
config submodule of carbon-core-system
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rc-builder.include.awk (4486B)

      1 function error(message) {
      2 	print "error: " message >"/dev/stderr"
      3 	exit 1
      4 }
      5 function start_service(svc_name, type, variable_enable) {
      6 	if(length(current_service_name)) {
      7 		error("start_service(\""svc_name"\", \""type"\", \""deps"\"): service \"" current_service_name "\" not terminated")
      8 	}
      9 	if(type !~ /^(oneshot|longrun)$/) {
     10 		error("start_service(\""svc_name"\", \""type"\", \""deps"\"): invalid service type")
     11 	}
     12 	if(length(variable_enable) != 0) {
     13 		if(!(find(variable_enable)?found:0)) {
     14 			return 0
     15 		}
     16 	}
     17 	current_service_name = svc_name
     18 	current_service_type = type
     19 	return 1
     20 }
     21 function start_oneshot(svc_name, deps) {
     22 	start_service(svc_name, "oneshot")
     23 	oneshot(svc_name, deps)
     24 }
     25 function start_longrun(svc_name, deps) {
     26 	start_service(svc_name, "longrun")
     27 	longrun(svc_name, deps)
     28 }
     29 function start_longrun_with_logger(svc_name, deps) {
     30 	start_service(svc_name, "longrun")
     31 	longrun_with_logger(svc_name, deps)
     32 }
     33 function enabled_service(svc_name, type,    var_name) {
     34 	var_name = "enable_" current_service_name
     35 	gsub(/[-. ]/, "_", var_name)
     36 	return start_service(svc_name, type, var_name)
     37 }
     38 function enabled_oneshot(svc_name, deps) {
     39 	if(enabled_service(svc_name, "oneshot", var_name)) {
     40 		oneshot(svc_name, deps)
     41 		return 1
     42 	}
     43 	return 0
     44 }
     45 function enabled_longrun(svc_name, deps) {
     46 	if(enabled_service(svc_name, "longrun", var_name)) {
     47 		longrun(svc_name, deps)
     48 		return 1
     49 	}
     50 	return 0
     51 }
     52 function enabled_longrun_with_logger(svc_name, deps) {
     53 	if(enabled_service(svc_name, "longrun", var_name)) {
     54 		longrun_with_logger(svc_name, deps)
     55 		return 1
     56 	}
     57 	return 0
     58 }
     59 function in_bundle(name, variable_enable) {
     60 	if(!length(current_service_name)) {
     61 		error("in_bundle(\""name"\"): not in service context")
     62 	}
     63 	if(length(variable_enable) != 0) {
     64 		if(!(find(variable_enable)?found:0)) {
     65 			return 0
     66 		}
     67 	}
     68 	add_to_bundle(name, current_service_name)
     69 	return 1
     70 }
     71 function enabled_bundle(name,    var_name) {
     72 	var_name = "enable_" current_service_name
     73 	gsub(/[-. ]/, "_", var_name)
     74 	in_bundle(name, var_name)
     75 }
     76 function flush_current_file() {
     77 	if(length(current_file_mode)) {
     78 		print "m" current_file_mode
     79 		current_file_mode = ""
     80 	}
     81 }
     82 function end() {
     83 	if(!length(current_service_name)) {
     84 		error("end(): not in service context")
     85 	}
     86 	flush_current_file()
     87 	current_service_name = ""
     88 	current_service_type = ""
     89 }
     90 function file_line(name, content, mode) {
     91 	if(!length(current_service_name)) {
     92 		error("start_file(\""name"\", \""mode"\"): not in service context")
     93 	}
     94 	flush_current_file()
     95 	print "/" current_service_name "/" name "\tcN\t" content "\tm" mode
     96 }
     97 function start_file(name, mode) {
     98 	if(!length(current_service_name)) {
     99 		error("start_file(\""name"\", \""mode"\"): not in service context")
    100 	}
    101 	flush_current_file()
    102 	print "/" current_service_name "/" name
    103 	printf("CN")
    104 	current_file_mode=mode
    105 }
    106 function assert_service_type(type, caller_name) {
    107 	if(!length(current_service_name)) {
    108 		error("" caller_name ": not in service context")
    109 	}
    110 	if(current_service_type != type) {
    111 		error("" caller_name ": service is of type \"" current_service_type "\" expected \"" type "\"")
    112 	}
    113 }
    114 function up(){
    115 	assert_service_type("oneshot", "up()")
    116 	start_file("up", "644")
    117 }
    118 function down(){
    119 	assert_service_type("oneshot", "down()")
    120 	start_file("down", "644")
    121 }
    122 function notification_fd(fd){
    123 	if(fd !~ /^[0-9]+/ || fd < 3) {
    124 		error("notification_fd(\"" fd "\"): invalid filedescriptor number")
    125 	}
    126 	assert_service_type("longrun", "notification_fd("fd")")
    127 	file_line("notification-fd", fd, "644")
    128 }
    129 function consumer_for(name){
    130 	if(name ~ /[\t\n ]/) {
    131 		error("consumer_for(\"" name "\"): invalid service name")
    132 	}
    133 	assert_service_type("longrun", "consumer_for(\"" name "\")")
    134 	file_line("consumer-for", name, "644")
    135 }
    136 function producer_for(name){
    137 	if(name ~ /[\t\n ]/) {
    138 		error("producer_for(\"" name "\"): invalid service name")
    139 	}
    140 	assert_service_type("longrun", "producer_for(\"" name "\")")
    141 	file_line("producer-for", name, "644")
    142 }
    143 function run(){
    144 	assert_service_type("longrun", "run()")
    145 	start_file("run", "755")
    146 }
    147 function finish(){
    148 	assert_service_type("longrun", "finish()")
    149 	start_file("finish", "755")
    150 }
    151 function finish_el(){
    152 	finish()
    153 	print "\t#!/command/execlineb -P"
    154 }
    155 function run_arg(cmd){
    156 	assert_service_type("longrun", "run_arg(\"" cmd "\")")
    157 	flush_current_file()
    158 	runscript_simple(current_service_name, cmd)
    159 }
    160 function run_el(){
    161 	assert_service_type("longrun", "run_el()")
    162 	flush_current_file()
    163 	runscript_el_cgroup2(current_service_name)
    164 	current_file_mode = "755"
    165 }