "$exe") || exit $? - if test x '!=' "x$interp_info"; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: '$1' is a dynamic binary!" - exit 1 - fi -} -build_env_static() { - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pthbs_build_environment/library" - export CPATH="$pthbs_build_environment/include" - export LDFLAGS="-static -L$pthbs_build_environment/library $LDFLAGS" -} -def_prefix() { - prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package -} -def_dest() { - dest=${pthbs_destdir%/}//versions/$pthbs_package -} -build_env_static -def_prefix - -gcc -static -o $name $name.c - -install -d "$pthbs_destdir/$prefix/command" -install -m 755 $name "$pthbs_destdir/$prefix/command" -check_static command/$name - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./command/iconv"]=1} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/kbd b/packages/kbd @@ -1,122 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+busybox-diffutils.a22698424a7618572314d3da6953bf6652138ec492d3a0d01c37072f74adefc4 -#+m4.b78d93922dc9dbf43dd31037c98271490db5d6d1919b69b12122cf55fa1fb515 -#@untar:-z:sha256:99b2a39e1c5475ffe8e1bb2004345cb8849c3cc1aedbe541beee2d45e270975f:. - -build_env_static() { - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pthbs_build_environment/library" - export CPATH="$pthbs_build_environment/include" - export LDFLAGS="-static -L$pthbs_build_environment/library $LDFLAGS" -} -autotools_config() { - prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package - ./configure -C \ - --prefix="$prefix" \ - --build="$(${CC:-gcc} -dumpmachine)" \ - --bindir="$prefix/command" \ - --sbindir="$prefix/command" \ - --infodir="$prefix/info" \ - --localedir="$prefix/locale" \ - --mandir="$prefix/man" \ - --libdir="$prefix/library" \ - --docdir="$prefix/doc/kbd" \ - --datadir="$prefix/data" \ - --datarootdir="$prefix/data" \ - --localstatedir='/var/pthbs' \ - "$@" - -} - -autotools() { - cd "$1" - shift - autotools_config "$@" - make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) - make DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" install -} - -autotools_static() { - build_env_static - autotools "$@" --enable-static --disable-shared -} -check_static() { - local exe || true - exe=$pthbs_destdir/'/versions'/$pthbs_package/$1 - if ! test -f $exe; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: file '$1' doesn't exist!" - exit 1 - fi - interp_info=$(readelf --string-dump=.interp "$exe") || exit $? - if test x '!=' "x$interp_info"; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: '$1' is a dynamic binary!" - exit 1 - fi -} - - -#export CPPFLAGS="-D_GNU_SOURCE -DSTDC_HEADERS" -export LDFLAGS="--static" -autotools_static kbd-2.6.4 \ - --disable-nls --disable-vlock --disable-werror --disable-tests \ - --datadir="$prefix/data" --datarootdir="$prefix/data" -check_static command/loadkeys -cd ../destdir -mv -v data ".$prefix/" - - - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./command/loadkeys"]=1 -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/kernel.environment b/packages/kernel.environment @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -#+linux.872d1a16eed09770dc1373b208983d264a430a3c834f976d91cd76752b07d001- \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/libarchive b/packages/libarchive @@ -1,120 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+busybox-diffutils.a22698424a7618572314d3da6953bf6652138ec492d3a0d01c37072f74adefc4 -#+m4.b78d93922dc9dbf43dd31037c98271490db5d6d1919b69b12122cf55fa1fb515 -#@untar:-J:sha256:04357661e6717b6941682cde02ad741ae4819c67a260593dfb2431861b251acb:. - -build_env_static() { - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pthbs_build_environment/library" - export CPATH="$pthbs_build_environment/include" - export LDFLAGS="-static -L$pthbs_build_environment/library $LDFLAGS" -} -autotools_config() { - prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package - ./configure -C \ - --prefix="$prefix" \ - --build="$(${CC:-gcc} -dumpmachine)" \ - --bindir="$prefix/command" \ - --sbindir="$prefix/command" \ - --infodir="$prefix/info" \ - --localedir="$prefix/locale" \ - --mandir="$prefix/man" \ - --libdir="$prefix/library" \ - --docdir="$prefix/doc/libarchive" \ - --datadir="$prefix/data" \ - --datarootdir="$prefix/data" \ - --localstatedir='/var/pthbs' \ - "$@" - -} - -autotools() { - cd "$1" - shift - autotools_config "$@" - make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) - make DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" install -} - -autotools_static() { - build_env_static - autotools "$@" --enable-static --disable-shared -} -check_static() { - local exe || true - exe=$pthbs_destdir/'/versions'/$pthbs_package/$1 - if ! test -f $exe; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: file '$1' doesn't exist!" - exit 1 - fi - interp_info=$(readelf --string-dump=.interp "$exe") || exit $? - if test x '!=' "x$interp_info"; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: '$1' is a dynamic binary!" - exit 1 - fi -} - - -export LDFLAGS=--static -autotools_static libarchive-3.7.2 --without-xml2 - -check_static command/bsdtar -check_static command/bsdcpio - - - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./command/bsdtar"]=1 - x["./command/bsdcpio"]=1 - x["./library/libarchive.a"]=1} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/libbsd b/packages/libbsd @@ -1,115 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+busybox-diffutils.a22698424a7618572314d3da6953bf6652138ec492d3a0d01c37072f74adefc4 -#+m4.b78d93922dc9dbf43dd31037c98271490db5d6d1919b69b12122cf55fa1fb515 -#+libmd.efd3d4f355cfff5e7bde0cb1461ba7ac5f27e35dbbb1ca1cbadb8a838c7cd84f -#@untar:-J:sha256:55fdfa2696fb4d55a592fa9ad14a9df897c7b0008ddb3b30c419914841f85f33:. - -build_env_static() { - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pthbs_build_environment/library" - export CPATH="$pthbs_build_environment/include" - export LDFLAGS="-static -L$pthbs_build_environment/library $LDFLAGS" -} -autotools_config() { - prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package - ./configure -C \ - --prefix="$prefix" \ - --build="$(${CC:-gcc} -dumpmachine)" \ - --bindir="$prefix/command" \ - --sbindir="$prefix/command" \ - --infodir="$prefix/info" \ - --localedir="$prefix/locale" \ - --mandir="$prefix/man" \ - --libdir="$prefix/library" \ - --docdir="$prefix/doc/libbsd" \ - --datadir="$prefix/data" \ - --datarootdir="$prefix/data" \ - --localstatedir='/var/pthbs' \ - "$@" - -} - -autotools() { - cd "$1" - shift - autotools_config "$@" - make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) - make DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" install -} - -autotools_static() { - build_env_static - autotools "$@" --enable-static --disable-shared -} -check_static() { - local exe || true - exe=$pthbs_destdir/'/versions'/$pthbs_package/$1 - if ! test -f $exe; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: file '$1' doesn't exist!" - exit 1 - fi - interp_info=$(readelf --string-dump=.interp "$exe") || exit $? - if test x '!=' "x$interp_info"; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: '$1' is a dynamic binary!" - exit 1 - fi -} - -autotools_static libbsd-0.11.8 - - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./library/libbsd.a"]=1 - x["./include/bsd/bsd.h"]=1 -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/libcap b/packages/libcap @@ -1,119 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+busybox-diffutils.a22698424a7618572314d3da6953bf6652138ec492d3a0d01c37072f74adefc4 -#+pkgconf-pkg-config.00b5dde2db59264dcdcc0fba6f3952da3a4320bcf523fc7751d0e9dd34fe6294 -#@untar:-J:sha256:f311f8f3dad84699d0566d1d6f7ec943a9298b28f714cae3c931dfd57492d7eb:. - -check_static() { - local exe || true - exe=$pthbs_destdir/'/versions'/$pthbs_package/$1 - if ! test -f $exe; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: file '$1' doesn't exist!" - exit 1 - fi - interp_info=$(readelf --string-dump=.interp "$exe") || exit $? - if test x '!=' "x$interp_info"; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: '$1' is a dynamic binary!" - exit 1 - fi -} -build_env_static() { - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pthbs_build_environment/library" - export CPATH="$pthbs_build_environment/include" - export LDFLAGS="-static -L$pthbs_build_environment/library $LDFLAGS" -} -def_prefix() { - prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package -} -def_dest() { - dest=${pthbs_destdir%/}//versions/$pthbs_package -} -def_prefix -LDFLAGS=--static -build_env_static - -cd libcap-2.69 -sed -i '1 s|^#!/bin/bash|#!/bin/sh|' progs/*.sh -make \ - DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" \ - SHARED=no DYNAMIC=no LIBCSTATIC=yes \ - prefix="$prefix" \ - exec_prefix="$prefix" \ - lib_prefix="$prefix" \ - inc_prefix="$prefix" \ - man_prefix="$prefix/share" \ - MANDIR="$prefix/man" \ - sbin=command \ - SBINDIR="$prefix/command" \ - INCDIR="$prefix/include" \ - lib=library \ - LIBDIR="$prefix/library" \ - PKGCONFIGDIR="$prefix/library/pkgconfig" \ - CAPSH_SHELL="'-DSHELL=\"$(which sh)\"'" \ - LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" \ - all install - -check_static command/capsh -check_static command/getcap -check_static command/setcap -check_static command/getpcaps - - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./command/capsh"]=1 - x["./command/getcap"]=1 - x["./command/setcap"]=1 - x["./command/getpcaps"]=1 - x["./library/libcap.a"]=1 -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/libcgroup b/packages/libcgroup @@ -1,120 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+busybox-diffutils.a22698424a7618572314d3da6953bf6652138ec492d3a0d01c37072f74adefc4 -#+m4.b78d93922dc9dbf43dd31037c98271490db5d6d1919b69b12122cf55fa1fb515 -#+flex.fef4582769af12b635ce5a8496195afc6edbc30bb5141713e3fa24323ad2c102 -#+bison.5a767ec011cf49920b4615ae57664ff3c1bb46717bd24bd9562f2621e83a2207 -#+musl-fts.35d0582eb9b197a232ade280814e9958b2a9eb3c52c079be6be04072fcc7855d -#@untar:-z:sha256:8d284d896fca1c981b55850e92acd3ad9648a69227c028dda7ae3402af878edd:. - -build_env_static() { - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pthbs_build_environment/library" - export CPATH="$pthbs_build_environment/include" - export LDFLAGS="-static -L$pthbs_build_environment/library $LDFLAGS" -} -autotools_config() { - prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package - ./configure -C \ - --prefix="$prefix" \ - --build="$(${CC:-gcc} -dumpmachine)" \ - --bindir="$prefix/command" \ - --sbindir="$prefix/command" \ - --infodir="$prefix/info" \ - --localedir="$prefix/locale" \ - --mandir="$prefix/man" \ - --libdir="$prefix/library" \ - --docdir="$prefix/doc/libcgroup" \ - --datadir="$prefix/data" \ - --datarootdir="$prefix/data" \ - --localstatedir='/var/pthbs' \ - "$@" - -} - -autotools() { - cd "$1" - shift - autotools_config "$@" - make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) - make DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" install -} - -autotools_static() { - build_env_static - autotools "$@" --enable-static --disable-shared -} -check_static() { - local exe || true - exe=$pthbs_destdir/'/versions'/$pthbs_package/$1 - if ! test -f $exe; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: file '$1' doesn't exist!" - exit 1 - fi - interp_info=$(readelf --string-dump=.interp "$exe") || exit $? - if test x '!=' "x$interp_info"; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: '$1' is a dynamic binary!" - exit 1 - fi -} - - -autotools_static libcgroup-3.0.0 -check_static command/cgconfigparser - - - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./command/cgconfigparser"]=1 - x["./man/man1/cgconfigparser.1"]=1 -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/libelf-compat b/packages/libelf-compat @@ -1,69 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#@git:1b430c2ca588b921cbf0fa76c5f18be7d6ea8aa7:s6 -#@sha256:627d1273036dc35239ba9dd1da45132e3bfce1ab8171dd27dc7952cdf09b698e:s6_clone3_newpid.patch -#@untar:-j:sha256:4496d6cec9644cda8006ead15e17e500629ce30fe85ab2f2052a77ba43a1358d:. - -: ${JOBS:=1} -cd libelf-compat-0.152c001 - -sed -i 's@HEADERS = src/libelf.h@HEADERS = src/libelf.h src/gelf.h@' Makefile -prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package -make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) prefix="$prefix" bindir="$prefix/command" includedir="$prefix/include" libdir="$prefix/library" DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" install - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./library/libelf.a"]=1 - x["./include/libelf.h"]=1 - x["./include/gelf.h"]=1 -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/libelf.h b/packages/libelf.h @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#@sha256:9be2e5a97b3fcbc60dedb71967667b9a21d562dbfdaa7f9f74f4b3d9cbb5df86:include/dwarf.h -#@sha256:0991a992f75396056c7d7f698fa7e87be24349ae85a195060d46e6a61881d97b:include/gelf.h -#@sha256:3b20df1d58f9a445785503415aea1188d33159327c2edab3d370dbd37bc4845e:include/libelf.h -#@sha256:98a8ddd1004034aeff4cc6d18e5df23f55d2869d879735c3b571594a44ba1212:include/nlist.h - -installdir="$pthbs_destdir//versions/$pthbs_package" -mkdir -p "$installdir" -mv include "$installdir/" - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/libmd b/packages/libmd @@ -1,115 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+busybox-diffutils.a22698424a7618572314d3da6953bf6652138ec492d3a0d01c37072f74adefc4 -#+m4.b78d93922dc9dbf43dd31037c98271490db5d6d1919b69b12122cf55fa1fb515 -#@untar:-J:sha256:1bd6aa42275313af3141c7cf2e5b964e8b1fd488025caf2f971f43b00776b332:. - -build_env_static() { - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pthbs_build_environment/library" - export CPATH="$pthbs_build_environment/include" - export LDFLAGS="-static -L$pthbs_build_environment/library $LDFLAGS" -} -autotools_config() { - prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package - ./configure -C \ - --prefix="$prefix" \ - --build="$(${CC:-gcc} -dumpmachine)" \ - --bindir="$prefix/command" \ - --sbindir="$prefix/command" \ - --infodir="$prefix/info" \ - --localedir="$prefix/locale" \ - --mandir="$prefix/man" \ - --libdir="$prefix/library" \ - --docdir="$prefix/doc/libmd" \ - --datadir="$prefix/data" \ - --datarootdir="$prefix/data" \ - --localstatedir='/var/pthbs' \ - "$@" - -} - -autotools() { - cd "$1" - shift - autotools_config "$@" - make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) - make DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" install -} - -autotools_static() { - build_env_static - autotools "$@" --enable-static --disable-shared -} -check_static() { - local exe || true - exe=$pthbs_destdir/'/versions'/$pthbs_package/$1 - if ! test -f $exe; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: file '$1' doesn't exist!" - exit 1 - fi - interp_info=$(readelf --string-dump=.interp "$exe") || exit $? - if test x '!=' "x$interp_info"; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: '$1' is a dynamic binary!" - exit 1 - fi -} - -autotools_static libmd-1.1.0 - - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./library/libmd.a"]=1 - x["./include/rmd160.h"]=1 - x["./include/sha512.h"]=1 -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/libressl b/packages/libressl @@ -1,122 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+busybox-diffutils.a22698424a7618572314d3da6953bf6652138ec492d3a0d01c37072f74adefc4 -#+m4.b78d93922dc9dbf43dd31037c98271490db5d6d1919b69b12122cf55fa1fb515 -#@untar:-z:sha256:6d4b8d5bbb25a1f8336639e56ec5088052d43a95256697a85c4ce91323c25954:. - -build_env_static() { - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pthbs_build_environment/library" - export CPATH="$pthbs_build_environment/include" - export LDFLAGS="-static -L$pthbs_build_environment/library $LDFLAGS" -} -autotools_config() { - prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package - ./configure -C \ - --prefix="$prefix" \ - --build="$(${CC:-gcc} -dumpmachine)" \ - --bindir="$prefix/command" \ - --sbindir="$prefix/command" \ - --infodir="$prefix/info" \ - --localedir="$prefix/locale" \ - --mandir="$prefix/man" \ - --libdir="$prefix/library" \ - --docdir="$prefix/doc/libressl" \ - --datadir="$prefix/data" \ - --datarootdir="$prefix/data" \ - --localstatedir='/var/pthbs' \ - "$@" - -} - -autotools() { - cd "$1" - shift - autotools_config "$@" - make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) - make DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" install -} - -autotools_static() { - build_env_static - autotools "$@" --enable-static --disable-shared -} -check_static() { - local exe || true - exe=$pthbs_destdir/'/versions'/$pthbs_package/$1 - if ! test -f $exe; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: file '$1' doesn't exist!" - exit 1 - fi - interp_info=$(readelf --string-dump=.interp "$exe") || exit $? - if test x '!