"============================================================================= " FILE: handlers.vim " AUTHOR: Shougo Matsushita " License: MIT license {{{ " Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining " a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the " "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including " without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, " distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to " permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to " the following conditions: " " The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included " in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. " " THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS " OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF " MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. " IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY " CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, " TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE " SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. " }}} "============================================================================= let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim function! unite#handlers#_on_insert_enter() abort "{{{ if &filetype !=# 'unite' return endif let unite = unite#get_current_unite() let unite.is_insert = 1 if unite.prompt_linenr != 0 return endif " Restore prompt let unite.prompt_linenr = unite.init_prompt_linenr let modifiable_save = &l:modifiable try setlocal modifiable call append((unite.context.prompt_direction ==# 'below' ? \ '$' : 0), '') finally let &l:modifiable = modifiable_save endtry call unite#view#_redraw_prompt() endfunction"}}} function! unite#handlers#_on_insert_leave() abort "{{{ let unite = unite#get_current_unite() if line('.') != unite.prompt_linenr call cursor(0, 1) endif let unite.is_insert = 0 let unite.context.input = unite#helper#get_input() if &filetype ==# 'unite' setlocal nomodifiable endif endfunction"}}} function! unite#handlers#_on_cursor_hold_i() abort "{{{ let unite = unite#get_current_unite() call unite#view#_change_highlight() if unite.redraw_hold_candidates > 0 \ && unite.max_source_candidates > unite.redraw_hold_candidates call s:check_redraw() endif if unite.is_async && &l:modifiable && !has('timers') " Ignore key sequences. call feedkeys("a\", 'n') endif endfunction"}}} function! unite#handlers#_on_cursor_moved_i() abort "{{{ let unite = unite#get_current_unite() let prompt_linenr = unite.prompt_linenr if unite.redraw_hold_candidates <= 0 \ || unite.max_source_candidates <= unite.redraw_hold_candidates call s:check_redraw() endif " Prompt check. if line('.') == prompt_linenr \ && col('.') <= len(unite#get_context().prompt) startinsert! endif endfunction"}}} function! unite#handlers#_on_text_changed() abort "{{{ let unite = unite#get_current_unite() if unite#helper#get_input(1) !=# unite.last_input call s:check_redraw() endif endfunction"}}} function! unite#handlers#_on_bufwin_enter(bufnr) abort "{{{ silent! let unite = getbufvar(a:bufnr, 'unite') if type(unite) != type({}) \ || bufwinnr(a:bufnr) < 1 return endif if bufwinnr(a:bufnr) != winnr() let winnr = winnr() execute bufwinnr(a:bufnr) 'wincmd w' endif call unite#handlers#_init_timer() call unite#handlers#_save_updatetime() call s:restore_statusline() if unite.context.split && winnr('$') != 1 call unite#view#_resize_window() endif setlocal nomodified if exists('winnr') execute winnr.'wincmd w' endif call unite#init#_tab_variables() let t:unite.last_unite_bufnr = a:bufnr endfunction"}}} function! unite#handlers#_on_cursor_hold() abort "{{{ let is_async = 0 call s:restore_statusline() if &filetype ==# 'unite' " Redraw. call unite#redraw() let unite = unite#get_current_unite() let is_async = unite.is_async if !unite.is_async && unite.context.auto_quit call unite#force_quit_session() endif else " Search other unite window. for winnr in filter(range(1, winnr('$')), \ "getbufvar(winbufnr(v:val), '&filetype') ==# 'unite'") let unite = getbufvar(winbufnr(winnr), 'unite') if unite.is_async " Redraw unite buffer. call unite#redraw(winnr) let is_async = unite.is_async endif endfor endif if is_async && !has('timers') " Ignore key sequences. call feedkeys("g\" . (v:count > 0 ? v:count : ''), 'n') endif endfunction"}}} function! unite#handlers#_on_cursor_moved() abort "{{{ if &filetype !