*unite-outline.txt* outline source for unite.vim Author : h1mesuke Shougo Updated : 2012-01-11 Version : 0.5.1 License : MIT license {{{ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. }}} CONTENTS *unite-outline-contents* Introduction |unite-outline-introduction| Install |unite-outline-install| Usage |unite-outline-usage| Settings |unite-outline-settings| Variables |unite-outline-variables| Example |unite-outline-settings-example| Outline Info |unite-outline-info| Create Outline Info |unite-outline-info-create| Attributes |unite-outline-info-attributes| External Programs |unite-outline-info-external-programs| Functions |unite-outline-functions| Utility Functions |unite-outline-utility-functions| ToDo |unite-outline-todo| Known Issues |unite-outline-known-issues| ChangeLog |unite-outline-changelog| ============================================================================== INTRODUCTION *unite-outline-introduction* *unite-outline* is a |unite|'s source which provides your Vim's buffer with the outline view. It parses the current buffer's content and extracts headings from the buffer. And then it shows the list of the headings using unite.vim's interface. When you select a heading from the list, you can jump to the corresponding location in the buffer. The methods for extracting headings can be implemented for each individual filetypes. You can customize them as you like with Vim script and can also create new ones for unsupported filetypes. ============================================================================== INSTALL *unite-outline-install* Install the distributed files into your Vim script directory which is usually $HOME/.vim, or $HOME/vimfiles on Windows. You can show the heading list of the current buffer with ":Unite outline" command if you succeeded the installation (and unite-outline supports the filetype of the buffer). C, C++, Java, etc~ * Exuberant Ctags (Required) http://ctags.sourceforge.net/ ============================================================================== USAGE *unite-outline-usage* SHOW HEADINGS ~ To show the heading list of the current buffer, execute |:Unite| command with "outline" as a source parameter. > :Unite outline < unite-outline parses the current buffer's content and extracts headings from the buffer. And then it shows the list of the headings using unite.vim's interface. When you select a heading from the list, you can jump to the corresponding location in the buffer. In most cases, extracted headings are cached. Because unite-outline reuses the cached data as possible, subsequent extraction for the buffer will get much faster than the first time. FILTER HEADINGS ~ See |unite-usage|. UPDATE HEADINGS ~ If you want to forcefully update the heading list discarding the cached data, execute ":Unite outline" command with "!" as an outline source's parameter. > :Unite outline:! < Or, execute |(unite_redraw)|, which is mapped to by default, at the heading list in Normal mode. NOTE: From version 0.5.0, unite-outline updates headings automatically. See |unite-outline-filetype-option-auto-update| . ============================================================================== SETTINGS *unite-outline-settings* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VARIABLES *unite-outline-variables* g:unite_source_outline_info *g:unite_source_outline_info* Dictionary of outline infos. If you define an outline info on your vimrc, register the outline info to this Dictionary. Otherwise, you don't need to use it at all. See |unite-outline-info|, |unite-outline-info-create|. Default value is {}. Because all of the default outline infos, which have been included in the distributed archive, will be loaded by autoload functions later on demand, the initial value of this dictionary is empty. *g:unite_source_outline_indent_width* g:unite_source_outline_indent_width Indent width used in heading lists. Default value is 2. *g:unite_source_outline_filetype_options* g:unite_source_outline_filetype_options Dictionary of filetype specific options. You can configure filetype specific options for a filetype by giving a Dictionary, that consists of option-value pairs, to this variable with the filetype as a key. The generic filetype "*", that means all filetypes, is available. If a filetype has no value for an option, the value of "*" for the option is applied. Default value is {} Example: > let g:unite_source_outline_filetype_options = { \ '*': { \ 'auto_update': 1, \ 'auto_update_event': 'write', \ }, \ 'cpp': { \ 'auto_update': 0, \ }, \ 'javascript': { \ 'ignore_types': ['comment'], \ }, \ 'markdown': { \ 'auto_update_event': 'hold', \ }, \} < FILETYPE OPTIONS ~ auto_update *unite-outline-filetype-option-auto-update* Whether unite-outline update headings automatically or not. Default value is 1. *unite-outline-filetype-option-auto-update-event* auto_update_event Event that triggers the auto-update of headings. One of the followings. Value Trigger(s) -------------------------------------------- "write" |BufWritePost| "hold" |BufWritePost|, |CursorHold| Default value is "write". NOTE: Headings are updated