=' "x$interp_info"; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: '$1' is a dynamic binary!" - exit 1 - fi -} - - -export LDFLAGS="--static" -autotools_static libressl-3.8.2 --sysconfdir=/etc -check_static command/openssl -check_static command/ocspcheck - - - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./command/openssl"]=1 - x["./command/ocspcheck"]=1 - x["./man/man1/openssl.1"]=1 - x["./library/libssl.a"]=1 - x["./include/tls.h"]=1 -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/libseccomp b/packages/libseccomp @@ -1,95 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+busybox-diffutils.a22698424a7618572314d3da6953bf6652138ec492d3a0d01c37072f74adefc4 -#+pkgconf-pkg-config.00b5dde2db59264dcdcc0fba6f3952da3a4320bcf523fc7751d0e9dd34fe6294 -#@untar:-z:sha256:248a2c8a4d9b9858aa6baf52712c34afefcf9c9e94b76dce02c1c9aa25fb3375:. - -check_static() { - local exe || true - exe=$pthbs_destdir/'/versions'/$pthbs_package/$1 - if ! test -f $exe; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: file '$1' doesn't exist!" - exit 1 - fi - interp_info=$(readelf --string-dump=.interp "$exe") || exit $? - if test x '!=' "x$interp_info"; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: '$1' is a dynamic binary!" - exit 1 - fi -} -build_env_static() { - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pthbs_build_environment/library" - export CPATH="$pthbs_build_environment/include" - export LDFLAGS="-static -L$pthbs_build_environment/library $LDFLAGS" -} -def_prefix() { - prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package -} -def_dest() { - dest=${pthbs_destdir%/}//versions/$pthbs_package -} -def_prefix -LDFLAGS=--static -build_env_static - -cd libseccomp-2.5.5 -autotools_static libseccomp-2.5.5 - -check_static command/scmp_sys_resolver - - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./command/scmp_sys_resolver"]=1 - x["./library/libseccomp.a"]=1 -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/linux b/packages/linux @@ -1,89 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+diffutils.811cee54633900909246e20210325e64c29140ee4246c91f4382b5ca3bac3f0b -#+patch.29275f81d7ca08a0126c5f1029bc3a8cae04b9baf9d40d84d697bda1ffc872c1 -#+flex.fef4582769af12b635ce5a8496195afc6edbc30bb5141713e3fa24323ad2c102 -#+bison.5a767ec011cf49920b4615ae57664ff3c1bb46717bd24bd9562f2621e83a2207 -#+rsync.91a4dd56d8e661d8d4c3010d0185d3ae78d9a1868c955c7fa614b4381b3d4c76 -#+libelf-compat.c9ca1e0175416ac3cf621652b59265a2bc82e8f26a7070083760bad9827e2fba -#@untar:-J:sha256:2ca1f17051a430f6fed1196e4952717507171acfd97d96577212502703b25deb:. -#@sha256:d9b01e4dac3dd140c394227603c8b3339bb2f1e10c97afd3607d84e3003ec75a:patch-6.1.34.xz -#@sha256:cb8081499f316acdc7b31b486b8d68afd68094db8f420aba0eab2c3e8de13888:linux.config -#@sha256:ff3ddd131d73fee6838b11a6c4773bdb85c5f60fdd4b9ac4120ced021c341417:noobjtool.patch - -export CFLAGS="-L$pthbs_build_environment/library -L$pthbs_build_environment/" -export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pthbs_build_environment/library:$pthbs_build_environment/" -export CPATH="$pthbs_build_environment/include" - -cd linux-6.1 -unxz -c < ../patch-6.1.34.xz | patch -p1 -N -patch -p1 -N <../noobjtool.patch -cp -v ../linux.config .config -linux64 make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) olddefconfig -diff -u ../linux.config .config || true -linux64 make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) - -installdir="$pthbs_destdir//versions/$pthbs_package" -mkdir -p "$installdir" -cp -v .config "$installdir/config" -mkdir -p "$installdir/doc" -mv Documentation/* "$installdir/doc" -linux64 make modules_install install \ - INSTALL_MOD_PATH="$installdir" \ - INSTALL_MOD_STRIP=1 \ - INSTALL_PATH="$installdir"/boot \ - INSTALL_DTBS_PATH="$installdir/boot/dtbs" - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/logincaps b/packages/logincaps @@ -1,105 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+zsh.3d9297eaf146984d3769d01311c79c9bc450b0a35617f04b1e8260316348ba5a -#+pthbs-banginstall.30523c8519a401f119f27afff8133facdef51d710f56d83426d446132f20f8e7 -#+execline.0006d5db63635af3cde28e67f8cc2a715bbedfd3f92c41a690ace145afa99d2a -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+safelink.2e5bc1eee414b607d1c9f6d755cee2ab0b3b054f3a496caf0234411d6f410f55 -#@git:79af0da183f068b99a69107b2764d9c8c3c3eaca:logincaps - -: ${JOBS:=1} -prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package -pkgdir="$pthbs_destdir/$prefix" -mkdir -p "$pkgdir/" -cd 'logincaps' - -for d in bin sbin command; do - if test -d "$d"; then - pthbs-banginstall "$d"/* "$pkgdir" - fi -done - -if test -d vim; then - mkdir -p "$pkgdir/vimfiles/pack/plugins/start" - mv -v vim "$pkgdir/vimfiles/pack/plugins/start/$pthbs_package" -fi - -if test -d zsh-functions; then - mkdir -p "$pkgdir/zsh" - mv -v zsh-functions "$pkgdir/zsh/site-functions" -fi - -pthbs-banginstall etc/loginexec "$pkgdir" - -mv -v home/loginexec ./user_loginexec -pthbs-banginstall ./user_loginexec "$pkgdir" - -cat >"$pkgdir/command/login-keepenv" <<EOF -#!$(which execlineb) -S0 -$prefix/command/login -p \$@ -EOF -chmod +x "$pkgdir/command/login-keepenv" - -cd login -sh -DLOGINEXEC_PATH="\"$prefix/command/loginexec\"" -cp -a login "$pkgdir/command/" - -safelink_executable=$(command which safelink) -safelink_executable=$(realpath "$safelink_executable") -sed -i "s|^safelink_executable=.*|safelink_executable='$safelink_executable'|" "$pkgdir/command/link-to-container-inbox" - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./command/zshaskpass_lock"]=1 - x["./command/"]=1 - x["./command/login"]=1} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "zsh" { link($0); next } -$2 == "vimfiles" { link($0); next } -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/m4 b/packages/m4 @@ -1,115 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+busybox-diffutils.a22698424a7618572314d3da6953bf6652138ec492d3a0d01c37072f74adefc4 -#@untar:-z:sha256:3be4a26d825ffdfda52a56fc43246456989a3630093cced3fbddf4771ee58a70:. - -build_env_static() { - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pthbs_build_environment/library" - export CPATH="$pthbs_build_environment/include" - export LDFLAGS="-static -L$pthbs_build_environment/library $LDFLAGS" -} -autotools_config() { - prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package - ./configure -C \ - --prefix="$prefix" \ - --build="$(${CC:-gcc} -dumpmachine)" \ - --bindir="$prefix/command" \ - --sbindir="$prefix/command" \ - --infodir="$prefix/info" \ - --localedir="$prefix/locale" \ - --mandir="$prefix/man" \ - --libdir="$prefix/library" \ - --docdir="$prefix/doc/m4" \ - --datadir="$prefix/data" \ - --datarootdir="$prefix/data" \ - --localstatedir='/var/pthbs' \ - "$@" - -} - -autotools() { - cd "$1" - shift - autotools_config "$@" - make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) - make DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" install -} - -autotools_static() { - build_env_static - autotools "$@" --enable-static --disable-shared -} -check_static() { - local exe || true - exe=$pthbs_destdir/'/versions'/$pthbs_package/$1 - if ! test -f $exe; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: file '$1' doesn't exist!" - exit 1 - fi - interp_info=$(readelf --string-dump=.interp "$exe") || exit $? - if test x '!=' "x$interp_info"; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: '$1' is a dynamic binary!" - exit 1 - fi -} - - -autotools_static m4-1.4.19 --disable-nls -check_static command/m4 - - - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./command/m4"]=1 -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/mdev-scripts b/packages/mdev-scripts @@ -1,74 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+zsh.3d9297eaf146984d3769d01311c79c9bc450b0a35617f04b1e8260316348ba5a -#+pthbs-banginstall.30523c8519a401f119f27afff8133facdef51d710f56d83426d446132f20f8e7 -#@git:b929dc1b6953f2926cbb99eae433d0a1ec0b4ebc:mdev-scripts - -def_prefix() { - prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package -} -def_dest() { - dest=${pthbs_destdir%/}//versions/$pthbs_package -} -def_prefix -def_dest - -cd 'mdev-scripts' -mkdir -p "$dest" -for script in persistent-storage dvbdev ptpdev usbdev; do - mv -v $script mdev-hook-$script - chmod +x mdev-hook-$script - pthbs-banginstall mdev-hook-$script "$dest" -done - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/mdevd b/packages/mdevd @@ -1,77 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+skalibs.e947ec7be24461373e51baad84682e49636a5c8a7b34ae559d847428bd851d56 -#+execline.0006d5db63635af3cde28e67f8cc2a715bbedfd3f92c41a690ace145afa99d2a -#@git:a25ba0f5dff29b8782dbd11741e33ea6bf0f8e26:mdevd - -: ${JOBS:=1} -prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package -cd 'mdevd' -./configure \ - --prefix="$prefix" \ - --dynlibdir="${prefix}/" \ - --bindir="${prefix}/command" \ - --libdir="${prefix}/library" \ - --shebangdir="${prefix}/command" \ - --with-sysdeps='/versions/skalibs.e947ec7be24461373e51baad84682e49636a5c8a7b34ae559d847428bd851d56/sysdeps' \ - --with-include="$pthbs_build_environment/include" \ - --with-lib="$pthbs_build_environment/library" \ - --with-dynlib="$pthbs_build_environment/" \ - --disable-shared --enable-static --enable-allstatic --enable-static-libc --absolute-paths - -make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) -make DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" install - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/mdevd.environment b/packages/mdevd.environment @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+execline.0006d5db63635af3cde28e67f8cc2a715bbedfd3f92c41a690ace145afa99d2a -#+s6.606ada5b2e3e9595f89e3c89bc8a9510b1d4de412b364a5faeda2c5c69b96b68 -#+mdev-scripts.077bcdbe4b96a19600ef4234c5999b7bdd9c7341726b80b86b689783ccb92e62 -#+mdevd.fd65eedd2d322f15003ba0849cf72922e453799c6271929d4c5501de538eec42- \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/packages/musl-cross-make b/packages/musl-cross-make @@ -1,152 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.03e06250b7acd3aad4222be3e3eded91886c4a605ad2712f46f9359dd99a8646 -#+gnu-make.e7ff1e81614b0d3c152cd2b39eb961289d08617e45a0a749932d053bba398337 -#+busybox.8e33d8022cc1ea565c75884e2ede0ec1cc7a7fa0b741a3e0c909c4963a4af081 -#@git:fd6be58297ee21fcba89216ccd0d4aca1e3f1c5c:musl-cross-make -#@sha256:ab66fc2d1c3ec0359b8e08843c9f33b63e8707efdff5e4cc5c200eae24722cbf:musl-cross-make/sources/binutils-2.33.1.tar.xz -#@sha256:75d5d255a2a273b6e651f82eecfabf6cbcd8eaeae70e86b417384c8f4a58d8d3:musl-cross-make/sources/config.sub -#@sha256:d08edc536b54c372a1010ff6619dd274c0f1603aa49212ba20f7aa2cda36fa8b:musl-cross-make/sources/gcc-11.2.0.tar.xz -#@sha256:5275bb04f4863a13516b2f39392ac5e272f5e1bb8057b18aec1c9b79d73d8fb2:musl-cross-make/sources/gmp-6.1.2.tar.bz2 -#@sha256:bdf76c15229b241e578046b8486106f09534d754ea4cbf105e0660e551fb1669:musl-cross-make/sources/linux-6.5.4.tar.xz -#@sha256:6985c538143c1208dcb1ac42cedad6ff52e267b47e5f970183a3e75125b43c2e:musl-cross-make/sources/mpc-1.1.0.tar.gz -#@sha256:c05e3f02d09e0e9019384cdd58e0f19c64e6db1fd6f5ecf77b4b1c61ca253acc:musl-cross-make/sources/mpfr-4.0.2.tar.bz2 -#@sha256:a9a118bbe84d8764da0ea0d28b3ab3fae8477fc7e4085d90102b8596fc7c75e4:musl-cross-make/sources/musl-1.2.5.tar.gz -#@sha256:4213e75809588e3f32ae0fde8fb11df2dfd6e0e013762ff5ee951c3aadb7ffc0:musl-cross-make/patches/linux-6.5.4/0001-no-rsync-headers.diff -#@sha256:68140a82582ede938159630bca0fb13a93b4bf1cb2e85b08943c26242cf8f3a6:zpipe.c - -: ${JOBS:=1} - -# For validating the compiler -printf '%s\n' 'int main(void) { return 0; }' >true.c - -printf '%s\n' >musl-cross-make/config.mak \ - "OUTPUT=${pthbs_destdir%/}/versions/$pthbs_package" \ - "TARGET=x86_64-linux-musl" \ - 'GCC_VER=11.2.0' \ - 'LINUX_VER=6.5.4' \ - 'st=-static --static' \ - 'fl=-g0 -O2' \ - 'COMMON_CONFIG += CFLAGS="${fl} ${st}" CXXFLAGS="${fl} ${st}" FFLAGS="${fl}" LDFLAGS="-s ${st}"' \ - 'COMMON_CONFIG += CC="x86_64-linux-musl-gcc ${st}" CXX="x86_64-linux-musl-g++ ${st}"' - -printf '%s %s\n' >musl-cross-make/hashes/linux-6.5.4.tar.xz.sha1 \ - 24ffca128d47b6c8e5c15efaa2b1c9ebe546c13c linux-6.5.4.tar.xz - -touch musl-cross-make/sources/* - -# Patch linker path for dynamic executables -make -C musl-cross-make gcc-11.2.0 -sed -i -e 's|/lib/ld-musl-|/versions/'"$pthbs_package"'/x86_64-linux-musl/lib/ld-musl-|' musl-cross-make/gcc-11.2.0/gcc/config/*/linux*.h - - -make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) -C musl-cross-make || exit $? -make -C musl-cross-make install || exit $? - -dd=$pthbs_destdir//versions/$pthbs_package - -# Override linker symlink -for linkname in "$dd"'/x86_64-linux-musl/lib/'ld-musl-*so*; do - ln -s -f "$linkname" -done - -# Validate the compiler -"$dd"'/bin/x86_64-linux-musl-gcc' --version -"$dd"'/bin/x86_64-linux-musl-gcc' -o true true.c -"$dd"'/bin/x86_64-linux-musl-readelf' --string-dump=.interp true >true.linker -grep -F "$pthbs_package" true.linker - -pkgs="gmp intl mpc mpfr zlib" -#pkgs="$pkgs libbacktrace libcc1 libcpp libdecnumber libiberty lto-plugin" - -for pkg in $pkgs; do - make -C musl-cross-make/build/local/x86_64-linux-musl/obj_gcc/$pkg prefix=/ DESTDIR="$dd" install -done -cp -va musl-cross-make/gcc-*.orig/zlib/zconf.h musl-cross-make/gcc-*.orig/zlib/zlib.h "$dd/include/" -mkdir -p "$dd/library/pkgconfig" -printf '%s\n' > "$dd/library/pkgconfig/zlib.pc" \ - "prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package" \ - 'exec_prefix=${prefix}' \ - 'includedir=${prefix}/include' \ - 'libdir=${exec_prefix}/library' \ - '' \ - 'Name: zlib' \ - 'Description: zlib compression library' \ - 'Version: 1.2.11' \ - '' \ - 'Requires:' \ - 'Libs: -L${libdir} -lz' \ - 'Cflags: -I${includedir}' - -# validate zlib -"$dd"'/bin/x86_64-linux-musl-gcc' -I"$dd/include" -L"$dd/lib" -static -o zpipe zpipe.c -lz -./zpipe <true.c >true.c.gz -./zpipe -d <true.c.gz >true.c.2 -cmp -s true.c true.c.2 - - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./bin/x86_64-linux-musl-g++"]=1 - x["./bin/x86_64-linux-musl-gcc"]=1 - x["./lib/libgmp.a"]=1 - x["./lib/libmpc.a"]=1 - x["./lib/libmpfr.a"]=1 - x["./lib/libz.a"]=1 - - x["./include/gmp.h"]=1 - x["./include/mpc.h"]=1 - x["./include/mpf2mpfr.h"]=1 - x["./include/mpfr.h"]=1 - x["./include/zlib.h"]=1 - x["./include/zconf.h"]=1 - -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "bin" && $3 ~ /^x86_64-linux-musl-/ { target=$3; sub("x86_64-linux-musl-", "", target); link("./command/" target) } -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/musl-cross-make:bootstrap-0 b/packages/musl-cross-make:bootstrap-0 @@ -1,99 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#@pragma:nosandbox -#@pragma:nopath -#@git:fd6be58297ee21fcba89216ccd0d4aca1e3f1c5c:musl-cross-make -#@sha256:ab66fc2d1c3ec0359b8e08843c9f33b63e8707efdff5e4cc5c200eae24722cbf:musl-cross-make/sources/binutils-2.33.1.tar.xz -#@sha256:75d5d255a2a273b6e651f82eecfabf6cbcd8eaeae70e86b417384c8f4a58d8d3:musl-cross-make/sources/config.sub -#@sha256:c95da32f440378d7751dd95533186f7fc05ceb4fb65eb5b85234e6299eb9838e:musl-cross-make/sources/gcc-9.4.0.tar.xz -#@sha256:5275bb04f4863a13516b2f39392ac5e272f5e1bb8057b18aec1c9b79d73d8fb2:musl-cross-make/sources/gmp-6.1.2.tar.bz2 -#@sha256:dc7abf734487553644258a3822cfd429d74656749e309f2b25f09f4282e05588:musl-cross-make/sources/linux-headers-4.19.88-2.tar.xz -#@sha256:6985c538143c1208dcb1ac42cedad6ff52e267b47e5f970183a3e75125b43c2e:musl-cross-make/sources/mpc-1.1.0.tar.gz -#@sha256:c05e3f02d09e0e9019384cdd58e0f19c64e6db1fd6f5ecf77b4b1c61ca253acc:musl-cross-make/sources/mpfr-4.0.2.tar.bz2 -#@sha256:a9a118bbe84d8764da0ea0d28b3ab3fae8477fc7e4085d90102b8596fc7c75e4:musl-cross-make/sources/musl-1.2.5.tar.gz - -: ${JOBS:=1} - -# For validating the compiler -printf '%s\n' 'int main(void) { return 0; }' >true.c - -printf '%s\n' >musl-cross-make/config.mak \ - "OUTPUT=${pthbs_destdir%/}/versions/$pthbs_package" \ - "TARGET=x86_64-linux-musl" \ - 'fl=-g0 -O2' \ - 'COMMON_CONFIG += CFLAGS="${fl}" CXXFLAGS="${fl}" FFLAGS="${fl}" LDFLAGS="-s"' - -touch musl-cross-make/sources/* - -# Patch linker path for dynamic executables -make -C musl-cross-make gcc-9.4.0 -sed -i -e 's|/lib/ld-musl-|/versions/'"$pthbs_package"'/x86_64-linux-musl/lib/ld-musl-|' musl-cross-make/gcc-9.4.0/gcc/config/*/linux*.h - -make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) -C musl-cross-make -make -C musl-cross-make install - -# Override linker symlink -for linkname in "${pthbs_destdir%/}"'/versions/'"$pthbs_package"'/x86_64-linux-musl/lib/'ld-musl-*so*; do - ln -s -f "$linkname" -done - -# Validate the compiler -"${pthbs_destdir%/}"'/versions'"/$pthbs_package/bin/"'x86_64-linux-musl-gcc' --version -"${pthbs_destdir%/}"'/versions'"/$pthbs_package/bin/"'x86_64-linux-musl-gcc' -o true true.c -"${pthbs_destdir%/}"'/versions'"/$pthbs_package/bin/"'x86_64-linux-musl-readelf' --string-dump=.interp true >true.linker -grep -F "$pthbs_package" true.linker - - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./bin/x86_64-linux-musl-g++"]=1 - x["./bin/x86_64-linux-musl-gcc"]=1 -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "bin" && $3 ~ /^x86_64-linux-musl-/ { target=$3; sub("x86_64-linux-musl-", "", target); link("./command/" target) } -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/musl-cross-make:bootstrap-1 b/packages/musl-cross-make:bootstrap-1 @@ -1,107 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#@pragma:nosandbox -#@pragma:nopath -#+musl-cross-make.19fa28adeb124084c3fbb1b550129d6b5bb90838dc75b718ea0a6d51d152d012 -#@git:fd6be58297ee21fcba89216ccd0d4aca1e3f1c5c:musl-cross-make -#@sha256:ab66fc2d1c3ec0359b8e08843c9f33b63e8707efdff5e4cc5c200eae24722cbf:musl-cross-make/sources/binutils-2.33.1.tar.xz -#@sha256:75d5d255a2a273b6e651f82eecfabf6cbcd8eaeae70e86b417384c8f4a58d8d3:musl-cross-make/sources/config.sub -#@sha256:d08edc536b54c372a1010ff6619dd274c0f1603aa49212ba20f7aa2cda36fa8b:musl-cross-make/sources/gcc-11.2.0.tar.xz -#@sha256:5275bb04f4863a13516b2f39392ac5e272f5e1bb8057b18aec1c9b79d73d8fb2:musl-cross-make/sources/gmp-6.1.2.tar.bz2 -#@sha256:dc7abf734487553644258a3822cfd429d74656749e309f2b25f09f4282e05588:musl-cross-make/sources/linux-headers-4.19.88-2.tar.xz -#@sha256:6985c538143c1208dcb1ac42cedad6ff52e267b47e5f970183a3e75125b43c2e:musl-cross-make/sources/mpc-1.1.0.tar.gz -#@sha256:c05e3f02d09e0e9019384cdd58e0f19c64e6db1fd6f5ecf77b4b1c61ca253acc:musl-cross-make/sources/mpfr-4.0.2.tar.bz2 -#@sha256:a9a118bbe84d8764da0ea0d28b3ab3fae8477fc7e4085d90102b8596fc7c75e4:musl-cross-make/sources/musl-1.2.5.tar.gz - -: ${JOBS:=1} -bootstrap=/versions/musl-cross-make.19fa28adeb124084c3fbb1b550129d6b5bb90838dc75b718ea0a6d51d152d012 -"$bootstrap/bin/x86_64-linux-musl-gcc" --version - -# For validating the compiler -printf '%s\n' 'int main(void) { return 0; }' >true.c - -printf '%s\n' >musl-cross-make/config.mak \ - "OUTPUT=${pthbs_destdir%/}/versions/$pthbs_package" \ - 'GCC_VER=11.2.0' \ - "TARGET=x86_64-linux-musl" \ - 'st=-static --static' \ - 'fl=-g0 -O2' \ - "bbin=$bootstrap/bin" \ - 'COMMON_CONFIG += CFLAGS="${fl}" CXXFLAGS="${fl}" FFLAGS="${fl}" LDFLAGS="-s ${st}"' \ - 'COMMON_CONFIG += CC="${bbin}/x86_64-linux-musl-gcc ${st}" CXX="${bbin}/x86_64-linux-musl-g++ ${st}"' - -touch musl-cross-make/sources/* - -# Patch linker path for dynamic executables -make -C musl-cross-make gcc-11.2.0 -sed -i -e 's|/lib/ld-musl-|/versions/'"$pthbs_package"'/x86_64-linux-musl/lib/ld-musl-|' musl-cross-make/gcc-11.2.0/gcc/config/*/linux*.h - -export PATH="$bootstrap/bin:$PATH" -make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) -C musl-cross-make -make -C musl-cross-make install - -# Override linker symlink -for linkname in "${pthbs_destdir%/}"'/versions/'"$pthbs_package"'/x86_64-linux-musl/lib/'ld-musl-*so*; do - ln -s -f "$linkname" -done - -# Validate the compiler -"${pthbs_destdir%/}"'/versions'"/$pthbs_package/bin/"'x86_64-linux-musl-gcc' --version -"${pthbs_destdir%/}"'/versions'"/$pthbs_package/bin/"'x86_64-linux-musl-gcc' -o true true.c -"${pthbs_destdir%/}"'/versions'"/$pthbs_package/bin/"'x86_64-linux-musl-readelf' --string-dump=.interp true >true.linker -grep -F "$pthbs_package" true.linker - - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./bin/x86_64-linux-musl-g++"]=1 - x["./bin/x86_64-linux-musl-gcc"]=1 -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "bin" && $3 ~ /^x86_64-linux-musl-/ { target=$3; sub("x86_64-linux-musl-", "", target); link("./command/" target) } -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/musl-fts b/packages/musl-fts @@ -1,116 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+busybox-diffutils.a22698424a7618572314d3da6953bf6652138ec492d3a0d01c37072f74adefc4 -#+m4.b78d93922dc9dbf43dd31037c98271490db5d6d1919b69b12122cf55fa1fb515 -#@untar:-z:sha256:49ae567a96dbab22823d045ffebe0d6b14b9b799925e9ca9274d47d26ff482a6:. - -build_env_static() { - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pthbs_build_environment/library" - export CPATH="$pthbs_build_environment/include" - export LDFLAGS="-static -L$pthbs_build_environment/library $LDFLAGS" -} -autotools_config() { - prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package - ./configure -C \ - --prefix="$prefix" \ - --build="$(${CC:-gcc} -dumpmachine)" \ - --bindir="$prefix/command" \ - --sbindir="$prefix/command" \ - --infodir="$prefix/info" \ - --localedir="$prefix/locale" \ - --mandir="$prefix/man" \ - --libdir="$prefix/library" \ - --docdir="$prefix/doc/musl-fts" \ - --datadir="$prefix/data" \ - --datarootdir="$prefix/data" \ - --localstatedir='/var/pthbs' \ - "$@" - -} - -autotools() { - cd "$1" - shift - autotools_config "$@" - make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) - make DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" install -} - -autotools_static() { - build_env_static - autotools "$@" --enable-static --disable-shared -} -check_static() { - local exe || true - exe=$pthbs_destdir/'/versions'/$pthbs_package/$1 - if ! test -f $exe; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: file '$1' doesn't exist!" - exit 1 - fi - interp_info=$(readelf --string-dump=.interp "$exe") || exit $? - if test x '!=' "x$interp_info"; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: '$1' is a dynamic binary!" - exit 1 - fi -} - - -autotools_static musl-fts-1.2.7 - - - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./library/libfts.a"]=1 - x["./include/fts.h"]=1 -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/netbsd-curses b/packages/netbsd-curses @@ -1,79 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#@git:5874f9b1ced9c29d7d590d95e254b252f657a160:curses - -export CFLAGS="-L$pthbs_build_environment/library -L$pthbs_build_environment/" -export LDFLAGS="-static -L$pthbs_build_environment/library $LDFLAGS" -export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pthbs_build_environment/library:$pthbs_build_environment/" -export CPATH="$pthbs_build_environment/include" - -cd curses -prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package -make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) -cat << EOF > config.mak -PREFIX=$prefix -PREFIX="$prefix" -BINDIR="$prefix/command" -INCDIR="$prefix/include" -LIBDIR="$prefix/library" -MANDIR="$prefix/man" -DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" -EOF - -make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) -make install-static - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./library/libncurses.a"]=1 -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/nosuid b/packages/nosuid @@ -1,92 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+skalibs.e947ec7be24461373e51baad84682e49636a5c8a7b34ae559d847428bd851d56 -#@sha256:d53f929459d390275a98f948b570697c03b55384fd2536b8a5d72950d194c0c4:nosuid.c - -name=nosuid -check_static() { - local exe || true - exe=$pthbs_destdir/'/versions'/$pthbs_package/$1 - if ! test -f $exe; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: file '$1' doesn't exist!" - exit 1 - fi - interp_info=$(readelf --string-dump=.interp "$exe") || exit $? - if test x '!=' "x$interp_info"; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: '$1' is a dynamic binary!" - exit 1 - fi -} -build_env_static() { - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pthbs_build_environment/library" - export CPATH="$pthbs_build_environment/include" - export LDFLAGS="-static -L$pthbs_build_environment/library $LDFLAGS" -} -def_prefix() { - prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package -} -def_dest() { - dest=${pthbs_destdir%/}//versions/$pthbs_package -} -build_env_static -def_prefix - -gcc -D_GNU_SOURCE -static -o $name $name.c $LDFLAGS -lskarnet - -install -d "$pthbs_destdir/$prefix/command" -install -m 755 $name "$pthbs_destdir/$prefix/command" -check_static command/$name - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./command/nosuid"]=1} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/patch b/packages/patch @@ -1,115 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+busybox-diffutils.a22698424a7618572314d3da6953bf6652138ec492d3a0d01c37072f74adefc4 -#+m4.b78d93922dc9dbf43dd31037c98271490db5d6d1919b69b12122cf55fa1fb515 -#@untar:-J:sha256:ac610bda97abe0d9f6b7c963255a11dcb196c25e337c61f94e4778d632f1d8fd:. - -build_env_static() { - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pthbs_build_environment/library" - export CPATH="$pthbs_build_environment/include" - export LDFLAGS="-static -L$pthbs_build_environment/library $LDFLAGS" -} -autotools_config() { - prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package - ./configure -C \ - --prefix="$prefix" \ - --build="$(${CC:-gcc} -dumpmachine)" \ - --bindir="$prefix/command" \ - --sbindir="$prefix/command" \ - --infodir="$prefix/info" \ - --localedir="$prefix/locale" \ - --mandir="$prefix/man" \ - --libdir="$prefix/library" \ - --docdir="$prefix/doc/patch" \ - --datadir="$prefix/data" \ - --datarootdir="$prefix/data" \ - --localstatedir='/var/pthbs' \ - "$@" - -} - -autotools() { - cd "$1" - shift - autotools_config "$@" - make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) - make DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" install -} - -autotools_static() { - build_env_static - autotools "$@" --enable-static --disable-shared -} -check_static() { - local exe || true - exe=$pthbs_destdir/'/versions'/$pthbs_package/$1 - if ! test -f $exe; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: file '$1' doesn't exist!" - exit 1 - fi - interp_info=$(readelf --string-dump=.interp "$exe") || exit $? - if test x '!=' "x$interp_info"; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: '$1' is a dynamic binary!" - exit 1 - fi -} - - -autotools_static patch-2.7.6 --disable-nls -check_static command/patch - - - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/patchelf:bootstrap b/packages/patchelf:bootstrap @@ -1,114 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#@pragma:nosandbox -#@pragma:nopath -#@git:7c2f768bf9601268a4e71c2ebe91e2011918a70f:patchelf - -build_env_static() { - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pthbs_build_environment/library" - export CPATH="$pthbs_build_environment/include" - export LDFLAGS="-static -L$pthbs_build_environment/library $LDFLAGS" -} -autotools_config() { - prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package - ./configure -C \ - --prefix="$prefix" \ - --build="$(${CC:-gcc} -dumpmachine)" \ - --bindir="$prefix/command" \ - --sbindir="$prefix/command" \ - --infodir="$prefix/info" \ - --localedir="$prefix/locale" \ - --mandir="$prefix/man" \ - --libdir="$prefix/library" \ - --docdir="$prefix/doc/patchelf:bootstrap" \ - --datadir="$prefix/data" \ - --datarootdir="$prefix/data" \ - --localstatedir='/var/pthbs' \ - "$@" - -} - -autotools() { - cd "$1" - shift - autotools_config "$@" - make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) - make DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" install -} - -autotools_static() { - build_env_static - autotools "$@" --enable-static --disable-shared -} -check_static() { - local exe || true - exe=$pthbs_destdir/'/versions'/$pthbs_package/$1 - if ! test -f $exe; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: file '$1' doesn't exist!" - exit 1 - fi - interp_info=$(readelf --string-dump=.interp "$exe") || exit $? - if test x '!=' "x$interp_info"; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: '$1' is a dynamic binary!" - exit 1 - fi -} - -cd patchelf -./ -autotools_static . --disable-nls -check_static command/patchelf - - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./command/patchelf"]=1 - x["./man/man1/patchelf.1"]=1 -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/pidns_run b/packages/pidns_run @@ -1,92 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+skalibs.e947ec7be24461373e51baad84682e49636a5c8a7b34ae559d847428bd851d56 -#@sha256:c7be49de876eea64554e2e46bcaa7059083bcd6210c5007fd9030e0a6e57a0dd:pidns_run.c - -name=pidns_run -check_static() { - local exe || true - exe=$pthbs_destdir/'/versions'/$pthbs_package/$1 - if ! test -f $exe; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: file '$1' doesn't exist!" - exit 1 - fi - interp_info=$(readelf --string-dump=.interp "$exe") || exit $? - if test x '!=' "x$interp_info"; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: '$1' is a dynamic binary!" - exit 1 - fi -} -build_env_static() { - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pthbs_build_environment/library" - export CPATH="$pthbs_build_environment/include" - export LDFLAGS="-static -L$pthbs_build_environment/library $LDFLAGS" -} -def_prefix() { - prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package -} -def_dest() { - dest=${pthbs_destdir%/}//versions/$pthbs_package -} -build_env_static -def_prefix - -gcc -D_GNU_SOURCE -static -o $name $name.c $LDFLAGS -lskarnet - -install -d "$pthbs_destdir/$prefix/command" -install -m 755 $name "$pthbs_destdir/$prefix/command" -check_static command/$name - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./command/pidns_run"]=1} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/pkgconf b/packages/pkgconf @@ -1,117 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+busybox-diffutils.a22698424a7618572314d3da6953bf6652138ec492d3a0d01c37072f74adefc4 -#+m4.b78d93922dc9dbf43dd31037c98271490db5d6d1919b69b12122cf55fa1fb515 -#@untar:-J:sha256:3a224f2accf091b77a5781316e27b9ee3ba82c083cc2e539e08940b68a44fec5:. - -build_env_static() { - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pthbs_build_environment/library" - export CPATH="$pthbs_build_environment/include" - export LDFLAGS="-static -L$pthbs_build_environment/library $LDFLAGS" -} -autotools_config() { - prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package - ./configure -C \ - --prefix="$prefix" \ - --build="$(${CC:-gcc} -dumpmachine)" \ - --bindir="$prefix/command" \ - --sbindir="$prefix/command" \ - --infodir="$prefix/info" \ - --localedir="$prefix/locale" \ - --mandir="$prefix/man" \ - --libdir="$prefix/library" \ - --docdir="$prefix/doc/pkgconf" \ - --datadir="$prefix/data" \ - --datarootdir="$prefix/data" \ - --localstatedir='/var/pthbs' \ - "$@" - -} - -autotools() { - cd "$1" - shift - autotools_config "$@" - make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) - make DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" install -} - -autotools_static() { - build_env_static - autotools "$@" --enable-static --disable-shared -} -check_static() { - local exe || true - exe=$pthbs_destdir/'/versions'/$pthbs_package/$1 - if ! test -f $exe; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: file '$1' doesn't exist!" - exit 1 - fi - interp_info=$(readelf --string-dump=.interp "$exe") || exit $? - if test x '!=' "x$interp_info"; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: '$1' is a dynamic binary!" - exit 1 - fi -} - - -export LDFLAGS=--static -autotools_static pkgconf-2.1.1 --with-pkg-config-dir= - -check_static command/pkgconf - - - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./command/pkgconf"]=1} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/pkgconf-pkg-config b/packages/pkgconf-pkg-config @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+pkgconf.d0fef242f6fb7ad19bdc74b6361958616cee9802eb289c7722c7fec7b79cbd90 - -mkdir -p "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -exe=$(realpath "$(which pkgconf)") -mkdir command -ln -sf "$exe" command/pkg-config -printf '%s\t%s\n' "./command/pkg-config" "./command/pkg-config" >> -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/popt b/packages/popt @@ -1,114 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+busybox-diffutils.a22698424a7618572314d3da6953bf6652138ec492d3a0d01c37072f74adefc4 -#+m4.b78d93922dc9dbf43dd31037c98271490db5d6d1919b69b12122cf55fa1fb515 -#@untar:-z:sha256:c25a4838fc8e4c1c8aacb8bd620edb3084a3d63bf8987fdad3ca2758c63240f9:. - -build_env_static() { - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pthbs_build_environment/library" - export CPATH="$pthbs_build_environment/include" - export LDFLAGS="-static -L$pthbs_build_environment/library $LDFLAGS" -} -autotools_config() { - prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package - ./configure -C \ - --prefix="$prefix" \ - --build="$(${CC:-gcc} -dumpmachine)" \ - --bindir="$prefix/command" \ - --sbindir="$prefix/command" \ - --infodir="$prefix/info" \ - --localedir="$prefix/locale" \ - --mandir="$prefix/man" \ - --libdir="$prefix/library" \ - --docdir="$prefix/doc/popt" \ - --datadir="$prefix/data" \ - --datarootdir="$prefix/data" \ - --localstatedir='/var/pthbs' \ - "$@" - -} - -autotools() { - cd "$1" - shift - autotools_config "$@" - make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) - make DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" install -} - -autotools_static() { - build_env_static - autotools "$@" --enable-static --disable-shared -} -check_static() { - local exe || true - exe=$pthbs_destdir/'/versions'/$pthbs_package/$1 - if ! test -f $exe; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: file '$1' doesn't exist!" - exit 1 - fi - interp_info=$(readelf --string-dump=.interp "$exe") || exit $? - if test x '!