Header with usage information
Update header information, remove commented-out code
Use xclipring implementation by default
xclipring for native displays too
xclipring based implementation
a lot
Menu-based clipboard selector
Remove alterante implementation
Implement urxvt spawning using fdsend/fdrecvto
Add xclipring
Add pthbs-dev
fix scripts for new xpra
Adapt scripts to Xpra git HEAD (pre 6.2.0)
Update xsession-skel and container-setup
Update xpra-skel with ccx-dotfiles support
Rework start-xpra-for-container
IM containers, audio hotkeys
Pick up VNC sockets from ssh container
Clipboard handling, open-im
Update setup, xpra handling
urxvt pty master handling
Move things to discrete containers
Merge changes from Carbon
Changes from Carbon
Changes on P14s
Add ff and open-im commands to menu
open-im seems to work
WIP open-im
xrdb, pomodoro script, fixed xpra keyboard handling
container-setup script to set up socket hardlinks for sndio and gpg-agent
Remove catch-all logger, additional X11 liveness check, xsession-setup changes, fixup rc.shutdown
Fix plumber fifo check
Persistent plumber fifo, exit on X server dying
Add displays
Aminda's monitor
pass support
update autoxrandr
Add monitor at work (TE2000, NEC MultiSync)
Remove .zsh-history from version control (still present, now autoupdated)
Improve autoxrandr, add monitor at home.
Add alpine-recombee container
prototype ssh containerization
shell options
Change powerbox calling convention to slashes from exclamation mark (!).
Add jack container
Fix Xpra DPI, raw keyboard, turn off extra forwarding
Enable escaping of bracketed paste in urxvt
Fixes to run-in-container-xpra; added void-musl-gajim.ccx container; added vnc client to the powerbox
autoxrandr script
Add some fonts, will need sorting through and finding the correct fontconfig specifications for the terminal.
Don't carry compiled s6-rc databases as they may be for wrong version of s6-rc
Use Fixed font for dmenu, add brightness options
Update to newer s6
Use Menu as CapsLock
clean environment before s6-svscan
autostart xautolock
disable xautolock from screen locker so it doesn't trigger immediately after unlock
Don't autostart xpra-xorg service
Xorg supervision for xpra
setup plumber fifo, WIP xorg supervision for xpra
mkfifo for catchall logger
Fix path in adhoc-setup.
xession-skel update
adhoc init
WIP adhoc container setup
Add screen locker using i3lock
add example service directory
first commit