only when the buffer has been changed since the last update. If you choice "hold" as "auto_update_event", the interval of updates is specified by 'updatetime'. ignore_types *unite-outline-filetype-option-ignore-types* List of heading types to be ignored. See the definition of the outline info to know about available heading types. Default value is [] *g:unite_source_outline_max_headings* g:unite_source_outline_max_headings Maximum number of headings. unite-outline aborts the extraction if the number of extracted headings reaches the value of this variable. Default value is 1000. *g:unite_source_outline_cache_limit* g:unite_source_outline_cache_limit Threshold for persistent/on-memory caching. If the number of lines of the buffer is greater than the value of this variable, the cache of the extracted headings is stored in a file. Once the cache is stored in a file, unite-outline loads the headings from the file even at the first time of its execution after a reboot of Vim. Default value is 1000. *g:unite_source_outline_highlight* g:unite_source_outline_highlight Dictionary of highlight settings. You can change the highlight for each heading groups. Default value is {} Example: > let g:unite_source_outline_highlight = { \ 'comment' : 'Comment', \ 'expanded': 'Constant', \ 'function': 'Function', \ 'id' : 'Special', \ 'macro' : 'Macro', \ 'method' : 'Function', \ 'normal' : 'Normal', \ 'package' : 'Normal', \ 'special' : 'Macro', \ 'type' : 'Type', \ 'level_1' : 'Type', \ 'level_2' : 'PreProc', \ 'level_3' : 'Identifier', \ 'level_4' : 'Constant', \ 'level_5' : 'Special', \ 'level_6' : 'Normal', \ 'parameter_list': 'Normal', \ } < The patterns to specify the regions to be highlighted are defined in each filetypes' outline infos. See |unite-outline-info-highlight_rules|. *g:unite_source_outline_ctags_program* g:unite_source_outline_ctags_program String pointing to the absolute path of the ctags executable. Default value is '' Example: > let g:unite_source_outline_ctags_program = \ '/usr/local/bin/ctags' < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SETTINGS EXAMPLE *unite-outline-settings-example* > nnoremap [unite] nmap f [unite] nnoremap [unite]o :Unite -buffer-name=outline outline call unite#set_buffer_name_option('outline', 'ignorecase', 1) call unite#set_buffer_name_option('outline', 'smartcase', 1) < ============================================================================== OUTLINE INFO *unite-outline-info* Outline info is a Dictionary that implements the filetype specific way of extracting headings. Usually, it has some regexp patterns of headings and a callback function to create a heading from a line of the buffer. You can customize the creation of a heading list as you like by creating your own outline infos or modifying the default ones. When you try to show the heading list, the outline info for the current buffer's filetype is searched for. The search order is as follows: 1. g:unite_source_outline_info.{filetype} 2. outline#{filetype}#outline_info() 3. unite#sources#outline#{filetype}#outline_info() 4. unite#sources#outline#defaults#{filetype}#outline_info() ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CREATE OUTLINE INFO *unite-outline-info-create* There are two ways to create and use your own outline infos. [RECOMMENDED] A. Define an autoload function to return the outline info. * Create a file {filetype}.vim at $HOME/.vim/autoload/unite/sources/outline/ * Define unite#sources#outline#{filetype}#outline_info() in the file. or * Create {filetype}.vim at $HOME/.vim/autoload/outline/ * Define outline#{filetype}#outline_info() in the file. * Returns the outline info from the autoload function as its return value. I recommend you to define an outline info in this manner because loading of the outline info is delayed until it is actually needed and it doesn't enlarge your vimrc. The default outline infos at $HOME/.vim/autoload/unite/sources/outline/defaults/ have been defined in this manner. B. Register the outline info to the global variable. * Define a Dictionary as the outline info and set it to g:unite_source_outline_info.{filetype} at your vimrc. Example (for Ruby): > let g:unite_source_outline_info.ruby = { \ 'heading': '^\s*\(module\|class\|def\)\>', \ 'skip': { \ 'header': '^#', \ 'block' : ['^=begin', '^=end'], \ }, \} < ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ATTRIBUTES *unite-outline-info-attributes* The attributes of outline info are as follows: EXTRACTING HEADINGS BY CALLBACK ~ *unite-outline-info-heading-1* heading-1 String (Optional) Pattern that matches to the PREVIOUS line of a heading line. By setting this attribute, the outline info can extract the headings that follow a decoration line. For example, > ========================================= Heading 1 < or > ----------------------------------------- Heading 2 < or > /**************************************** * * Heading 3 * ****************************************/ < Because unite-outline see one more next line if the next line of a decoration line seems to be a blank line, the headings like the third example are extracted well. Example: > let s:outline_info = { \ 'heading-1': '^[-=]\{10,}\s*$', \ } < *unite-outline-info-heading* heading String (Optional) Pattern that matches to a heading line itself. Example (for HTML): > let s:outline_info = { \ 'heading': '<[hH][1-6][^>]*>', \ } < *unite-outline-info-heading-pattern-restrictions* RESTRICTIONS ON HEADING PATTERNS ~ There are the following restrictions on the regular expressions used in heading-1, heading or heading+1. 