=# 'unite' return endif let unite = unite#get_current_unite() let prompt_linenr = unite.prompt_linenr let context = unite.context let &l:modifiable = \ line('.') == prompt_linenr && col('.') >= 1 if line('.') == 1 nnoremap (unite_loop_cursor_up) \ :call unite#mappings#loop_cursor_up('n') nnoremap (unite_skip_cursor_up) \ :call unite#mappings#loop_cursor_up('n') inoremap (unite_select_previous_line) \ :call unite#mappings#loop_cursor_up('i') inoremap (unite_skip_previous_line) \ :call unite#mappings#loop_cursor_up('i') call s:cursor_down() elseif line('.') == line('$') nnoremap (unite_loop_cursor_down) \ :call unite#mappings#loop_cursor_down('n') nnoremap (unite_skip_cursor_down) \ :call unite#mappings#loop_cursor_down('n') inoremap (unite_select_next_line) \ :call unite#mappings#loop_cursor_down('i') inoremap (unite_skip_next_line) \ :call unite#mappings#loop_cursor_down('i') call s:cursor_up() else call s:cursor_up() call s:cursor_down() endif if exists('b:current_syntax') call unite#view#_clear_match() let is_prompt = (prompt_linenr == 0 && \ (context.prompt_direction == 'below' \ && line('.') == line('$') || line('.') == 1)) \ || line('.') == prompt_linenr if is_prompt || mode('.') == 'i' || unite.is_async \ || abs(line('.') - unite.prev_line) != 1 \ || str2float(split(reltimestr(reltime(unite.cursor_line_time)))[0]) \ > str2float(context.cursor_line_time) call unite#view#_set_cursor_line() endif let unite.cursor_line_time = reltime() let unite.prev_line = line('.') endif if context.auto_preview call unite#view#_do_auto_preview() endif if context.auto_highlight call unite#view#_do_auto_highlight() endif call s:restore_statusline() " Check lines. "{{{ if !context.auto_resize && \ winheight(0) < line('$') && line('.') + winheight(0) < line('$') return endif let height = \ (!unite.context.split \ || unite.context.winheight == 0) ? \ winheight(0) : unite.context.winheight let candidates = unite#candidates#_gather_pos(height) if !context.auto_resize && empty(candidates) " Nothing. return endif call unite#view#_resize_window() let modifiable_save = &l:modifiable try setlocal modifiable let pos = getpos('.') let lines = unite#view#_convert_lines(candidates) silent! call append('$', lines) finally let &l:modifiable = l:modifiable_save endtry let context = unite.context let unite.current_candidates += candidates if pos != getpos('.') call setpos('.', pos) endif"}}} endfunction"}}} function! unite#handlers#_on_buf_unload(bufname) abort "{{{ call unite#view#_clear_match() call unite#view#_clear_match_highlight() " Save unite value. silent! let unite = getbufvar(a:bufname, 'unite') if type(unite) != type({}) " Invalid unite. return endif if &l:statusline == unite.statusline " Restore statusline. let &l:statusline = &g:statusline endif if unite.is_finalized return endif " Restore options. if has_key(unite, 'redrawtime_save') let &redrawtime = unite.redrawtime_save endif let &sidescrolloff = unite.sidescrolloff_save call unite#handlers#_restore_updatetime() " Call finalize functions. call unite#helper#call_hook(unite#loaded_sources_list(), 'on_close') let unite.is_finalized = 1 endfunction"}}} function! unite#handlers#_on_insert_char_pre() abort "{{{ let prompt_linenr = unite#get_current_unite().prompt_linenr if line('.') == prompt_linenr return endif call cursor(prompt_linenr, 0) startinsert! call unite#handlers#_on_cursor_moved() endfunction"}}} function! unite#handlers#_save_updatetime() abort "{{{ let unite = unite#get_current_unite() if unite.is_async && unite.context.update_time > 0 \ && &updatetime > unite.context.update_time \ && !has('timers') let unite.update_time_save = &updatetime let &updatetime = unite.context.update_time endif endfunction"}}} function! unite#handlers#_restore_updatetime() abort "{{{ let unite = unite#get_current_unite() if !has_key(unite, 'update_time_save') return endif if unite.context.update_time > 0 \ && &updatetime < unite.update_time_save \ && !has('timers') let &updatetime = unite.update_time_save endif endfunction"}}} function! s:restore_statusline() abort "{{{ if &filetype !=# 'unite' || !g:unite_force_overwrite_statusline return endif let unite = unite#get_current_unite() if &l:statusline != unite.statusline " Restore statusline. let &l:statusline = unite.statusline endif endfunction"}}} function! s:timer_handler(timer) abort "{{{ if mode() ==# 'i' if &filetype ==# 'unite' call unite#handlers#_on_cursor_hold_i() endif else call unite#handlers#_on_cursor_hold() endif if !empty(filter(range(1, winnr('$')), \ "getbufvar(winbufnr(v:val), '&filetype') ==# 'unite'")) \ || !exists('s:timer') return endif call timer_stop(s:timer) unlet s:timer endfunction"}}} function! unite#handlers#_init_timer() abort "{{{ if has('timers') && !exists('s:timer') let s:timer = timer_start(500, \ function('s:timer_handler'), {'repeat': -1}) autocmd plugin-unite VimLeavePre * \ if exists('s:timer') | call timer_stop(s:timer) | endif endif endfunction"}}} function! s:check_redraw() abort "{{{ let unite = unite#get_current_unite() let prompt_linenr = unite.prompt_linenr if line('.') == prompt_linenr || unite.context.is_redraw " Redraw. call unite#redraw() endif endfunction"}}} function! s:cursor_up() abort "{{{ nnoremap (unite_loop_cursor_up) \ unite#mappings#cursor_up(0) nnoremap (unite_skip_cursor_up) \ unite#mappings#cursor_up(1) inoremap (unite_select_previous_line) \ unite#mappings#cursor_up(0) inoremap (unite_skip_previous_line) \ unite#mappings#cursor_up(1) endfunction"}}} function! s:cursor_down() abort "{{{ nnoremap (unite_loop_cursor_down) \ unite#mappings#cursor_down(0) nnoremap (unite_skip_cursor_down) \ unite#mappings#cursor_down(1) inoremap (unite_select_next_line) \ unite#mappings#cursor_down(0) inoremap (unite_skip_next_line) \ unite#mappings#cursor_down(1) endfunction"}}} let &cpo = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo " vim: foldmethod=marker