
Revision: 24 ccx_at_webprojekty_dot_cz-20160811181514-578m7uqc9cq4mxm6
Generated:on 2024-07-24 11:06:25 UTC by bzr2html

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Files in HEAD
content filename type wc
raw zsh-functions/ directory  
raw html zsh-functions/alias_setup_apt-cache ASCII text 1 3 29
raw html zsh-functions/alias_setup_apt-get ASCII text 2 6 55
raw html zsh-functions/alias_setup_busybox ASCII text 3 16 131
raw html zsh-functions/alias_setup_bzr ASCII text 1 3 31
raw html zsh-functions/alias_setup_elinks ASCII text 3 13 109
raw html zsh-functions/alias_setup_emerge ASCII text 1 10 89
raw html zsh-functions/alias_setup_gdb ASCII text 1 5 35
raw html zsh-functions/alias_setup_ls ASCII text 7 33 217
raw html zsh-functions/alias_setup_netstat ASCII text 1 3 25
raw html zsh-functions/alias_setup_task ASCII text 5 14 104
raw html zsh-functions/alias_setup_w3mman ASCII text 4 10 67
raw html zsh-functions/alias_setup_yi ASCII text 1 3 23
raw html zsh-functions/aliasinit ASCII text 21 59 444
raw html zsh-functions/djbhash ASCII text 7 33 145
raw html zsh-functions/find_ssh_agent ASCII text 10 34 292
raw html zsh-functions/ft_vi_promptcolors ASCII text 16 27 399
raw html zsh-functions/ft_vi_promptinit ASCII text 330 1355 10917
raw html zsh-functions/prompt_ccx_setup UTF-8 Unicode text 53 106 1360
raw html zsh-functions/site_zshenv_10_PS4 ASCII text 16 83 599
raw html zsh-functions/site_zshrc_10_features ASCII text 13 19 219
raw html zsh-functions/site_zshrc_15_env ASCII text 3 9 47
raw html zsh-functions/site_zshrc_20_prompt ASCII text 37 152 1152
raw html zsh-functions/site_zshrc_40_completion ASCII text 24 61 533
raw html zsh-functions/site_zshrc_67_opp ASCII text 1 6 56
raw html zsh-functions/site_zshrc_70_keybindings ASCII text 206 560 5237
raw html zsh-functions/site_zshrc_75_bracketed_paste ASCII text 101 428 3215
raw html zsh-functions/site_zshrc_80_aliases ASCII text 28 74 433
raw html zsh-functions/string_hash_color ASCII text, with very long lines 13 213 927
raw zsh-functions/zsh-newuser-install empty 0 0 0