1. Use 'magic' notation. |/magic| 2. Don't use any back references (\1..\9). |/\1| These restrictions exist to maximize the speed of pattern matching. If you need any back references to extract headings, please use a pattern that has no back references and matches loosely and then filter the matched lines strictly again at create_heading() callback function. *unite-outline-info-heading+1* heading+1 String (Optional) Pattern that matches to the NEXT line of a heading line. By setting this attribute, the outline info can extract the headings that are followed by a decoration line like Markdown's headings. For example, > Heading ------- < Example (for Markdown): > let s:outline_info = { \ 'heading' : '^#\+', \ 'heading+1': '^[-=]\+$', \ } < *unite-outline-info-create_heading()* create_heading Funcref (Optional) create_heading( {which}, {heading-line}, {matched-line}, {context}) If defined, called whenever a heading is matched. It should return a heading object, that is a Dictionary. By defining this callback function, you can format the words of headings and decide the heading level (indent) of them. The arguments passed to create_heading() are as follows: * {which} String Kind of the match. One of "heading-1", "heading" or "heading+1" * {heading-line} String Line that is a heading. * {matched-line} String Line that was matched. *unite-outline-context-object* * {context} Dictionary Extra information about the current context. It contains the following attributes. * heading_lnum Number Line number of {heading-line}. * matched_lnum Number Line number of {matched-line}. * lines List List of all lines of the current buffer. An empty line has been prepended to the List to enable to use lnum as List index. Please beware it when you iterate the lines. * buffer Dictionary Buffer's information. It contains the following attributes. * nr Number Buffer number. * path String Path of the file edited on the buffer. * filetype String Filetype of the buffer. See autoload/unite/source/outline.vim for more available attributes. * outline_info Dictionary outline info You shouldn't rewrite any existing attributes of {context} because the Dictionary assigned to {context} is the same instance while the extraction. *unite-outline-heading-object* HEADING OBJECT ~ create_heading() should return a heading object that is a Dictionary with the following attributes. * word String (Required) Words of the heading displayed on the heading list window. * level Number (Optional) Heading level. The heading will be indented according to the level. If omitted, set to 1. See |g:unite_source_outline_indent_width|. * type String (Optional) Type of the heading. If omitted, set to "generic". If returns an empty Dictionary, it isn't considered as a heading and ignored. Example (for HTML): > function! s:outline_info.create_heading(which, heading_line, matched_line, context) let level = str2nr(matchstr(a:heading_line, '<[hH]\zs[1-6]\ze[^>]*>')) let heading = { \ 'word' : "h" . level . ". " . s:get_text_content(level, a:context) \ 'level': level, \ 'type' : 'generic', \ } return heading endfunction < *unite-outline-info-skip* skip Dictionary (Optional) Dictionary to specify the ranges to be skipped while the extraction. There are the following sub attributes. *unite-outline-info-skip-header* header String or List or Dictionary (Optional) It is set to prevent headings being extracted from the header part at the head of the buffer, in which the information about the author and/or the copyright notice exist. (a) If a String is set, it is considered as a pattern. If line 1 of the buffer is matched by the pattern, unite-outline skips to the line which isn't matched by the pattern. > \ 'skip': { \ 'header': '^#', \ }, < (b) If a List is set, it is considered as a pair of patterns, the first one of which matches the beginning of the header and the second one matches the end. If line 1 of the buffer is matched by skip.header[0], unite-outline skips to the line which is matched by skip.header[1]. > \ 'skip': { \ 'header': ['^/\*', '\*/\s*$'], \ }, < (c) If a Dictionary is set, it is assumed that "leading" attribute is set to (a)'s pattern and/or "block" attribute is set to (b)'s List. unite-outline skips the header in the manner of (a) and/or (b). > \ 'skip': { \ 'header': { \ 'leading': '^//', \ 'block' : ['^/\*', '\*/\s*$'], \ }, \ }, < block List (Optional) *unite-outline-info-skip-block* It is considered as a pair of patterns, the first one of which matches the beginning of a range to be skipped and the second one matches the end of the range. unite-outline skips all ranges that starts from the line matched by skip.block[0] to the line matched