
NameDescriptionOwnerLast commit
VersioningFork/mirror of Jan Pobříslo <>2023-12-08 23:29
build-bootenvreproducible boot environment with LVM2 and cryptsetup Jan Pobříslo <>2021-01-05 06:30
carbon-configconfig submodule of carbon-core-system Jan Pobříslo <>2023-05-09 07:44
carbon-core-systemIntegration repository for versioned configuration and software on Carbon Jan Pobříslo <>2023-09-25 10:31
carbon-s6-inits6-linux-init configuration for Carbon Jan Pobříslo <>2022-07-13 19:41
carbon-s6-rcSource directory for s6-rc database on Carbon Jan Pobříslo <>2022-08-11 13:18
ccx-utilsMiscellaneous utilities written in C Jan Pobříslo <>2024-11-11 01:50
core-system-scriptsScripts submodule for the core-system repositoryJan Pobříslo <>2022-07-29 00:59
jsonnet-microkanrenmicroKanren implementation in Jsonnet Jan Pobříslo <>2023-11-29 17:13
miniroonSimplistic macaroon-based authorization for Unix systemsJan Pobříslo <>2024-12-08 06:12
mrrlMinimal Reliable Reproducible Linux Jan Pobříslo <>2024-11-11 02:36
pthbsPackaging Through Hashed Build Scripts Jan Pobříslo <>2024-11-11 02:36
pthbs_genpkgpyTemplate engine for producing packages for pthbs written using Python and Jinja Jan Pobříslo <>2024-11-11 02:01
s6Mirror/fork of Jan Pobříslo <>2024-05-31 20:17
skalibsMirror/fork of Jan Pobříslo <>2024-05-31 21:00
slashpackageSnapshot of software for building static /package and /command. Jan Pobříslo <>2022-06-23 11:10
vshost-util-vserverBuild script and sources for util-vserver. Jan Pobříslo <>2021-11-11 02:09