=' "x$interp_info"; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: '$1' is a dynamic binary!" - exit 1 - fi -} - -autotools_static popt-1.19 --disable-nls - - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./include/popt.h"]=1 - x["./library/libpopt.a"]=1 -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/pthbs-banginstall b/packages/pthbs-banginstall @@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+zsh.3d9297eaf146984d3769d01311c79c9bc450b0a35617f04b1e8260316348ba5a -#@sha256:1e021bddaf5c020ede9107656494715236a894557b99035365fc999605541b2d:pthbs-banginstall - -installdir="$pthbs_destdir//versions/$pthbs_package" -mkdir -p "$installdir/command" -chmod +x pthbs-banginstall -zsh -x pthbs-banginstall pthbs-banginstall "$installdir" - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./command/pthbs-banginstall"]=1 -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/rsync b/packages/rsync @@ -1,125 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+busybox-diffutils.a22698424a7618572314d3da6953bf6652138ec492d3a0d01c37072f74adefc4 -#+m4.b78d93922dc9dbf43dd31037c98271490db5d6d1919b69b12122cf55fa1fb515 -#+popt.be9e38500a387f251cbc85149b3d14d7c86e87dbc6801f7ae1b630d6f2cad8a9 -#+libressl.dc3d77c147487b10dba1c94c97c776418f4c5d798583f17754b647912ff70066 -#+zstd.934aa8762e5bafa2364861a6dac405b0521953ab98c893363578431396344cc8 -#@untar:-z:sha256:4e7d9d3f6ed10878c58c5fb724a67dacf4b6aac7340b13e488fb2dc41346f2bb:. - -build_env_static() { - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pthbs_build_environment/library" - export CPATH="$pthbs_build_environment/include" - export LDFLAGS="-static -L$pthbs_build_environment/library $LDFLAGS" -} -autotools_config() { - prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package - ./configure -C \ - --prefix="$prefix" \ - --build="$(${CC:-gcc} -dumpmachine)" \ - --bindir="$prefix/command" \ - --sbindir="$prefix/command" \ - --infodir="$prefix/info" \ - --localedir="$prefix/locale" \ - --mandir="$prefix/man" \ - --libdir="$prefix/library" \ - --docdir="$prefix/doc/rsync" \ - --datadir="$prefix/data" \ - --datarootdir="$prefix/data" \ - --localstatedir='/var/pthbs' \ - "$@" - -} - -autotools() { - cd "$1" - shift - autotools_config "$@" - make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) - make DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" install -} - -autotools_static() { - build_env_static - autotools "$@" --enable-static --disable-shared -} -check_static() { - local exe || true - exe=$pthbs_destdir/'/versions'/$pthbs_package/$1 - if ! test -f $exe; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: file '$1' doesn't exist!" - exit 1 - fi - interp_info=$(readelf --string-dump=.interp "$exe") || exit $? - if test x '!=' "x$interp_info"; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: '$1' is a dynamic binary!" - exit 1 - fi -} - - -autotools_static rsync-3.2.7 \ - --without-included-popt \ - --enable-openssl \ - --enable-zstd \ - --disable-xxhash \ - --disable-lz4 -check_static command/rsync - - - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./command/rsync"]=1 - x["./man/man1/rsync.1"]=1 -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/s6 b/packages/s6 @@ -1,79 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+patch.29275f81d7ca08a0126c5f1029bc3a8cae04b9baf9d40d84d697bda1ffc872c1 -#+skalibs.e947ec7be24461373e51baad84682e49636a5c8a7b34ae559d847428bd851d56 -#+execline.0006d5db63635af3cde28e67f8cc2a715bbedfd3f92c41a690ace145afa99d2a -#@git:1b430c2ca588b921cbf0fa76c5f18be7d6ea8aa7:s6 - -: ${JOBS:=1} - -prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package -cd s6 -./configure \ - --prefix="$prefix" \ - --dynlibdir="${prefix}/" \ - --bindir="${prefix}/command" \ - --libdir="${prefix}/library" \ - --shebangdir="${prefix}/command" \ - --with-sysdeps='/versions/skalibs.e947ec7be24461373e51baad84682e49636a5c8a7b34ae559d847428bd851d56/sysdeps' \ - --with-include="$pthbs_build_environment/include" \ - --with-lib="$pthbs_build_environment/library" \ - --with-dynlib="$pthbs_build_environment/" \ - --disable-shared --enable-static --enable-allstatic --enable-static-libc --absolute-paths - -make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) CFLAGS=-DWANT_CLONE_NEWPID -make DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" install - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/s6-dns b/packages/s6-dns @@ -1,76 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+skalibs.e947ec7be24461373e51baad84682e49636a5c8a7b34ae559d847428bd851d56 -#@git:56f0665c3f60d5728b1b2b6f4ec991a500443e31:s6-dns - -: ${JOBS:=1} -prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package -cd 's6-dns' -./configure \ - --prefix="$prefix" \ - --dynlibdir="${prefix}/" \ - --bindir="${prefix}/command" \ - --libdir="${prefix}/library" \ - --shebangdir="${prefix}/command" \ - --with-sysdeps='/versions/skalibs.e947ec7be24461373e51baad84682e49636a5c8a7b34ae559d847428bd851d56/sysdeps' \ - --with-include="$pthbs_build_environment/include" \ - --with-lib="$pthbs_build_environment/library" \ - --with-dynlib="$pthbs_build_environment/" \ - --disable-shared --enable-static --enable-allstatic --enable-static-libc --absolute-paths - -make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) -make DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" install - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/s6-linux-init b/packages/s6-linux-init @@ -1,78 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+skalibs.e947ec7be24461373e51baad84682e49636a5c8a7b34ae559d847428bd851d56 -#+execline.0006d5db63635af3cde28e67f8cc2a715bbedfd3f92c41a690ace145afa99d2a -#+s6.606ada5b2e3e9595f89e3c89bc8a9510b1d4de412b364a5faeda2c5c69b96b68 -#@git:af9c36d379c9c71c4111cc15545f0938cca8e68e:s6-linux-init - -: ${JOBS:=1} -prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package -cd 's6-linux-init' -./configure \ - --prefix="$prefix" \ - --dynlibdir="${prefix}/" \ - --bindir="${prefix}/command" \ - --libdir="${prefix}/library" \ - --shebangdir="${prefix}/command" \ - --with-sysdeps='/versions/skalibs.e947ec7be24461373e51baad84682e49636a5c8a7b34ae559d847428bd851d56/sysdeps' \ - --with-include="$pthbs_build_environment/include" \ - --with-lib="$pthbs_build_environment/library" \ - --with-dynlib="$pthbs_build_environment/" \ - --disable-shared --enable-static --enable-allstatic --enable-static-libc --absolute-paths - -make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) -make DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" install - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/s6-linux-utils b/packages/s6-linux-utils @@ -1,76 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+skalibs.e947ec7be24461373e51baad84682e49636a5c8a7b34ae559d847428bd851d56 -#@git:4ac235b523cd1b50bd681e31c8241a2b8bdd3060:s6-linux-utils - -: ${JOBS:=1} -prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package -cd 's6-linux-utils' -./configure \ - --prefix="$prefix" \ - --dynlibdir="${prefix}/" \ - --bindir="${prefix}/command" \ - --libdir="${prefix}/library" \ - --shebangdir="${prefix}/command" \ - --with-sysdeps='/versions/skalibs.e947ec7be24461373e51baad84682e49636a5c8a7b34ae559d847428bd851d56/sysdeps' \ - --with-include="$pthbs_build_environment/include" \ - --with-lib="$pthbs_build_environment/library" \ - --with-dynlib="$pthbs_build_environment/" \ - --disable-shared --enable-static --enable-allstatic --enable-static-libc --absolute-paths - -make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) -make DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" install - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/s6-networking b/packages/s6-networking @@ -1,84 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+skalibs.e947ec7be24461373e51baad84682e49636a5c8a7b34ae559d847428bd851d56 -#+execline.0006d5db63635af3cde28e67f8cc2a715bbedfd3f92c41a690ace145afa99d2a -#+s6.606ada5b2e3e9595f89e3c89bc8a9510b1d4de412b364a5faeda2c5c69b96b68 -#+s6-dns.9821d67738d39c93d8c00e3d8582029a5fee27d26a8bad371cc3fde98a48a890 -#+libressl.dc3d77c147487b10dba1c94c97c776418f4c5d798583f17754b647912ff70066 -#@git:3f4b601c6503e26de21c2495053df638e1c2b0c6:s6-networking - -: ${JOBS:=1} -prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package -cd 's6-networking' -./configure --enable-ssl=libtls \ - --prefix="$prefix" \ - --dynlibdir="${prefix}/" \ - --bindir="${prefix}/command" \ - --libdir="${prefix}/library" \ - --shebangdir="${prefix}/command" \ - --with-sysdeps='/versions/skalibs.e947ec7be24461373e51baad84682e49636a5c8a7b34ae559d847428bd851d56/sysdeps' \ - --with-include="$pthbs_build_environment/include" \ - --with-lib="$pthbs_build_environment/library" \ - --with-dynlib="$pthbs_build_environment/" \ - --disable-shared --enable-static --enable-allstatic --enable-static-libc --absolute-paths - -make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) -make DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" install - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./command/s6-tcpclient"]=1 - x["./command/s6-tcpserver"]=1 - x["./command/s6-tlsclient"]=1 - x["./command/s6-tlsserver"]=1 -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/s6-portable-utils b/packages/s6-portable-utils @@ -1,76 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+skalibs.e947ec7be24461373e51baad84682e49636a5c8a7b34ae559d847428bd851d56 -#@git:00ad09ecf7ad44e32c3cc54819bbf50e944fd4f9:s6-portable-utils - -: ${JOBS:=1} -prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package -cd 's6-portable-utils' -./configure \ - --prefix="$prefix" \ - --dynlibdir="${prefix}/" \ - --bindir="${prefix}/command" \ - --libdir="${prefix}/library" \ - --shebangdir="${prefix}/command" \ - --with-sysdeps='/versions/skalibs.e947ec7be24461373e51baad84682e49636a5c8a7b34ae559d847428bd851d56/sysdeps' \ - --with-include="$pthbs_build_environment/include" \ - --with-lib="$pthbs_build_environment/library" \ - --with-dynlib="$pthbs_build_environment/" \ - --disable-shared --enable-static --enable-allstatic --enable-static-libc --absolute-paths - -make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) -make DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" install - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/s6-rc b/packages/s6-rc @@ -1,78 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+skalibs.e947ec7be24461373e51baad84682e49636a5c8a7b34ae559d847428bd851d56 -#+execline.0006d5db63635af3cde28e67f8cc2a715bbedfd3f92c41a690ace145afa99d2a -#+s6.606ada5b2e3e9595f89e3c89bc8a9510b1d4de412b364a5faeda2c5c69b96b68 -#@git:d3a944d70ef6b07753659aabe237168f91473fc8:s6-rc - -: ${JOBS:=1} -prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package -cd 's6-rc' -./configure \ - --prefix="$prefix" \ - --dynlibdir="${prefix}/" \ - --bindir="${prefix}/command" \ - --libdir="${prefix}/library" \ - --shebangdir="${prefix}/command" \ - --with-sysdeps='/versions/skalibs.e947ec7be24461373e51baad84682e49636a5c8a7b34ae559d847428bd851d56/sysdeps' \ - --with-include="$pthbs_build_environment/include" \ - --with-lib="$pthbs_build_environment/library" \ - --with-dynlib="$pthbs_build_environment/" \ - --disable-shared --enable-static --enable-allstatic --enable-static-libc --absolute-paths - -make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) -make DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" install - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/safelink b/packages/safelink @@ -1,92 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+skalibs.e947ec7be24461373e51baad84682e49636a5c8a7b34ae559d847428bd851d56 -#@sha256:4c8df9ba4d6a4a7e9042ef03e3dbf893636785f42e55391c4e4cefcb632b2467:safelink.c - -name=safelink -check_static() { - local exe || true - exe=$pthbs_destdir/'/versions'/$pthbs_package/$1 - if ! test -f $exe; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: file '$1' doesn't exist!" - exit 1 - fi - interp_info=$(readelf --string-dump=.interp "$exe") || exit $? - if test x '!=' "x$interp_info"; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: '$1' is a dynamic binary!" - exit 1 - fi -} -build_env_static() { - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pthbs_build_environment/library" - export CPATH="$pthbs_build_environment/include" - export LDFLAGS="-static -L$pthbs_build_environment/library $LDFLAGS" -} -def_prefix() { - prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package -} -def_dest() { - dest=${pthbs_destdir%/}//versions/$pthbs_package -} -build_env_static -def_prefix - -gcc -ggdb -D_GNU_SOURCE -static -o $name $name.c $LDFLAGS -lskarnet - -install -d "$pthbs_destdir/$prefix/command" -install -m 755 $name "$pthbs_destdir/$prefix/command" -check_static command/$name - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./command/safelink"]=1} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/skalibs b/packages/skalibs @@ -1,81 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#@git:2a27988ba9cdc6d7f55458c80780bda45215aa9a:skalibs - -: ${JOBS:=1} - -export CC="$pthbs_build_environment/command/x86_64-linux-musl-gcc" -export CXX="$pthbs_build_environment/command/x86_64-linux-musl-g++" -export LD="$pthbs_build_environment/command/x86_64-linux-musl-ld" -export AR="$pthbs_build_environment/command/x86_64-linux-musl-ar" - -export CFLAGS="-O2 -ggdb" - -prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package -cd skalibs -./configure \ - --prefix="$prefix" \ - --sysdepdir="${prefix}/sysdeps" \ - --binprefix="${prefix}/command" \ - --extbinprefix="${prefix}/command" \ - --dynlibdir="${prefix}/" \ - --libdir="${prefix}/library" \ - --includedir="${prefix}/include" \ - --disable-shared --enable-static - -make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) -make DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" install - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/snaprep b/packages/snaprep @@ -1,82 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+zsh.3d9297eaf146984d3769d01311c79c9bc450b0a35617f04b1e8260316348ba5a -#+pthbs-banginstall.30523c8519a401f119f27afff8133facdef51d710f56d83426d446132f20f8e7 -#@git:e9d8af262eb5e25536ea9778e3ed57aebb55488c:snaprep - -: ${JOBS:=1} -prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package -pkgdir="$pthbs_destdir/$prefix" -mkdir -p "$pkgdir/" -cd 'snaprep' - -for d in bin sbin command; do - if test -d "$d"; then - pthbs-banginstall "$d"/* "$pkgdir" - fi -done - -if test -d vim; then - mkdir -p "$pkgdir/vimfiles/pack/plugins/start" - mv -v vim "$pkgdir/vimfiles/pack/plugins/start/$pthbs_package" -fi - -if test -d zsh-functions; then - mkdir -p "$pkgdir/zsh" - mv -v zsh-functions "$pkgdir/zsh/site-functions" -fi - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./command/snap.push"]=1 - x["./command/snap.lvm2"]=1} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "zsh" { link($0); next } -$2 == "vimfiles" { link($0); next } -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/spawn-pty b/packages/spawn-pty @@ -1,92 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+skalibs.e947ec7be24461373e51baad84682e49636a5c8a7b34ae559d847428bd851d56 -#@sha256:a6779ebb826c5e48d1023f113d5f370fe9f90788a6c5bdd05234efdcb2850ea7:spawn-pty.c - -name=spawn-pty -check_static() { - local exe || true - exe=$pthbs_destdir/'/versions'/$pthbs_package/$1 - if ! test -f $exe; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: file '$1' doesn't exist!" - exit 1 - fi - interp_info=$(readelf --string-dump=.interp "$exe") || exit $? - if test x '!=' "x$interp_info"; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: '$1' is a dynamic binary!" - exit 1 - fi -} -build_env_static() { - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pthbs_build_environment/library" - export CPATH="$pthbs_build_environment/include" - export LDFLAGS="-static -L$pthbs_build_environment/library $LDFLAGS" -} -def_prefix() { - prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package -} -def_dest() { - dest=${pthbs_destdir%/}//versions/$pthbs_package -} -build_env_static -def_prefix - -gcc -ggdb -D_GNU_SOURCE -static -o $name $name.c $LDFLAGS -lskarnet - -install -d "$pthbs_destdir/$prefix/command" -install -m 755 $name "$pthbs_destdir/$prefix/command" -check_static command/$name - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./command/spawn-pty"]=1} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/system-config b/packages/system-config @@ -1,130 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+diffutils.811cee54633900909246e20210325e64c29140ee4246c91f4382b5ca3bac3f0b -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+aat.0423de00911453c239f3943718170ad1d06ca9c7c938c0bce76a5f4aab9b0f70 -#+fileset.998d2ed18930fb567363facae7e05fbc921118d02967e23506f72604e354a9d8 -#+rsync.91a4dd56d8e661d8d4c3010d0185d3ae78d9a1868c955c7fa614b4381b3d4c76 -#+execline.0006d5db63635af3cde28e67f8cc2a715bbedfd3f92c41a690ace145afa99d2a -#+kbd.cb15a816990ee9bce616e3f1545dc21b5e950b66c0286a687b63606f98705bb8 -#+mdevd.fd65eedd2d322f15003ba0849cf72922e453799c6271929d4c5501de538eec42 -#+s6-linux-utils.b2ce7f6d3c6787ad93f43eca399237605570bb54b3cf260b4c8724f19eaba09a -#+s6-rc.2d297f21dc051cec71090c8f9eb291dc571b3b7277317d93d3286be4cb3285fe -#+s6.606ada5b2e3e9595f89e3c89bc8a9510b1d4de412b364a5faeda2c5c69b96b68 -#+zsh.3d9297eaf146984d3769d01311c79c9bc450b0a35617f04b1e8260316348ba5a -#+system-config-scripts.737d882d87f53d188547dfb194a16c3004e0b81a4fa5b7b7eb3ae34d8da71fb8 -#+logincaps.c4935e8d5ebb293ec1869e8120a7773db3358365ffeb6ecbb9864a83dc2e6ce7 -#@git:e7d23b3b71484a7af4b42ddd71cc8ae55462bf55:system-config - -def_prefix() { - prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package -} -def_dest() { - dest=${pthbs_destdir%/}//versions/$pthbs_package -} -def_prefix -def_dest -err_notfound() { - printf >&2 'Executable not found for command "%s"\n' "$1" - exit 1 -} -linkdep() { - exe=$(command which "$1") || err_notfound "$1" - exe=$(realpath "$exe") - name=$(basename "$1") - if ! test -x "$exe"; then - printf 'Error: executable not found: %s\n' "$1" - fi - mkdir -p "$dest/deps/command" - ln -sf $exe "$dest/deps/command/$name" -} - -cd 'system-config' - -printf '%s\n' >config/etc/motd \ - "Welcome to $(cat ./config/hostname)!" \ - 'Current running configuration was generated from system-config:e7d23b3b71484a7af4b42ddd71cc8ae55462bf55' \ - 'Last change on 2024-06-11 16:52:51 +0000 by ccx' - -printf '%s\n' >config/etc/skel/loginexec \ - "#!