#!/bin/execlineb -S0 ifelse { redirfd -w 2 /dev/null redirfd -r 0 "/run"/file\ created\ by\ s6-linux-init,\ storing\ a\ container's\ exit\ code exit 0 } { redirfd -r 0 "/run"/file\ created\ by\ s6-linux-init,\ storing\ a\ container's\ exit\ code withstdinas -in CODE foreground { s6-rmrf "/run"/file\ created\ by\ s6-linux-init,\ storing\ a\ container's\ exit\ code } importas -ui CODE CODE exit ${CODE} } cd / #redirfd -w 2 /dev/console #fdmove -c 1 2 foreground { s6-svc -X -- "/run"/service/s6-svscan-log } unexport ? wait -r -- { } foreground { s6-echo "Syncing disks." } foreground { s6-sync } foreground { s6-echo "Sending all processes the TERM signal." } foreground { s6-nuke -th } s6-sleep -m -- 2000 foreground { s6-echo "Sending all processes the KILL signal." } foreground { s6-nuke -k } wait { } foreground { s6-echo "Unmounting disks." } foreground { s6-umount -a } foreground { s6-mount -ro remount /dev/root / } s6-${1} -f