open Base;;
type fd_operation =
| Redirect of Unix.file_descr
| Dup of Unix.file_descr
| Close
let perform_redirection fd operation =
match operation with
| Close -> Unix.close fd;
| Dup fd_from -> Unix.dup2 ~cloexec:false fd_from fd;
| Redirect fd_from ->
Unix.dup2 ~cloexec:false fd_from fd;
Unix.close fd_from;
external sys_exit : int -> 'a = "caml_sys_exit"
let create_process ?redirects cmd args =
(* let redirects = Option.value redirects [] *)
let redirects = match redirects with
| Some l -> l
| None -> []
match Unix.fork() with
0 ->
begin try
List.iter redirects (
fun (fd, operation) -> perform_redirection fd operation
Unix.execvp cmd args
with _ ->
sys_exit 127
| id -> id
let waitpid = Unix.waitpid;;
let wait_estatus status = match status with
| Unix.WEXITED i -> if i >= 128 then 128 else i;
| Unix.WSIGNALED i -> 128 + i;
| Unix.WSTOPPED i -> 128 + i;