$(which execlineb) -S0" \ - 'user_loginexec $@' -chmod +x config/etc/skel/loginexec - -env 'pthbs_path_system-config'="$prefix" \ - 'pthbs_path_containers=/versions/env.030c50a0009db358b0dc01a148b2e0f441b37190dbd2f7a01d7eb42cf20a6ab3' \ - 'pthbs_path_mdevd=/versions/env.487ed4bd04042cf87d8e3034f6aeeaa172d96e0c04c603917f76a2032f6f1d6f' \ - make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) all - -sort -u build/execfile | while IFS= read exename; do - linkdep "$exename" -done - -mkdir "$dest/command" -awk -v "zsh=$(which zsh)" <./postinstall >"$dest/command/install-as-current-environment.postinstall" ' -NR==1 { print "#!" zsh; next } -/@@current@@/ { print "current=/run/current"; next } -/@@versions@@/ { print "versions='/versions'"; next } -1 -' -chmod +x "$dest/command/install-as-current-environment.postinstall" - -mkdir -p "$dest/config/" -rsync -ai ./config/ "$dest/config/" -rsync -ai ./out/ "$dest/config/" -mv -v keys "$dest/" - - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "config" { link($0); next } -$2 == "keys" { link($0); next } -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/system-config-init b/packages/system-config-init @@ -1,170 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+s6.606ada5b2e3e9595f89e3c89bc8a9510b1d4de412b364a5faeda2c5c69b96b68 -#+s6-rc.2d297f21dc051cec71090c8f9eb291dc571b3b7277317d93d3286be4cb3285fe -#+s6-portable-utils.af76946489a598381892d544d97c0ac4696374afaaf8b12f40949923c6028775 -#+s6-linux-init.91a238b2e35c0a34a0c91556a02b1666c2952a8d18a8c321f3b50270b1b33957 -#+execline.0006d5db63635af3cde28e67f8cc2a715bbedfd3f92c41a690ace145afa99d2a -#+system-config-rc.de1128ff084a289c4a114ab18625046702c64df9aebaa80d1ad3e71735f2e87b - -s6rcdb=/versions/system-config-rc.de1128ff084a289c4a114ab18625046702c64df9aebaa80d1ad3e71735f2e87b/config/s6-rc-db -prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package -pkgdir="$pthbs_destdir/$prefix" - -q() { - "s6-quote" "$@" -} - -qx() { - exe=$(realpath "$(which "$1")") - name=$(basename "$1") - if ! test -x "$exe"; then - printf 'Error: executable not found: %s\n' "$1" - fi - mkdir -p "$pkgdir/deps/command" - ln -sf $exe "$pkgdir/deps/command/$name" - "s6-quote" "$prefix/deps/command/$name" -} - -# Generate init ($pkgdir must not exist but parent dir does) -mkdir -p "$pthbs_destdir//versions" -s6-linux-init-maker \ - -p "/run/current/command:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" \ - -G "$(q "$prefix/deps/command/env") TERM=linux $(q "$prefix/deps/command/getty") 38400 tty9" \ - -t 1 \ - -N \ - -c "$prefix" \ - "$pkgdir" - - -# Link deps that are passed to s6-l-i-m -qx env -qx getty - -# Link execlineb - can't quote shebang -qx execlineb -el=$prefix/deps/command/$name - -# Rewrite bin/init as it fails finding it's own s6-linux-init -s6-cat >"$pkgdir/bin/" <<EOF || exit $? -#!$el -S0 -$(qx pthbs-enter) -$(qx s6-envdir) -I /run/current/env -EOF -s6-cat >>"$pkgdir/bin/" <"$pkgdir/bin/init" -chmod +x "$pkgdir/bin/" -mv -v "$pkgdir/bin/" "$pkgdir/bin/init" - -# Rewrite dynamically generated scripts -s6-cat >"$pkgdir/scripts/rc.init" <<EOF || exit $? -#!$el -S1 -$(qx export) TERM "linux" -$(qx foreground) { $(qx s6-echo) "* Starting s6-rc from "$(q "$s6rcdb") } -$(qx if) { $(qx s6-rc-init) -d -c $(q "$s6rcdb") /run/service } -$prefix/scripts/runlevel \$1 -EOF - -s6-cat >"$pkgdir/scripts/rc.shutdown" <<EOF || exit $? -#!$el -P - -### Things to do before hardware halt/reboot/poweroff. -### Ideally, it should be a single call to the service manager, -### telling it to bring all the services down. - -$(qx redirfd) -w 1 /dev/console -$(qx redirfd) -w 2 /dev/console -$(qx s6-rc) -v2 -bDa change -EOF - -s6-cat >"$pkgdir/scripts/runlevel" <<EOF || exit $? -#!$el -S1 -export TERM "linux" - -# The requested runlevel is in "\$1" but currently ignored. - -# Run the service manager. -# Call it twice because the first time may spuriously "timeout" -# due to the clock jumping forward. - -$(qx ifelse) -X { - $(qx s6-rc) -v 2 -t 600000 -- change ok-all-but-tty -} { - # no timeout, start ttys properly - $(qx foreground) { $(qx s6-echo) "* System started normally (bundle ok-all-but-tty)" } - $(qx foreground) { sleep 0.3 } - $(qx foreground) { $(qx s6-svc) -d /run/service/console-log-tail } - $(qx s6-rc) -v 2 -t 600000 -- change ok-all -} -$(qx foreground) { $(qx s6-echo) "* System startup failure: retry" } -# try again without tty and then with -$(qx foreground) { $(qx s6-rc) -v 2 -t 600000 -- change ok-all-but-tty } -$(qx foreground) { $(qx sleep) 0.1 } -$(qx foreground) { $(qx s6-svc) -d /run/service/console-log-tail } -$(qx s6-rc) -v 2 -t 600000 -- change ok-all -EOF - -s6-mkdir "$pkgdir/run-image/service/console-log-tail" || exit $? -s6-cat >"$pkgdir/run-image/service/console-log-tail/run" <<EOF || exit $? -#!$el -P -$(qx redirfd) -w 1 /dev/console -$(qx fdmove) -c 2 1 -$(qx pipeline) -w { $(qx s6-tai64nlocal) } -$(qx tail) -F -n +1 /run/uncaught-logs/current -EOF -s6-chmod 755 "$pkgdir/run-image/service/console-log-tail/run" exit $? - - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./bin/init"]=1 - x["./bin/halt"]=1 - x["./bin/poweroff"]=1 - x["./bin/reboot"]=1} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/system-config-rc b/packages/system-config-rc @@ -1,72 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+busybox-diffutils.a22698424a7618572314d3da6953bf6652138ec492d3a0d01c37072f74adefc4 -#+s6-rc.2d297f21dc051cec71090c8f9eb291dc571b3b7277317d93d3286be4cb3285fe -#+fileset.998d2ed18930fb567363facae7e05fbc921118d02967e23506f72604e354a9d8 -#+system-config.1972bd82f6db046afefe1c0b1da54c8e69a1f656363a6e6f68b9c729a7b7d3d9 - -def_prefix() { - prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package -} -def_dest() { - dest=${pthbs_destdir%/}//versions/$pthbs_package -} -def_dest - -src=/versions/system-config.1972bd82f6db046afefe1c0b1da54c8e69a1f656363a6e6f68b9c729a7b7d3d9/config/s6-rc-source -s6-rc-compile ./s6-rc-db "$src" -mkdir -p "$dest/config" -mv -v s6-rc-db "$dest/config/" - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "config" { link($0); next } -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/system-config-scripts b/packages/system-config-scripts @@ -1,82 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+zsh.3d9297eaf146984d3769d01311c79c9bc450b0a35617f04b1e8260316348ba5a -#+pthbs-banginstall.30523c8519a401f119f27afff8133facdef51d710f56d83426d446132f20f8e7 -#@git:dc793695cc0632a808af9d4415f3b0cf0f4dfba2:system-config-scripts - -: ${JOBS:=1} -prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package -pkgdir="$pthbs_destdir/$prefix" -mkdir -p "$pkgdir/" -cd 'system-config-scripts' - -for d in bin sbin command; do - if test -d "$d"; then - pthbs-banginstall "$d"/* "$pkgdir" - fi -done - -if test -d vim; then - mkdir -p "$pkgdir/vimfiles/pack/plugins/start" - mv -v vim "$pkgdir/vimfiles/pack/plugins/start/$pthbs_package" -fi - -if test -d zsh-functions; then - mkdir -p "$pkgdir/zsh" - mv -v zsh-functions "$pkgdir/zsh/site-functions" -fi - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./command/s"]=1 - x["./command/issue-gen"]=1} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "zsh" { link($0); next } -$2 == "vimfiles" { link($0); next } -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/system-config-zsh b/packages/system-config-zsh @@ -1,72 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+zsh.3d9297eaf146984d3769d01311c79c9bc450b0a35617f04b1e8260316348ba5a -#@git:1390434aaa6e044fc713547a232f20f2aa17f972:system-config-zsh - -def_prefix() { - prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package -} -def_dest() { - dest=${pthbs_destdir%/}//versions/$pthbs_package -} -def_prefix -def_dest - -cd 'system-config-zsh' - -mkdir -p "$dest/zsh" -mv -v zsh-functions "$dest/zsh/site-functions" - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "zsh" { link($0); next } -$2 == "vimfiles" { link($0); next } -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - 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-build_env_static() { - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pthbs_build_environment/library" - export CPATH="$pthbs_build_environment/include" - export LDFLAGS="-static -L$pthbs_build_environment/library $LDFLAGS" -} -autotools_config() { - prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package - ./configure -C \ - --prefix="$prefix" \ - --build="$(${CC:-gcc} -dumpmachine)" \ - --bindir="$prefix/command" \ - --sbindir="$prefix/command" \ - --infodir="$prefix/info" \ - --localedir="$prefix/locale" \ - --mandir="$prefix/man" \ - --libdir="$prefix/library" \ - --docdir="$prefix/doc/xbps" \ - --datadir="$prefix/data" \ - --datarootdir="$prefix/data" \ - --localstatedir='/var/pthbs' \ - "$@" - -} - -autotools() { - cd "$1" - shift - autotools_config "$@" - make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) - make DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" install -} - -autotools_static() { - build_env_static - autotools "$@" --enable-static --disable-shared -} -check_static() { - local exe || true - exe=$pthbs_destdir/'/versions'/$pthbs_package/$1 - if ! test -f $exe; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: file '$1' doesn't exist!" - exit 1 - fi - interp_info=$(readelf --string-dump=.interp "$exe") || exit $? - if test x '!=' "x$interp_info"; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: '$1' is a dynamic binary!" - exit 1 - fi -} - -def_prefix() { - prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package -} -def_dest() { - dest=${pthbs_destdir%/}//versions/$pthbs_package -} - -export LDFLAGS=--static -export CPPFLAGS="-D_GNU_SOURCE -DSTDC_HEADERS" -build_env_static -def_dest -def_prefix - -cd xbps-0.59.2 -find lib bin -name '*.c' -exec sed -iEe '/^[\t ]*#[\t ]*define[\t ]+_GNU_SOURCE/d' '{}' \; -find lib bin -name '*.c' -exec sed -iEe '/#.*_GNU_SOURCE/d' '{}' \; -./configure --verbose \ - --prefix="$prefix" \ - --build="$(${CC:-gcc} -dumpmachine)" \ - --datadir="$prefix" \ - --bindir="$prefix/command" \ - --infodir="$prefix/info" \ - --mandir="$prefix/man" \ - --libdir="$prefix/library" \ - --localstatedir=/var \ - --enable-static - -make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) -C include -make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) -C lib libxbps.a -install -d "$dest/library" -install -m 644 lib/libxbps.a "$dest/library" -install -d "$dest/command" -for cmd in xbps-alternatives xbps-create xbps-dgraph xbps-install xbps-pkgdb xbps-query xbps-reconfigure xbps-remove xbps-rindex xbps-uhelper xbps-checkvers xbps-fbulk xbps-digest xbps-fetch xbps-uchroot xbps-uunshare; do - make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) -C "bin/$cmd" "$cmd.static" - install -m 755 "bin/$cmd/$cmd.static" "$pthbs_destdir/$prefix/command" -done -make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) -C data -make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) -C data install DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" - -check_static command/xbps-install.static -mkdir -p "$dest/keys" -mv -v "$pthbs_destdir/var/db/xbps/keys" "$dest/keys/void" - - - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./command/xbps-install.static"]=1} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "keys" { link($0); next } -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/zsh b/packages/zsh @@ -1,145 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+busybox-diffutils.a22698424a7618572314d3da6953bf6652138ec492d3a0d01c37072f74adefc4 -#+m4.b78d93922dc9dbf43dd31037c98271490db5d6d1919b69b12122cf55fa1fb515 -#+netbsd-curses.78e94615ce4ec52c4bd5a9908c5f02fac12b0111f78bf08a78e197cfd4eecf66 -#+libbsd.af3e242a0cfb62b66917871a203def6d9a793e20bbcd15d64154046ad5e34773 -#@git:c73505cc47870bd09e8e204d98ac5976e0d4cb52:zsh_config -#@untar:-J:sha256:9b8d1ecedd5b5e81fbf1918e876752a7dd948e05c1a0dba10ab863842d45acd5:. - -build_env_static() { - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pthbs_build_environment/library" - export CPATH="$pthbs_build_environment/include" - export LDFLAGS="-static -L$pthbs_build_environment/library $LDFLAGS" -} -autotools_config() { - prefix=/versions/$pthbs_package - ./configure -C \ - --prefix="$prefix" \ - --build="$(${CC:-gcc} -dumpmachine)" \ - --bindir="$prefix/command" \ - --sbindir="$prefix/command" \ - --infodir="$prefix/info" \ - --localedir="$prefix/locale" \ - --mandir="$prefix/man" \ - --libdir="$prefix/library" \ - --docdir="$prefix/doc/zsh" \ - --datadir="$prefix/data" \ - --datarootdir="$prefix/data" \ - --localstatedir='/var/pthbs' \ - "$@" - -} - -autotools() { - cd "$1" - shift - autotools_config "$@" - make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) - make DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" install -} - -autotools_static() { - build_env_static - autotools "$@" --enable-static --disable-shared -} -check_static() { - local exe || true - exe=$pthbs_destdir/'/versions'/$pthbs_package/$1 - if ! test -f $exe; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: file '$1' doesn't exist!" - exit 1 - fi - interp_info=$(readelf --string-dump=.interp "$exe") || exit $? - if test x '!=' "x$interp_info"; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: '$1' is a dynamic binary!" - exit 1 - fi -} - -build_env_static -cd zsh-5.9 -autotools_config \ - --enable-static --disable-shared \ - --enable-libc-musl --disable-locale \ - --enable-cap \ - --enable-maildir-support \ - --enable-datadir="/versions/$pthbs_package" \ - --enable-datarootdir="/versions/$pthbs_package" \ - --enable-etcdir="/versions/$pthbs_package/etc" \ - --enable-scriptdir="/versions/$pthbs_package/zsh/scripts" \ - --enable-site-scriptdir="/versions/$pthbs_package/zsh/site-scripts" \ - --enable-fndir="/versions/$pthbs_package/zsh/functions" \ - --enable-site-fndir="/versions/$pthbs_package/zsh/site-functions" \ - --enable-runhelpdir="/versions/$pthbs_package/zsh/help" - -sed -Ee '/name=zsh\/(files|stat|system|zselect|zutil|regex|net\/socket|net\/tcp) /s/link=[^ ]+/link=static/' -i config.modules -cat config.modules - -make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) - -cat Src/zshpaths.h -make DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" install -mv -v ../zsh_config/etc "$pthbs_destdir//versions/$pthbs_package/" -mv -v ../zsh_config/zsh-functions/* "$pthbs_destdir//versions/$pthbs_package/zsh/site-functions/" -check_static command/zsh - - - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./command/zsh"]=1 - x["./man/man1/zsh.1"]=1 - x["./man/man1/zshall.1"]=1 -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - - $2 == "zsh" { link($0); next } -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - for(fname in x) { printf "DEBUG: x[\"%s\"]=\"%s\"\n", fname, x[fname] >"/dev/stderr" } - for(fname in x) { - if(x[fname]) { - printf "ERROR: missing expected file \"%s\"\n", fname >"/dev/stderr" - exit 3 - } - } -}' > -mv .install-links diff --git a/packages/zstd b/packages/zstd @@ -1,92 +0,0 @@ -#!/usr/bin/env pthbs-build -#+musl-cross-make.757bcca6771cad3395ae302e0fdc835ebf5b4a965c08e30d758e6149b0bacbcd -#+gnu-make.529116171fecc2bdac7c70e109d28270d765379c8a52cf7c3ea7453195bbf42b -#+busybox.3664b94c09ea6d35ce73985026762c142829e53fed4a38541af3afb00c37dd4a -#+busybox-diffutils.a22698424a7618572314d3da6953bf6652138ec492d3a0d01c37072f74adefc4 -#@untar:-z:sha256:98e9c3d949d1b924e28e01eccb7deed865eefebf25c2f21c702e5cd5b63b85e1:. - -check_static() { - local exe || true - exe=$pthbs_destdir/'/versions'/$pthbs_package/$1 - if ! test -f $exe; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: file '$1' doesn't exist!" - exit 1 - fi - interp_info=$(readelf --string-dump=.interp "$exe") || exit $? - if test x '!=' "x$interp_info"; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: '$1' is a dynamic binary!" - exit 1 - fi -} -build_env_static() { - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pthbs_build_environment/library" - export CPATH="$pthbs_build_environment/include" - export LDFLAGS="-static -L$pthbs_build_environment/library $LDFLAGS" -} -build_env_static - -cd zstd-1.5.5 -make -j${JOBS:-1} -l$((1+${JOBS:-1})) default install \ - V=1 \ - DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" \ - prefix="/versions/$pthbs_package" \ - datarootdir="/versions/$pthbs_package" \ - bindir="/versions/$pthbs_package/command" \ - libdir="/versions/$pthbs_package/library" - -check_static command/zstd -rm -v "$pthbs_destdir//versions/$pthbs_package/library"/*.so* - - -cd "$pthbs_destdir/versions/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { - x["./command/zstd"]=1 - x["./library/libzstd.a"]=1} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - - -$2 == "command" { link($0); next } -$2 == "bin" { link(s1("command", $0)); next } - -$2 == "" { link($0); next } -$2 == "library" { link($0); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.l?a$/ { link(s1("library", $0)); next } -$2 == "lib" && $NF ~ /\.so(|\..