by skip.block[1]. > \ 'skip': { \ 'block': ['^=begin', '^=end'], \ }, < EXTRACTING HEADINGS BY YOURSELF ~ *unite-outline-info-extract_headings()* extract_headings Funcref (Optional) extract_headings( {context}) If defined, called to extract headings. It should return a List of headings or a Tree of headings. By defining this callback function, you can implement your original logic to extract headings. Even if it is so difficult to extract headings by the pattern matching and callback strategy by create_heading(), you can use any external programs like ctags in extract_headings() to accomplish the extraction. The argument passed to extract_headings() is: * {context} Dictionary Information about the current context. See |unite-outline-context-object|. extract_headings() should return a List of headings or a Tree of headings. Each of the headings must have "lnum" attribute in addition to the attributes described in |unite-outline-heading-object|. * lnum Number (Required) Line number of a heading line. RETURNING A TREE OF HEADINGS ~ If the outline info can know the tree structure of extracted headings in its extracting process, extract_headings() can return the headings as a Tree. You can build a Tree of headings in the manner shown in the following example. Example: > let s:Tree = unite#sources#outline#import('Tree') let root = s:Tree.new() call s:Tree.append_child(root, heading_A) call s:Tree.append_child(root, heading_B) call s:Tree.append_child(heading_A, heading_1) call s:Tree.append_child(heading_A, heading_2) call s:Tree.append_child(heading_B, heading_3) < The headings at the top level must be children of the root node created by Tree.new(). The relations between each headings and its children can be made by Tree.append_child(). As a result of the example code, a tree that has a structure shown in the following figure is built. extract_headings() must returns the root node, that never be displayed on the heading list window. > root | +--heading_A | +--heading_1 | +--heading_2 | +--heading_B +--heading_3 < Because the heading level can be decided from the depth of the node, each headings isn't required to have "level" attribute in this case. FORMATTING ~ *unite-outline-info-heading_groups* heading_groups Dictionary (Optional) Dictionary used for categorizing headings to heading groups. unite-outline automatically adds "group" attribute to each headings using this Dictionary, that defines heading groups and their member types. Each groups is a List of heading types. unite-outline inserts a blank line between two headings that belong to different groups when the heading list is displayed. Example (for C++): > let s:outline_info = { \ 'heading_groups': { \ 'namespace': ['namespace'], \ 'type' : ['class', 'enum', 'struct', 'typedef'], \ 'function' : ['function'], \ 'macro' : ['macro'], \ }, \} < NARROWING ~ *unite-outline-info-not_match_patterns* not_match_patterns List (Optional) List of patterns to specify the parts of heading words that never match on narrowing. The parts of heading words that match to any of the patterns in the List are excluded from the words for which the matcher searches keywords. SYNTAX HIGHLIGHTING ~ *unite-outline-info-highlight_rules* highlight_rules Dictionary (Optional) List of highlight rules, that are Dictionaries. Syntax highlights are defined in the order in the List before displaying a heading list. When two or more patterns match at the same position, |:syn-priority| rule is applied. Patterns must be surrounded by two identical characters. See |:syn-pattern| for details. Example (for Vim script): > let s:outline_info = { \ 'highlight_rules': [ \ { 'name' : 'comment', \ 'pattern' : '/".*/' }, \ { 'name' : 'augroup', \ 'pattern' : '/\S\+\ze : augroup/', \ 'highlight': g:unite_source_outline_highlight.type }, \ { 'name' : 'function', \ 'pattern' : '/\S\+\ze\s*(/' }, \ { 'name' : 'parameter_list', \ 'pattern' : '/(.*)/' }, \ ], \} < If "highlight" attribute is omitted, the highlight specified by |g:unite_source_outline_highlight| variable is used. CACHING ~ *unite-outline-info-is_volatile* is_volatile Number (Optional) Whether extracted headings is cached or not. If set to none-zero, headings are not cached. *unite-outline-info-hooks* HOOKS ~ *unite-outline-info-initialize()* initialize Funcref (Optional) initialize() If defined, called after loading the outline info. See |unite-outline-context-object| for {context} *unite-outline-info-before()* before Funcref (Optional) before( {context}) If defined, called before extracting headings. See |unite-outline-context-object| for {context} *unite-outline-info-after()* after Funcref (Optional) after( {context}) If defined, called after extracting headings. See |unite-outline-context-object| for {context} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXTERNAL PROGRAMS *unite-outline-info-external-programs* Some of the default outline infos use external program(s) to accomplish their extracting tasks. The external programs must be executable for Vim, in other words, they must be able to be executed by |system()| with the proper setting of PATH environment