=== modified file 'bin/aat.awk'
--- bin/aat.awk	2013-10-08 18:28:24 +0000
+++ bin/aat.awk	2013-09-16 23:15:18 +0000
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
 	T_TEXT = 1; type_names[1] = "text"
 	T_EXPR = 2; type_names[2] = "expr"
 	T_AWK  = 3; type_names[3] = "awk"
-	T_FUNC = 4; type_names[4] = "func"
 	tok_type = T_TEXT
@@ -91,35 +90,19 @@
 		eat_nl = 0
 		if(tok_type == T_TEXT) {
 			# all text until a start of expression "{{", or start of awk code "{%"
-			m = match(line, /\{[{%<]/)
+			m = match(line, /\{[{%]/)
 			if(m) {
 				token(substr(line, 1, m-1))
 				if (substr(line, m, RLENGTH) == "{{")
 					tok_type = T_EXPR
-				else if (substr(line, m, RLENGTH) == "{%")
+				else
 					tok_type = T_AWK
-				else if (substr(line, m, RLENGTH) == "{<")
-					tok_type = T_FUNC
-				else { print "internal error" >"/dev/stderr"; exit 1 }
 				line = substr(line, m+RLENGTH)
 			} else {
 				# no delimiter found, whole line is text
 				line = ""
-		} else if(tok_type == T_FUNC) {
-			m = match(line, />}/)
-			if(m) {
-				if(DEBUG) printf "expr match: \"%s\"\n", substr(line, m, RLENGTH) >"/dev/stderr"
-				token(substr(line, 1, RSTART-1))
-				tok_finished[tok_n] = 1
-				line = substr(line, RSTART+RLENGTH)
-				tok_type = T_TEXT
-			} else {
-				# did not match whole expression because of end of line
-				token(line)
-				line = ""
-			}
 		} else if(tok_type == T_EXPR || tok_type == T_AWK) {
 			# match text inside awk code or expression
 			# code stops on "%}" and expression on "}}"
@@ -171,43 +154,6 @@
-# TODO make this pluggable
-# called for expanding {< >}
-function expand_query(    expanded) {
-	expanded = ""
-	while(match(expand_remaining, "['<>]")) {
-		if(RSTART > 1)
-			expanded = expanded "\"" substr(expand_remaining, 1, RSTART-1) "\""
-		char = substr(expand_remaining, RSTART, 1)
-		expand_remaining = substr(expand_remaining, RSTART+1)
-		if(char == ">")
-			return "get("expanded")"
-		else if(char == "<") {
-			expanded = expanded expand_query()
-		} else if(char == "'") {
-			if(match(expand_remaining, "'")) {
-				expanded = expanded substr(expand_remaining, 1, RSTART-1)
-				expand_remaining = substr(expand_remaining, RSTART+1)
-			} else {
-				expanded = expand_remaining
-				expand_remaining = ""
-			}
-		} else {
-			print "ERROR: internal error in expand_query()" >"/dev/stderr"
-			exit 1
-		}
-	}
-	if(expand_remaining) {
-		expanded = "\"" expand_remaining "\""
-		expand_remaining = ""
-	}
-	return "get("expanded")"
-function aat_process(str) {
-	expand_remaining = str
-	return expand_query()
 { parse_line($0) }
 END {
@@ -231,9 +177,6 @@
 			nl = 1
 		} else if(tok_type == T_EXPR) {
 			printf " (%s)", c
-		} else if(tok_type == T_FUNC) {
-			# TODO
-			printf " (%s)", aat_process(c)
 		} else {
 			print "ERROR: unknown tok_type: " tok_type >"/dev/stderr"
 			exit 1