*)$/ { link(s1("", $0)); next } - -$2 == "share" && $3 ~ /^(info|man|doc|icons|terminfo)$/ { link(r1($0)); next } - -$2 == "man" { link($0); next } -$2 == "info" { link($0); next } -$2 == "doc" { link($0); next } -$2 == "icons" { link($0); next } -$2 == "terminfo" { link($0); next } -$2 == "data" { link($0); next } -$2 == "include" { link($0); next } - -{ printf "genlinks ##%s## skipped\n", $0 >>"/dev/stderr" } - -END { - 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d=$gitdir:h - (cd $d && git for-each-ref --format='%(objectname)' && git show -s --pretty=format:%H%n) | while read commit; do - [[ -L $commit ]] && continue - ln -s -f $d $commit || exit $? - done -done diff --git a/sources/zsh b/sources/zsh @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit 73d317384c9225e46d66444f93b46f0fbe7084ef diff --git a/sources/zsh_config b/sources/zsh_config @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -Subproject commit c73505cc47870bd09e8e204d98ac5976e0d4cb52 diff --git a/templates/autotools b/templates/autotools @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "genlinks" %} -{%- block script %} -{%- block default_deps %} -#+{{pkg_install_name("musl-cross-make")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("gnu-make")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("busybox")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("busybox-diffutils")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("m4")}} -{%- endblock %} -{%- block extra_deps %} -{%- endblock %} - -{% include "functions/build_env_static" %} -{% include "functions/autotools" %} -{% include "functions/check_static" %} -{% block at_script %} -autotools '{{name}}' -{% endblock %} -{% endblock %} diff --git a/templates/base b/templates/base @@ -1,3 +0,0 @@ -{{ shebang }} -{%- block body %} -{% endblock %} diff --git a/templates/functions/autotools b/templates/functions/autotools @@ -1,42 +0,0 @@ -autotools_config() { - prefix={{versions}}/$pthbs_package - ./configure -C \ - --prefix="$prefix" \ - --build="$(${CC:-gcc} -dumpmachine)" \ - --bindir="$prefix/command" \ - --sbindir="$prefix/command" \ - --infodir="$prefix/info" \ - --localedir="$prefix/locale" \ - --mandir="$prefix/man" \ - --libdir="$prefix/library" \ - --docdir="$prefix/doc/{{name}}" \ - --datadir="$prefix/data" \ - --datarootdir="$prefix/data" \ - --localstatedir='{{var_dir}}' \ - "$@" -{# - # --libexecdir=DIR program executables [EPREFIX/libexec] - # --sysconfdir=DIR read-only single-machine data [PREFIX/etc] - # --sharedstatedir=DIR modifiable architecture-independent data [PREFIX/com] - # --runstatedir=DIR modifiable per-process data [LOCALSTATEDIR/run] - # --includedir=DIR C header files [PREFIX/include] - # --oldincludedir=DIR C header files for non-gcc [/usr/include] - # --datarootdir=DIR read-only arch.-independent data root [PREFIX/share] - # --datadir=DIR read-only architecture-independent data [DATAROOTDIR] - # ac_cv_func_malloc_0_nonnull=yes \ - # ac_cv_func_realloc_0_nonnull=yes -#} -} - -autotools() { - cd "$1" - shift - autotools_config "$@" - {{make}} - make DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" install -} - -autotools_static() { - build_env_static - autotools "$@" --enable-static --disable-shared -} diff --git a/templates/functions/build_env_dynamic b/templates/functions/build_env_dynamic @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -build_env_dynamic() { - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pthbs_build_environment/" - export CPATH="$pthbs_build_environment/include" - export LDFLAGS="-L$pthbs_build_environment/ $LDFLAGS" -} diff --git a/templates/functions/build_env_static b/templates/functions/build_env_static @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -build_env_static() { - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pthbs_build_environment/library" - export CPATH="$pthbs_build_environment/include" - export LDFLAGS="-static -L$pthbs_build_environment/library $LDFLAGS" -} diff --git a/templates/functions/check_static b/templates/functions/check_static @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -check_static() { - local exe || true - exe=$pthbs_destdir/'{{versions}}'/$pthbs_package/$1 - if ! test -f $exe; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: file '$1' doesn't exist!" - exit 1 - fi - interp_info=$(readelf --string-dump=.interp "$exe") || exit $? - if test x '!=' "x$interp_info"; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: '$1' is a dynamic binary!" - exit 1 - fi -} diff --git a/templates/functions/vars b/templates/functions/vars @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -def_prefix() { - prefix={{versions}}/$pthbs_package -} -def_dest() { - dest=${pthbs_destdir%/}/{{versions}}/$pthbs_package -} diff --git a/templates/genlinks b/templates/genlinks @@ -1,59 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "base" %} -{%- block body -%} -{%- block script %} -{% endblock %} -cd "$pthbs_destdir{{versions}}/$pthbs_package" -find -type d -o -print | awk -F/ ' -BEGIN { -{%- block genlinks_begin %} -{% endblock -%} -} - -function r1(s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", ".", s) - return s -} -function s1(repl, s) { - sub("^[.]/[^/]*", "./"repl, s) - return s -} -function link(src) { - x[$0]=0 - printf "%s\t%s\n", $0, src - printf "genlinks >>%s\t%s<<\n", $0, src >>"/dev/stderr" -} -$1!="."{exit 1} - 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-{% include "functions/vars" %} -def_prefix -d="${pthbs_destdir%/}/$prefix/keys/alpine" -install -d "$d/aarch64" -install -m 644 -t "$d/aarch64" '' -install -m 644 -t "$d/aarch64" '' -install -d "$d/armhf" -install -m 644 -t "$d/armhf" '' -install -m 644 -t "$d/armhf" '' -install -d "$d/armv7" -install -m 644 -t "$d/armv7" '' -install -m 644 -t "$d/armv7" '' -install -d "$d/mips64" -install -m 644 -t "$d/mips64" '' -install -d "$d/ppc64le" -install -m 644 -t "$d/ppc64le" '' -install -m 644 -t "$d/ppc64le" '' -install -d "$d/riscv64" -install -m 644 -t "$d/riscv64" '' -install -m 644 -t "$d/riscv64" '' -install -d "$d/s390x" -install -m 644 -t "$d/s390x" '' -install -m 644 -t "$d/s390x" '' -install -d "$d/x86" -install -m 644 -t "$d/x86" '' -install -m 644 -t "$d/x86" '' -install -m 644 -t "$d/x86" '' -install -d "$d/x86_64" -install -m 644 -t "$d/x86_64" '' -install -m 644 -t "$d/x86_64" '' -install -m 644 -t "$d/x86_64" '' -{% endblock %} -{% block rules %} -$2 == "keys" { link($0); next } -{% endblock -%} diff --git a/templates/pkg/apk-tools b/templates/pkg/apk-tools @@ -1,39 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "genlinks" %} -{%- block script %} -#+{{pkg_install_name("musl-cross-make")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("gnu-make")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("busybox")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("busybox-diffutils")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("patch")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("libressl")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("zstd")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("pkgconf-pkg-config")}} -#@git:{{submodule.current[name]}}:{{name}} -#@sha256:{{files["apk-tools.patch"]}}:apk-tools.patch - -{% include "functions/check_static" %} -{% include "functions/build_env_static" %} -{% include "functions/vars" %} - -build_env_static -def_prefix -cd apk-tools -patch -p1 <../apk-tools.patch -{{make}} STATIC=y LUA=no V=1 \ - DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" \ - SBINDIR="$prefix/command" \ - CONFDIR="$prefix/etc/apk" \ - MANDIR="$prefix/man" \ - DOCDIR="$prefix/doc/apk" \ - INCLUDEDIR="$prefix/include" \ - LIBDIR="$prefix/library" \ - PKGCONFIGDIR="$prefix/library/pkgconfig" \ - install-static - -check_static command/apk.static -{% endblock %} -{% block genlinks_begin %} - x["./command/apk.static"]=1 - x["./library/libapk.a"]=1 - x["./library/pkgconfig/apk.pc"]=1 -{%- endblock %} diff --git a/templates/pkg/applyuidgid-caps b/templates/pkg/applyuidgid-caps @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "genlinks" %} -{%- block script %} -#+{{pkg_install_name("musl-cross-make")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("gnu-make")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("busybox")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("skalibs")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("libcap")}} -#@sha256:{{files["applyuidgid-caps.c"]}}:applyuidgid-caps.c - -name=applyuidgid-caps -{% include "functions/check_static" %} -{% include "functions/build_env_static" %} -{% include "functions/vars" %} -build_env_static -def_prefix - -gcc -D_GNU_SOURCE -static -o $name $name.c $LDFLAGS -lskarnet -lcap - -install -d "$pthbs_destdir/$prefix/command" -install -m 755 $name "$pthbs_destdir/$prefix/command" -check_static command/$name -{% endblock %} -{% block genlinks_begin %} - x["./command/applyuidgid-caps"]=1 -{%- endblock %} diff --git a/templates/pkg/attr b/templates/pkg/attr @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "autotools" %} -{%- block extra_deps %} -#@untar:-z:sha256:39bf67452fa41d0948c2197601053f48b3d78a029389734332a6309a680c6c87:. -{%- endblock %} -{% block at_script %} - -LDFLAGS=--static -autotools_static attr-2.5.2 -check_static command/attr - -{% endblock %} -{% block genlinks_begin %} - x["./command/attr"]=1 - x["./command/setfattr"]=1 - x["./command/getfattr"]=1 - x["./library/libattr.a"]=1 - x["./include/attr/libattr.h"]=1 -{% endblock %} diff --git a/templates/pkg/bison b/templates/pkg/bison @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "autotools" %} -{%- block extra_deps %} -#+{{pkg_install_name("flex")}} -#@untar:-J:sha256:9bba0214ccf7f1079c5d59210045227bcf619519840ebfa80cd3849cff5a5bf2:. -{%- endblock %} -{% block at_script %} -export CPPFLAGS="-D_GNU_SOURCE -DSTDC_HEADERS" -autotools_static bison-3.8.2 --disable-nls -check_static command/bison -rm -vrf "$pthbs_destdir"/$prefix/lib/charset.alias -rmdir -p "$pthbs_destdir"/$prefix/lib || true -{% endblock %} -{% block genlinks_begin %} - 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ln -sf "$bb" command/$exe - printf '%s\t%s\n' "./command/$exe" "./command/$exe" >> -done -mv .install-links -{% endblock %} diff --git a/templates/pkg/busybox:bootstrap b/templates/pkg/busybox:bootstrap @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "base" %} -{%- block body %} -#@pragma:nosandbox -#@pragma:nopath -#+{{pkg_install_name("musl-cross-make:bootstrap-1")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("gnu-make:bootstrap")}} -#@git:aa4d303a3139107919f73cece4eaf85a7dc75db6:busybox -#@sha256:9ee52091d7a41e7e492d508574573fbebe64155d85a07980128f21105eaad1e2:busybox/.config - -: ${JOBS:=1} -mcm={{pkg_install_dir("musl-cross-make:bootstrap-1")}} -make={{pkg_install_dir("gnu-make:bootstrap")}} - -export PATH="$mcm/bin:$make/command:$PATH" -export CC="$mcm/bin/{{triplet}}-gcc" -export CFLAGS="-D_GNU_SOURCE" -export LDFLAGS="-static" - -cd busybox -$make/command/make V=1 CROSS_COMPILE={{triplet}}- LDFLAGS=-static HOSTLDFLAGS=-static \ - HOSTCC="$CC -static" CC="$CC -static" HOSTCFLAGS=-D_GNU_SOURCE -j$JOBS - -mkdir -p "$pthbs_destdir{{versions}}/$pthbs_package/command" -cp -a busybox "$pthbs_destdir{{versions}}/$pthbs_package/command/" -cd "$pthbs_destdir{{versions}}/$pthbs_package" -echo false | ./command/busybox --list >/dev/null # test if it works -./command/busybox --list | awk ' -{ print "./command/busybox\t./command/" $0 } -END { print "./command/busybox\t./command/busybox" } -' > -mv .install-links -{% endblock %} diff --git a/templates/pkg/confz b/templates/pkg/confz @@ -1,4 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "scriptsetup" %} -{% block genlinks_begin %} - 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-# Do not generate manpages (requires Perl) -( - cd curl-8.6.0 - t=$(busybox which true) - for f in scripts/cd2nroff docs/cmdline-opts/*.pl; do - printf '#!%s\n' "$t" >$f - done -) || exit $? - -export LDFLAGS="--static" -autotools_static curl-8.6.0 \ - --with-zlib \ - --enable-ipv6 \ - --enable-unix-sockets \ - --enable-static \ - --with-openssl \ - --disable-ldap \ - --enable-websockets \ - --without-libssh2 \ - --without-libpsl \ - --disable-manual -check_static command/curl - -rm -r -v "$pthbs_destdir"'{{versions}}'"/$pthbs_package/man" - -{% endblock %} -{% block genlinks_begin %} - x["./command/curl"]=1 - x["./library/libcurl.a"]=1 -{% endblock %} diff --git a/templates/pkg/default.environment b/templates/pkg/default.environment @@ -1,7 +0,0 @@ -#+{{pkg_install_name("system-config")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("system-config-rc")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("system-config-scripts")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("system-config-init")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("system-config-zsh")}} -{% include "pkg/userspace.environment" %}{# -{% include "pkg/kernel.environment" %} #} diff --git a/templates/pkg/diffutils b/templates/pkg/diffutils @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "autotools" %} -{%- block extra_deps %} -#@untar:-J:sha256:90e5e93cc724e4ebe12ede80df1634063c7a855692685919bfe60b556c9bd09e:. -{%- endblock %} -{% block at_script %} - 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--program-prefix=eu- \ - --enable-deterministic-archives \ - --disable-nls \ - --disable-libdebuginfod \ - --disable-debuginfod \ - --without-zstd \ - --without-argp -{% endblock %} -{% block genlinks_begin %} - x["./library/libelf.a"]=1 -{% endblock %} diff --git a/templates/pkg/execline b/templates/pkg/execline @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "skaware" %} -{%- block postinstall %} -if ! test -e "${pthbs_destdir%/}$prefix/command/eltest"; then - # TODO - printf '%s\n' >"${pthbs_destdir%/}$prefix/command/eltest" \ - "#!$prefix/command/execlineb -S0" \ - 's6-test $@' - chmod +x "${pthbs_destdir%/}$prefix/command/eltest" -fi -{%- endblock %} diff --git a/templates/pkg/fileset b/templates/pkg/fileset @@ -1,6 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "scriptsetup" %} -{% block genlinks_begin %} - x["./command/fslist"]=1 - x["./command/fsapply"]=1 - x["./command/fileset"]=1 -{%- endblock %} diff --git a/templates/pkg/flex b/templates/pkg/flex @@ -1,18 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "autotools" %} -{%- block extra_deps %} -#@untar:-z:sha256:e87aae032bf07c26f85ac0ed3250998c37621d95f8bd748b31f15b33c45ee995:. -{%- endblock %} -{% block at_script %} - -export CPPFLAGS="-D_GNU_SOURCE -DSTDC_HEADERS" -export LDFLAGS="--static" -autotools_static flex-2.6.4 --disable-nls -check_static command/flex -check_static command/flex++ - -{% endblock %} -{% block genlinks_begin %} - x["./command/flex"]=1 - x["./command/flex++"]=1 - #x["./command/lex"]=1 -{% endblock %} diff --git a/templates/pkg/getconf b/templates/pkg/getconf @@ -1,23 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "genlinks" %} -{%- block script %} -#+{{pkg_install_name("musl-cross-make")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("gnu-make")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("busybox")}} -#@sha256:d87d0cbb3690ae2c5d8cc218349fd8278b93855dd625deaf7ae50e320aad247c:getconf.c - -name=getconf -{% include "functions/check_static" %} -{% include "functions/build_env_static" %} -{% include "functions/vars" %} -build_env_static -def_prefix - -gcc -static -o $name $name.c - -install -d "$pthbs_destdir/$prefix/command" -install -m 755 $name "$pthbs_destdir/$prefix/command" -check_static command/$name -{% endblock %} -{% block genlinks_begin %} - 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-check_static() { - local exe || true - exe=$pthbs_destdir/'{{versions}}'/$pthbs_package/$1 - if ! test -f $exe; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: file '$1' doesn't exist!" - exit 1 - fi - interp_info=$(readelf --string-dump=.interp "$exe") || exit $? - if test x '!