Put somewhat unique identifier of tmux server/daemon into global environment
Fix click= value for non-ascii characters on the line.
todo file
kweasy integration with tmux
make kweasy not wait for enter and show full length of match
proof of concept implementation of kweasy
TST update, tmux-setup
autoload function properly
tmux-browse -v option to print out vim open files
capture output and find text between prompts
w3m fun stuff, finally browsing
work on tst
capture history of pane too
basic window switching widget
match usernames in urls
match swi doc urls
tmux-hashcolor sources static file for now
completely new tmux-browse which shows pane details only
match only hostname too
generalize buffer-slmenu, add absolute path selector
reverse the list, check for no urls, comments
better url regexp
remove debug printout
opening urls from tmux using slmenu
move xclip2tmux from ~/bin
script to capture pane and browse it in vim
first commit