=' "x$interp_info"; then - printf '%s\n' "Error: '$1' is a dynamic binary!" - exit 1 - fi -} - -prefix={{versions}}/$pthbs_package - -{{make}} -C ./git-2.43.2 \ - LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$pthbs_build_environment/library:$pthbs_build_environment/" \ - CPATH="$pthbs_build_environment/include" \ - LDFLAGS="-static --static -L$pthbs_build_environment/library" \ - CPPFLAGS="-D_GNU_SOURCE" \ - NO_REGEX=NeedsStartEnd \ - NO_TCLTK=1 NO_PYTHON=1 NO_EXPAT=1 NO_GETTEXT=1 \ - DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" \ - prefix="$prefix" \ - gitexecdir="$prefix"/git-core \ - bindir="$prefix/command" \ - mandir="$prefix/man" \ - infodir="$prefix/info" \ - sharedir="$prefix/share" \ - gitwebdir="$prefix/gitweb" \ - V=1 all install - -check_static command/git - -{% endblock %} -{% block genlinks_begin %} - 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-# Override linker symlink -for linkname in "$dd"'/{{triplet}}/lib/'ld-musl-*so*; do - ln -s -f "$linkname" -done - -# Validate the compiler -"$dd"'/bin/{{triplet}}-gcc' --version -"$dd"'/bin/{{triplet}}-gcc' -o true true.c -"$dd"'/bin/{{triplet}}-readelf' --string-dump=.interp true >true.linker -grep -F "$pthbs_package" true.linker - -pkgs="gmp intl mpc mpfr zlib" -#pkgs="$pkgs libbacktrace libcc1 libcpp libdecnumber libiberty lto-plugin" - -for pkg in $pkgs; do - make -C musl-cross-make/build/local/x86_64-linux-musl/obj_gcc/$pkg prefix=/ DESTDIR="$dd" install -done -cp -va musl-cross-make/gcc-*.orig/zlib/zconf.h musl-cross-make/gcc-*.orig/zlib/zlib.h "$dd/include/" -mkdir -p "$dd/library/pkgconfig" -printf '%s\n' > "$dd/library/pkgconfig/zlib.pc" \ - "prefix={{versions}}/$pthbs_package" \ - 'exec_prefix=${prefix}' \ - 'includedir=${prefix}/include' \ - 'libdir=${exec_prefix}/library' \ - '' \ - 'Name: zlib' \ - 'Description: zlib compression library' \ - 'Version: 1.2.11' \ - '' \ - 'Requires:' \ - 'Libs: -L${libdir} -lz' \ - 'Cflags: -I${includedir}' - -# validate zlib -"$dd"'/bin/{{triplet}}-gcc' -I"$dd/include" -L"$dd/lib" -static -o zpipe zpipe.c -lz -./zpipe <true.c >true.c.gz -./zpipe -d <true.c.gz >true.c.2 -cmp -s true.c true.c.2 - -{% endblock %} -{% block genlinks_begin %} - x["./bin/{{triplet}}-g++"]=1 - x["./bin/{{triplet}}-gcc"]=1 - x["./lib/libgmp.a"]=1 - x["./lib/libmpc.a"]=1 - x["./lib/libmpfr.a"]=1 - x["./lib/libz.a"]=1 - - x["./include/gmp.h"]=1 - x["./include/mpc.h"]=1 - x["./include/mpf2mpfr.h"]=1 - x["./include/mpfr.h"]=1 - x["./include/zlib.h"]=1 - x["./include/zconf.h"]=1 - -{% endblock %} -{% block rules %} -$2 == "bin" && $3 ~ /^{{triplet}}-/ { target=$3; sub("{{triplet}}-", "", target); link("./command/" target) } -{% endblock -%} diff --git a/templates/pkg/musl-cross-make:bootstrap-0 b/templates/pkg/musl-cross-make:bootstrap-0 @@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "genlinks" %} -{%- block script %} -#@pragma:nosandbox -#@pragma:nopath -#@git:{{submodule.current["musl-cross-make"]}}:musl-cross-make -#@sha256:ab66fc2d1c3ec0359b8e08843c9f33b63e8707efdff5e4cc5c200eae24722cbf:musl-cross-make/sources/binutils-2.33.1.tar.xz -#@sha256:75d5d255a2a273b6e651f82eecfabf6cbcd8eaeae70e86b417384c8f4a58d8d3:musl-cross-make/sources/config.sub -#@sha256:c95da32f440378d7751dd95533186f7fc05ceb4fb65eb5b85234e6299eb9838e:musl-cross-make/sources/gcc-9.4.0.tar.xz -#@sha256:5275bb04f4863a13516b2f39392ac5e272f5e1bb8057b18aec1c9b79d73d8fb2:musl-cross-make/sources/gmp-6.1.2.tar.bz2 -#@sha256:dc7abf734487553644258a3822cfd429d74656749e309f2b25f09f4282e05588:musl-cross-make/sources/linux-headers-4.19.88-2.tar.xz -#@sha256:6985c538143c1208dcb1ac42cedad6ff52e267b47e5f970183a3e75125b43c2e:musl-cross-make/sources/mpc-1.1.0.tar.gz -#@sha256:c05e3f02d09e0e9019384cdd58e0f19c64e6db1fd6f5ecf77b4b1c61ca253acc:musl-cross-make/sources/mpfr-4.0.2.tar.bz2 -#@sha256:a9a118bbe84d8764da0ea0d28b3ab3fae8477fc7e4085d90102b8596fc7c75e4:musl-cross-make/sources/musl-1.2.5.tar.gz - -: ${JOBS:=1} - -# For validating the compiler -printf '%s\n' 'int main(void) { return 0; }' >true.c - -printf '%s\n' >musl-cross-make/config.mak \ - "OUTPUT=${pthbs_destdir%/}{{versions}}/$pthbs_package" \ - "TARGET={{triplet}}" \ - 'fl=-g0 -O2' \ - 'COMMON_CONFIG += CFLAGS="${fl}" CXXFLAGS="${fl}" FFLAGS="${fl}" LDFLAGS="-s"' - -touch musl-cross-make/sources/* - -# Patch linker path for dynamic executables -make -C musl-cross-make gcc-9.4.0 -sed -i -e 's|/lib/ld-musl-|{{versions}}/'"$pthbs_package"'/{{triplet}}/lib/ld-musl-|' musl-cross-make/gcc-9.4.0/gcc/config/*/linux*.h - -{{make}} -C musl-cross-make -make -C musl-cross-make install - -# Override linker symlink -for linkname in "${pthbs_destdir%/}"'{{versions}}/'"$pthbs_package"'/{{triplet}}/lib/'ld-musl-*so*; do - ln -s -f "$linkname" -done - -# Validate the compiler -"${pthbs_destdir%/}"'{{versions}}'"/$pthbs_package/bin/"'{{triplet}}-gcc' --version -"${pthbs_destdir%/}"'{{versions}}'"/$pthbs_package/bin/"'{{triplet}}-gcc' -o true true.c -"${pthbs_destdir%/}"'{{versions}}'"/$pthbs_package/bin/"'{{triplet}}-readelf' --string-dump=.interp true >true.linker -grep -F "$pthbs_package" true.linker - 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-: ${JOBS:=1} -bootstrap={{versions}}/musl-cross-make.{{pkg_sha256("musl-cross-make:bootstrap-0")}} -"$bootstrap/bin/{{triplet}}-gcc" --version - -# For validating the compiler -printf '%s\n' 'int main(void) { return 0; }' >true.c - -printf '%s\n' >musl-cross-make/config.mak \ - "OUTPUT=${pthbs_destdir%/}{{versions}}/$pthbs_package" \ - 'GCC_VER=11.2.0' \ - "TARGET={{triplet}}" \ - 'st=-static --static' \ - 'fl=-g0 -O2' \ - "bbin=$bootstrap/bin" \ - 'COMMON_CONFIG += CFLAGS="${fl}" CXXFLAGS="${fl}" FFLAGS="${fl}" LDFLAGS="-s ${st}"' \ - 'COMMON_CONFIG += CC="${bbin}/{{triplet}}-gcc ${st}" CXX="${bbin}/{{triplet}}-g++ ${st}"' - -touch musl-cross-make/sources/* - -# Patch linker path for dynamic executables -make -C musl-cross-make gcc-11.2.0 -sed -i -e 's|/lib/ld-musl-|{{versions}}/'"$pthbs_package"'/{{triplet}}/lib/ld-musl-|' musl-cross-make/gcc-11.2.0/gcc/config/*/linux*.h - -export PATH="$bootstrap/bin:$PATH" -{{make}} -C musl-cross-make -make -C musl-cross-make install - -# Override linker symlink -for linkname in "${pthbs_destdir%/}"'{{versions}}/'"$pthbs_package"'/{{triplet}}/lib/'ld-musl-*so*; do - ln -s -f "$linkname" -done - -# Validate the compiler -"${pthbs_destdir%/}"'{{versions}}'"/$pthbs_package/bin/"'{{triplet}}-gcc' --version -"${pthbs_destdir%/}"'{{versions}}'"/$pthbs_package/bin/"'{{triplet}}-gcc' -o true true.c -"${pthbs_destdir%/}"'{{versions}}'"/$pthbs_package/bin/"'{{triplet}}-readelf' --string-dump=.interp true >true.linker -grep -F "$pthbs_package" true.linker - -{% endblock %} -{% block genlinks_begin %} - x["./bin/{{triplet}}-g++"]=1 - x["./bin/{{triplet}}-gcc"]=1 -{% endblock %} -{% block rules %} -$2 == "bin" && $3 ~ /^{{triplet}}-/ { target=$3; sub("{{triplet}}-", "", target); link("./command/" target) } -{% endblock -%} diff --git a/templates/pkg/musl-fts b/templates/pkg/musl-fts @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "autotools" %} -{%- block extra_deps %} -#@untar:-z:sha256:49ae567a96dbab22823d045ffebe0d6b14b9b799925e9ca9274d47d26ff482a6:. -{%- endblock %} -{% block at_script %} - -autotools_static musl-fts-1.2.7 - -{% endblock %} -{% block genlinks_begin %} - x["./library/libfts.a"]=1 - 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-name=nosuid -{% include "functions/check_static" %} -{% include "functions/build_env_static" %} -{% include "functions/vars" %} -build_env_static -def_prefix - -gcc -D_GNU_SOURCE -static -o $name $name.c $LDFLAGS -lskarnet - -install -d "$pthbs_destdir/$prefix/command" -install -m 755 $name "$pthbs_destdir/$prefix/command" -check_static command/$name -{% endblock %} -{% block genlinks_begin %} - x["./command/nosuid"]=1 -{%- endblock %} diff --git a/templates/pkg/patch b/templates/pkg/patch @@ -1,10 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "autotools" %} -{%- block extra_deps %} -#@untar:-J:sha256:ac610bda97abe0d9f6b7c963255a11dcb196c25e337c61f94e4778d632f1d8fd:. -{%- endblock %} -{% block at_script %} - -autotools_static patch-2.7.6 --disable-nls -check_static command/patch - -{% endblock %} diff --git a/templates/pkg/patchelf:bootstrap b/templates/pkg/patchelf:bootstrap @@ -1,16 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "autotools" %} -{%- block default_deps %} -#@pragma:nosandbox -#@pragma:nopath -#@git:{{submodule.current["patchelf"]}}:patchelf -{%- endblock %} -{% block at_script %} -cd patchelf -./ -autotools_static . --disable-nls -check_static command/patchelf -{% endblock %} -{% block genlinks_begin %} - x["./command/patchelf"]=1 - x["./man/man1/patchelf.1"]=1 -{% endblock %} diff --git a/templates/pkg/pidns_run b/templates/pkg/pidns_run @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "genlinks" %} -{%- block script %} -#+{{pkg_install_name("musl-cross-make")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("gnu-make")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("busybox")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("skalibs")}} -#@sha256:{{files["pidns_run.c"]}}:pidns_run.c - -name=pidns_run -{% include "functions/check_static" %} -{% include "functions/build_env_static" %} -{% include "functions/vars" %} -build_env_static -def_prefix - -gcc -D_GNU_SOURCE -static -o $name $name.c $LDFLAGS -lskarnet - -install -d "$pthbs_destdir/$prefix/command" -install -m 755 $name "$pthbs_destdir/$prefix/command" -check_static command/$name -{% endblock %} -{% block genlinks_begin %} - x["./command/pidns_run"]=1 -{%- endblock %} diff --git a/templates/pkg/pkgconf b/templates/pkg/pkgconf @@ -1,15 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "autotools" %} -{%- block extra_deps %} -#@untar:-J:sha256:3a224f2accf091b77a5781316e27b9ee3ba82c083cc2e539e08940b68a44fec5:. -{%- endblock %} -{% block at_script %} - -export LDFLAGS=--static -autotools_static pkgconf-2.1.1 --with-pkg-config-dir= - -check_static command/pkgconf - -{% endblock %} -{% block genlinks_begin %} - x["./command/pkgconf"]=1 -{%- endblock %} diff --git a/templates/pkg/pkgconf-pkg-config b/templates/pkg/pkgconf-pkg-config @@ -1,13 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "base" %} -{%- block body %} -#+{{pkg_install_name("busybox")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("pkgconf")}} - -mkdir -p "$pthbs_destdir{{versions}}/$pthbs_package" -cd "$pthbs_destdir{{versions}}/$pthbs_package" -exe=$(realpath "$(which pkgconf)") -mkdir command -ln -sf "$exe" command/pkg-config -printf '%s\t%s\n' "./command/pkg-config" "./command/pkg-config" >> -mv .install-links -{% endblock %} diff --git a/templates/pkg/popt b/templates/pkg/popt @@ -1,11 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "autotools" %} -{%- block extra_deps %} -#@untar:-z:sha256:c25a4838fc8e4c1c8aacb8bd620edb3084a3d63bf8987fdad3ca2758c63240f9:. -{%- endblock %} -{% block at_script %} -autotools_static popt-1.19 --disable-nls -{% endblock %} -{% block genlinks_begin %} - x["./include/popt.h"]=1 - x["./library/libpopt.a"]=1 -{% endblock %} diff --git a/templates/pkg/pthbs-banginstall b/templates/pkg/pthbs-banginstall @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "genlinks" %} -{%- block script %} -#+{{pkg_install_name("busybox")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("zsh")}} -#@sha256:{{files["pthbs-banginstall"]}}:pthbs-banginstall - -installdir="$pthbs_destdir/{{versions}}/$pthbs_package" -mkdir -p "$installdir/command" -chmod +x pthbs-banginstall -zsh -x pthbs-banginstall pthbs-banginstall "$installdir" -{% endblock %} -{% block genlinks_begin %} - x["./command/pthbs-banginstall"]=1 -{% endblock %} diff --git a/templates/pkg/rsync b/templates/pkg/rsync @@ -1,22 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "autotools" %} -{%- block extra_deps %} -#+{{pkg_install_name("popt")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("libressl")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("zstd")}} -#@untar:-z:sha256:4e7d9d3f6ed10878c58c5fb724a67dacf4b6aac7340b13e488fb2dc41346f2bb:. -{%- endblock %} -{% block at_script %} - -autotools_static rsync-3.2.7 \ - --without-included-popt \ - --enable-openssl \ - --enable-zstd \ - --disable-xxhash \ - --disable-lz4 -check_static command/rsync - -{% endblock %} -{% block genlinks_begin %} - x["./command/rsync"]=1 - x["./man/man1/rsync.1"]=1 -{% endblock %} diff --git a/templates/pkg/s6 b/templates/pkg/s6 @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "genlinks" %} -{%- block script %} -#+{{pkg_install_name("musl-cross-make")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("gnu-make")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("busybox")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("patch")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("skalibs")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("execline")}} -#@git:{{submodule.current.s6}}:s6 - -: ${JOBS:=1} - -prefix={{versions}}/$pthbs_package -cd s6 -./configure \ - --prefix="$prefix" \ - --dynlibdir="${prefix}/" \ - --bindir="${prefix}/command" \ - --libdir="${prefix}/library" \ - --shebangdir="${prefix}/command" \ - --with-sysdeps='{{pkg_install_dir("skalibs")}}/sysdeps' \ - --with-include="$pthbs_build_environment/include" \ - --with-lib="$pthbs_build_environment/library" \ - --with-dynlib="$pthbs_build_environment/" \ - --disable-shared --enable-static --enable-allstatic --enable-static-libc --absolute-paths - -{{make}} CFLAGS=-DWANT_CLONE_NEWPID -make DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" install -{% endblock %} -{% block genlinks_begin %} -{% endblock %} - diff --git a/templates/pkg/s6-dns b/templates/pkg/s6-dns @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "skaware" %} diff --git a/templates/pkg/s6-linux-init b/templates/pkg/s6-linux-init @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "skaware" %} -{%- block extra_deps %} -#+{{pkg_install_name("execline")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("s6")}} -{%- endblock %} diff --git a/templates/pkg/s6-linux-utils b/templates/pkg/s6-linux-utils @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "skaware" %} diff --git a/templates/pkg/s6-networking b/templates/pkg/s6-networking @@ -1,14 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "skaware" %} -{%- block extra_deps %} -#+{{pkg_install_name("execline")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("s6")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("s6-dns")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("libressl")}} -{%- endblock %} -{%- block extra_configure %}--enable-ssl=libtls{% endblock %} -{% block genlinks_begin %} - x["./command/s6-tcpclient"]=1 - x["./command/s6-tcpserver"]=1 - x["./command/s6-tlsclient"]=1 - x["./command/s6-tlsserver"]=1 -{% endblock -%} diff --git a/templates/pkg/s6-portable-utils b/templates/pkg/s6-portable-utils @@ -1 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "skaware" %} diff --git a/templates/pkg/s6-rc b/templates/pkg/s6-rc @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "skaware" %} -{%- block extra_deps %} -#+{{pkg_install_name("execline")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("s6")}} -{%- endblock %} diff --git a/templates/pkg/safelink b/templates/pkg/safelink @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "genlinks" %} -{%- block script %} -#+{{pkg_install_name("musl-cross-make")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("gnu-make")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("busybox")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("skalibs")}} -#@sha256:{{files["safelink.c"]}}:safelink.c - -name=safelink -{% include "functions/check_static" %} -{% include "functions/build_env_static" %} -{% include "functions/vars" %} -build_env_static -def_prefix - -gcc -ggdb -D_GNU_SOURCE -static -o $name $name.c $LDFLAGS -lskarnet - -install -d "$pthbs_destdir/$prefix/command" -install -m 755 $name "$pthbs_destdir/$prefix/command" -check_static command/$name -{% endblock %} -{% block genlinks_begin %} - x["./command/safelink"]=1 -{%- endblock %} diff --git a/templates/pkg/skalibs b/templates/pkg/skalibs @@ -1,33 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "genlinks" %} -{%- block script %} -#+{{pkg_install_name("musl-cross-make")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("gnu-make")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("busybox")}} -#@git:{{submodule.current.skalibs}}:skalibs - -: ${JOBS:=1} - -export CC="$pthbs_build_environment/command/{{triplet}}-gcc" -export CXX="$pthbs_build_environment/command/{{triplet}}-g++" -export LD="$pthbs_build_environment/command/{{triplet}}-ld" -export AR="$pthbs_build_environment/command/{{triplet}}-ar" - -export CFLAGS="-O2 -ggdb" - -prefix={{versions}}/$pthbs_package -cd skalibs -./configure \ - --prefix="$prefix" \ - --sysdepdir="${prefix}/sysdeps" \ - --binprefix="${prefix}/command" \ - --extbinprefix="${prefix}/command" \ - --dynlibdir="${prefix}/" \ - --libdir="${prefix}/library" \ - --includedir="${prefix}/include" \ - --disable-shared --enable-static - -{{make}} -make DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" install -{% endblock %} -{% block genlinks_begin %} -{% endblock %} diff --git a/templates/pkg/snaprep b/templates/pkg/snaprep @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "scriptsetup" %} -{% block genlinks_begin %} - x["./command/snap.push"]=1 - x["./command/snap.lvm2"]=1 -{%- endblock %} diff --git a/templates/pkg/spawn-pty b/templates/pkg/spawn-pty @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "genlinks" %} -{%- block script %} -#+{{pkg_install_name("musl-cross-make")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("gnu-make")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("busybox")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("skalibs")}} -#@sha256:{{files["spawn-pty.c"]}}:spawn-pty.c - -name=spawn-pty -{% include "functions/check_static" %} -{% include "functions/build_env_static" %} -{% include "functions/vars" %} -build_env_static -def_prefix - -gcc -ggdb -D_GNU_SOURCE -static -o $name $name.c $LDFLAGS -lskarnet - -install -d "$pthbs_destdir/$prefix/command" -install -m 755 $name "$pthbs_destdir/$prefix/command" -check_static command/$name -{% endblock %} -{% block genlinks_begin %} - 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if ! test -x "$exe"; then - printf 'Error: executable not found: %s\n' "$1" - fi - mkdir -p "$dest/deps/command" - ln -sf $exe "$dest/deps/command/$name" -} - -cd '{{name}}' - -printf '%s\n' >config/etc/motd \ - "Welcome to $(cat ./config/hostname)!" \ - 'Current running configuration was generated from {{name}}:{{submodule.current[name]}}' \ - 'Last change on {{submodule.commit_info(submodule.current[name])}}' - -printf '%s\n' >config/etc/skel/loginexec \ - "#!$(which execlineb) -S0" \ - 'user_loginexec $@' -chmod +x config/etc/skel/loginexec - -env 'pthbs_path_{{name}}'="$prefix" \ - 'pthbs_path_containers={{pkg_install_dir("containers.environment")}}' \ - 'pthbs_path_mdevd={{pkg_install_dir("mdevd.environment")}}' \ - {{make}} all - -sort -u build/execfile | while IFS= read exename; do - linkdep "$exename" -done - -mkdir "$dest/command" -awk -v "zsh=$(which zsh)" <./postinstall >"$dest/command/install-as-current-environment.postinstall" ' -NR==1 { print "#!" zsh; next } -/@@current@@/ { print "current=/run/current"; next } -/@@versions@@/ { print "versions='{{versions}}'"; next } -1 -' -chmod +x "$dest/command/install-as-current-environment.postinstall" - -mkdir -p "$dest/config/" -rsync -ai ./config/ "$dest/config/" -rsync -ai ./out/ "$dest/config/" -mv -v keys "$dest/" - -{% endblock -%} -{% block rules %} -$2 == "config" { link($0); next } -$2 == "keys" { link($0); next } -{% endblock -%} diff --git a/templates/pkg/system-config-init b/templates/pkg/system-config-init @@ -1,123 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "genlinks" %} -{%- block script %} -#+{{pkg_install_name("busybox")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("s6")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("s6-rc")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("s6-portable-utils")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("s6-linux-init")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("execline")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("system-config-rc")}} - -s6rcdb={{pkg_install_dir("system-config-rc")}}/config/s6-rc-db -prefix={{versions}}/$pthbs_package -pkgdir="$pthbs_destdir/$prefix" - -q() { - "s6-quote" "$@" -} - -qx() { - exe=$(realpath "$(which "$1")") - name=$(basename "$1") - if ! test -x "$exe"; then - printf 'Error: executable not found: %s\n' "$1" - fi - mkdir -p "$pkgdir/deps/command" - ln -sf $exe "$pkgdir/deps/command/$name" - "s6-quote" "$prefix/deps/command/$name" -} - -# Generate init ($pkgdir must not exist but parent dir does) -mkdir -p "$pthbs_destdir/{{versions}}" -s6-linux-init-maker \ - -p "/run/current/command:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" \ - -G "$(q "$prefix/deps/command/env") TERM=linux $(q "$prefix/deps/command/getty") 38400 tty9" \ - -t 1 \ - -N \ - -c "$prefix" \ - "$pkgdir" - - -# Link deps that are passed to s6-l-i-m -qx env -qx getty - -# Link execlineb - can't quote shebang -qx execlineb -el=$prefix/deps/command/$name - -# Rewrite bin/init as it fails finding it's own s6-linux-init -s6-cat >"$pkgdir/bin/" <<EOF || exit $? -#!$el -S0 -$(qx pthbs-enter) -$(qx s6-envdir) -I /run/current/env -EOF -s6-cat >>"$pkgdir/bin/" <"$pkgdir/bin/init" -chmod +x "$pkgdir/bin/" -mv -v "$pkgdir/bin/" "$pkgdir/bin/init" - -# Rewrite dynamically generated scripts -s6-cat >"$pkgdir/scripts/rc.init" <<EOF || exit $? -#!$el -S1 -$(qx export) TERM "linux" -$(qx foreground) { $(qx s6-echo) "* Starting s6-rc from "$(q "$s6rcdb") } -$(qx if) { $(qx s6-rc-init) -d -c $(q "$s6rcdb") /run/service } -$prefix/scripts/runlevel \$1 -EOF - -s6-cat >"$pkgdir/scripts/rc.shutdown" <<EOF || exit $? -#!$el -P - -### Things to do before hardware halt/reboot/poweroff. -### Ideally, it should be a single call to the service manager, -### telling it to bring all the services down. - -$(qx redirfd) -w 1 /dev/console -$(qx redirfd) -w 2 /dev/console -$(qx s6-rc) -v2 -bDa change -EOF - -s6-cat >"$pkgdir/scripts/runlevel" <<EOF || exit $? -#!$el -S1 -export TERM "linux" - -# The requested runlevel is in "\$1" but currently ignored. - -# Run the service manager. -# Call it twice because the first time may spuriously "timeout" -# due to the clock jumping forward. - -$(qx ifelse) -X { - $(qx s6-rc) -v 2 -t 600000 -- change ok-all-but-tty -} { - # no timeout, start ttys properly - $(qx foreground) { $(qx s6-echo) "* System started normally (bundle ok-all-but-tty)" } - $(qx foreground) { sleep 0.3 } - $(qx foreground) { $(qx s6-svc) -d /run/service/console-log-tail } - $(qx s6-rc) -v 2 -t 600000 -- change ok-all -} -$(qx foreground) { $(qx s6-echo) "* System startup failure: retry" } -# try again without tty and then with -$(qx foreground) { $(qx s6-rc) -v 2 -t 600000 -- change ok-all-but-tty } -$(qx foreground) { $(qx sleep) 0.1 } -$(qx foreground) { $(qx s6-svc) -d /run/service/console-log-tail } -$(qx s6-rc) -v 2 -t 600000 -- change ok-all -EOF - -s6-mkdir "$pkgdir/run-image/service/console-log-tail" || exit $? -s6-cat >"$pkgdir/run-image/service/console-log-tail/run" <<EOF || exit $? -#!$el -P -$(qx redirfd) -w 1 /dev/console -$(qx fdmove) -c 2 1 -$(qx pipeline) -w { $(qx s6-tai64nlocal) } -$(qx tail) -F -n +1 /run/uncaught-logs/current -EOF -s6-chmod 755 "$pkgdir/run-image/service/console-log-tail/run" exit $? - -{% endblock -%} -{% block genlinks_begin %} - x["./bin/init"]=1 - x["./bin/halt"]=1 - x["./bin/poweroff"]=1 - x["./bin/reboot"]=1 -{%- endblock %} diff --git a/templates/pkg/system-config-rc b/templates/pkg/system-config-rc @@ -1,19 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "genlinks" %} -{%- block script %} -#+{{pkg_install_name("busybox")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("busybox-diffutils")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("s6-rc")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("fileset")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("system-config")}} - -{% include "functions/vars" %} -def_dest - -src={{pkg_install_dir("system-config")}}/config/s6-rc-source -s6-rc-compile ./s6-rc-db "$src" -mkdir -p "$dest/config" -mv -v s6-rc-db "$dest/config/" -{% endblock -%} -{% block rules %} -$2 == "config" { link($0); next } -{% endblock -%} diff --git a/templates/pkg/system-config-scripts b/templates/pkg/system-config-scripts @@ -1,5 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "scriptsetup" %} -{% block genlinks_begin %} - x["./command/s"]=1 - x["./command/issue-gen"]=1 -{%- endblock %} diff --git a/templates/pkg/system-config-zsh b/templates/pkg/system-config-zsh @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "genlinks" %} -{%- block script %} -#+{{pkg_install_name("busybox")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("zsh")}} -#@git:{{submodule.current[name]}}:{{name}} - -{% include "functions/vars" %} -def_prefix -def_dest - -cd '{{name}}' - -mkdir -p "$dest/zsh" -mv -v zsh-functions "$dest/zsh/site-functions" - -{%- block extra_script %} -{%- endblock %} -{% endblock %} -{% block rules %} -{%- block extra_rules %} -{%- endblock %} -$2 == "zsh" { link($0); next } -$2 == "vimfiles" { link($0); next } -{% endblock -%} diff --git a/templates/pkg/userspace.environment b/templates/pkg/userspace.environment @@ -1,38 +0,0 @@ -#+{{pkg_install_name("busybox")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("gnu-make")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("musl-cross-make")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("diffutils")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("patch")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("flex")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("bison")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("rsync")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("execline")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("s6")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("s6-rc")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("s6-portable-utils")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("s6-linux-utils")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("s6-linux-init")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("mdevd")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("s6-dns")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("libressl")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("s6-networking")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("zsh")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("pthbs-banginstall")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("aat")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("confz")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("containers")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("fileset")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("logincaps")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("snaprep")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("curl")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("git")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("xbps")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("apk-tools")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("getent")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("getconf")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("iconv")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("libcap")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("applyuidgid-caps")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("nosuid")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("spawn-pty")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("safelink")}} diff --git a/templates/pkg/xbps b/templates/pkg/xbps @@ -1,53 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "autotools" %} -{%- block extra_deps %} -#+{{pkg_install_name("libarchive")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("libressl")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("pkgconf-pkg-config")}} -#@untar:-z:sha256:a6607e83fcd654a0ae846d729e43fefd8da9a61323e91430f884caf895b4f59b:. -{%- endblock %} -{% block at_script %} -{% include "functions/vars" %} - -export LDFLAGS=--static -export CPPFLAGS="-D_GNU_SOURCE -DSTDC_HEADERS" -build_env_static -def_dest -def_prefix - -cd xbps-0.59.2 -find lib bin -name '*.c' -exec sed -iEe '/^[\t ]*#[\t ]*define[\t ]+_GNU_SOURCE/d' '{}' \; -find lib bin -name '*.c' -exec sed -iEe '/#.*_GNU_SOURCE/d' '{}' \; -./configure --verbose \ - --prefix="$prefix" \ - --build="$(${CC:-gcc} -dumpmachine)" \ - --datadir="$prefix" \ - --bindir="$prefix/command" \ - --infodir="$prefix/info" \ - --mandir="$prefix/man" \ - --libdir="$prefix/library" \ - --localstatedir=/var \ - --enable-static - -{{make}} -C include -{{make}} -C lib libxbps.a -install -d "$dest/library" -install -m 644 lib/libxbps.a "$dest/library" -install -d "$dest/command" -for cmd in xbps-alternatives xbps-create xbps-dgraph xbps-install xbps-pkgdb xbps-query xbps-reconfigure xbps-remove xbps-rindex xbps-uhelper xbps-checkvers xbps-fbulk xbps-digest xbps-fetch xbps-uchroot xbps-uunshare; do - {{make}} -C "bin/$cmd" "$cmd.static" - install -m 755 "bin/$cmd/$cmd.static" "$pthbs_destdir/$prefix/command" -done -{{make}} -C data -{{make}} -C data install DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" - -check_static command/xbps-install.static -mkdir -p "$dest/keys" -mv -v "$pthbs_destdir/var/db/xbps/keys" "$dest/keys/void" - -{% endblock %} -{% block genlinks_begin %} - x["./command/xbps-install.static"]=1 -{%- endblock %} -{% block rules %} -$2 == "keys" { link($0); next } -{% endblock -%} diff --git a/templates/pkg/zsh b/templates/pkg/zsh @@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "autotools" %} -{%- block extra_deps %} -#+{{pkg_install_name("netbsd-curses")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("libbsd")}} -#@git:{{submodule.current["zsh_config"]}}:zsh_config -#@untar:-J:{{downloads["zsh-5.9.tar.xz"]}}:. -{%- endblock %} -{% block at_script %} -build_env_static -cd zsh-5.9 -autotools_config \ - --enable-static --disable-shared \ - --enable-libc-musl --disable-locale \ - --enable-cap \ - --enable-maildir-support \ - --enable-datadir="{{versions}}/$pthbs_package" \ - --enable-datarootdir="{{versions}}/$pthbs_package" \ - --enable-etcdir="{{versions}}/$pthbs_package/etc" \ - --enable-scriptdir="{{versions}}/$pthbs_package/zsh/scripts" \ - --enable-site-scriptdir="{{versions}}/$pthbs_package/zsh/site-scripts" \ - --enable-fndir="{{versions}}/$pthbs_package/zsh/functions" \ - --enable-site-fndir="{{versions}}/$pthbs_package/zsh/site-functions" \ - --enable-runhelpdir="{{versions}}/$pthbs_package/zsh/help" - -sed -Ee '/name=zsh\/(files|stat|system|zselect|zutil|regex|net\/socket|net\/tcp) /s/link=[^ ]+/link=static/' -i config.modules -cat config.modules - -{{make}} - -cat Src/zshpaths.h -make DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" install -mv -v ../zsh_config/etc "$pthbs_destdir/{{versions}}/$pthbs_package/" -mv -v ../zsh_config/zsh-functions/* "$pthbs_destdir/{{versions}}/$pthbs_package/zsh/site-functions/" -check_static command/zsh - -{% endblock %} -{% block genlinks_begin %} - x["./command/zsh"]=1 - x["./man/man1/zsh.1"]=1 - x["./man/man1/zshall.1"]=1 -{% endblock %} -{% block rules %} - $2 == "zsh" { link($0); next } -{% endblock -%} diff --git a/templates/pkg/zstd b/templates/pkg/zstd @@ -1,29 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "genlinks" %} -{%- block script %} -#+{{pkg_install_name("musl-cross-make")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("gnu-make")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("busybox")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("busybox-diffutils")}} -#@untar:-z:sha256:98e9c3d949d1b924e28e01eccb7deed865eefebf25c2f21c702e5cd5b63b85e1:. - -{% include "functions/check_static" %} -{% include "functions/build_env_static" %} -build_env_static - -cd zstd-1.5.5 -{{make}} default install \ - V=1 \ - DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" \ - prefix="{{versions}}/$pthbs_package" \ - datarootdir="{{versions}}/$pthbs_package" \ - bindir="{{versions}}/$pthbs_package/command" \ - libdir="{{versions}}/$pthbs_package/library" - -check_static command/zstd -rm -v "$pthbs_destdir/{{versions}}/$pthbs_package/library"/*.so* - -{% endblock %} -{% block genlinks_begin %} - x["./command/zstd"]=1 - x["./library/libzstd.a"]=1 -{%- endblock %} diff --git a/templates/scriptsetup b/templates/scriptsetup @@ -1,40 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "genlinks" %} -{%- block script %} -#+{{pkg_install_name("busybox")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("zsh")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("pthbs-banginstall")}} -{%- block extra_deps %} -{%- endblock %} -#@git:{{submodule.current[name]}}:{{name}} - -: ${JOBS:=1} -prefix={{versions}}/$pthbs_package -pkgdir="$pthbs_destdir/$prefix" -mkdir -p "$pkgdir/" -cd '{{name}}' - -for d in bin sbin command; do - if test -d "$d"; then - pthbs-banginstall "$d"/* "$pkgdir" - fi -done - -if test -d vim; then - mkdir -p "$pkgdir/vimfiles/pack/plugins/start" - mv -v vim "$pkgdir/vimfiles/pack/plugins/start/$pthbs_package" -fi - -if test -d zsh-functions; then - mkdir -p "$pkgdir/zsh" - mv -v zsh-functions "$pkgdir/zsh/site-functions" -fi - -{%- block extra_script %} -{%- endblock %} -{% endblock %} -{% block rules %} -{%- block extra_rules %} -{%- endblock %} -$2 == "zsh" { link($0); next } -$2 == "vimfiles" { link($0); next } -{% endblock -%} diff --git a/templates/skaware b/templates/skaware @@ -1,32 +0,0 @@ -{% extends "genlinks" %} -{%- block script %} -#+{{pkg_install_name("musl-cross-make")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("gnu-make")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("busybox")}} -#+{{pkg_install_name("skalibs")}} -{%- block extra_deps %} -{%- endblock %} -#@git:{{submodule.current[name]}}:{{name}} - -: ${JOBS:=1} -prefix={{versions}}/$pthbs_package -cd '{{name}}' -{%- block pre_configure %} -{%- endblock %} -./configure {% block extra_configure %}{% endblock %} \ - --prefix="$prefix" \ - --dynlibdir="${prefix}/" \ - --bindir="${prefix}/command" \ - --libdir="${prefix}/library" \ - --shebangdir="${prefix}/command" \ - --with-sysdeps='{{pkg_install_dir("skalibs")}}/sysdeps' \ - --with-include="$pthbs_build_environment/include" \ - --with-lib="$pthbs_build_environment/library" \ - --with-dynlib="$pthbs_build_environment/" \ - --disable-shared --enable-static --enable-allstatic --enable-static-libc --absolute-paths - -{{make}} -make DESTDIR="$pthbs_destdir" install -{%- block postinstall %} -{%- endblock %} -{% endblock %}