variable. C, C++, Java, etc~ * Exuberant Ctags (Required) http://ctags.sourceforge.net/ ============================================================================== FUNCTIONS *unite-outline-functions* *unite#sources#outline#alias()* unite#sources#outline#alias( {alias}, {filetype}) Defines an alias of {filetype}. By defining an alias, you can use the outline info for {filetype} in another filetype. Example: > call unite#sources#outline#alias('xhtml', 'html') call unite#sources#outline#alias('zsh', 'sh') < *unite#sources#outline#get_outline_info()* unite#sources#outline#get_outline_info( {filetype} [, {reload} [, {nouser}]]) Returns the outline info of {filetype}. When {reload} is non-zero, sources the script where the outline info is defined before getting it. When {nouser} is non-zero, skips searching user defined outline infos and returns one of the bundled. If the outline info is not found, returns an empty Dictionary. *unite#sources#outline#get_filetype_option()* unite#sources#outline#get_filetype_option( {filetype}, {key} [, {default}]) Returns a value of option {key} for {filetype}. If the value of option {key} is not available, returns {default} if given otherwise returns 0. *unite#sources#outline#get_highlight()* unite#sources#outline#get_highlight( {name} ...) Returns a highlight group name associated with {name}. If {name} has no association, tries following arguments until the association is found. If not found finally, returns "Normal". See |g:unite_source_outline_highlight|. *unite#sources#outline#import()* unite#sources#outline#import( {module}) Imports a built-in module. > let s:Util = unite#sources#outline#import('Util') < *unite#sources#outline#remove_cache_files()* unite#sources#outline#remove_cache_files() Remove all cache files. UTILITY FUNCTIONS *unite-outline-utility-functions* The followings are utility functions that are convenient when used in create_heading() or extract_headings(). If you want to use them, please import Util module using unite#sources#outline#import() function. > let s:Util = unite#sources#outline#import('Util') call s:Util.get_indent_level(a:context, h_lnum) < If an utility function requires {context}, you need to pass the Dictionary received as {context} argument of create_heading() or extract_headings(). See |unite-outline-context-object|. HEADINGS ~ *unite-outline-Util.get_indent_level()* Util.get_indent_level( {context}, {lnum}) Returns the level of the indentation of line {lnum}. MATCHING ~ *unite-outline-Util.join_to()* Util.join_to( {context}, {lnum}, {pattern} [, {limit}]) Joins from line {lnum} to the line that matches to {pattern} into one String and then returns it. "\n" is put in between the joined lines. {limit} specifies the maximum number of lines to be joined. When {limit} is omitted, the default value 3 is used. When {limit} is negative, searches the matched line backward. *unite-outline-Util.neighbor_match()* Util.neighbor_match( {context}, {lnum}, {pattern} [, {range} [, {exclusive}]]) Returns True if line {lnum} or one of its neighbor lines matches to {pattern}, otherwise returns False. {range} specifies the range of the neighbors to be tried to match. When {range} is omitted, the default value 1 is used. It means the neighbors are only the previous line and the next line. When {range} is a List, for example [m, n], it specifies that the neighbors are the previous m lines and the next n lines. When {exclusive} is given and non-zero, line {lnum} itself isn't be tried to match. *unite-outline-Util.neighbor_matchstr()* Util.neighbor_matchstr( {context}, {lnum}, {pattern} [, {range} [, {exclusive}]]) Variety of |unite-outline-Util.neighbor_match()|. Returns the matched string not a boolean value. If there's no match, returns an empty String. ============================================================================== TODO *unite-outline-todo* * Add outline infos for D, Erlang, Go, Haskell, etc... * Issues - h1mesuke/unite-outline - GitHub https://github.com/h1mesuke/unite-outline/issues ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MESSAGE FROM THE AUTHOR Please send your nice outline info! I want unite-outline to support more and more filetypes. But, creating an outline info worth of using is not easy because it requires deep knowledge of the target filetype. So, it is virtually impossible for me to create outline infos for all filetypes around the world. If you have written an outline info for some filetype and think it is nice, please send it to me. I will bundle it to the distribution as the default outline info of the filetype. * Issues - h1mesuke/unite-outline - GitHub https://github.com/h1mesuke/unite-outline/issues * Send a pull request - GitHub https://github.com/h1mesuke/unite-outline/pull/new/master ============================================================================== KNOWN ISSUES *unite-outline-issues* INCORRECT STRUCTURED TREE ~ unite-outline internally builds a tree structure of headings to know the relationship among headings and traces the tree structure to accomplish its tree-aware narrowing task. Therefore, not only the matched headings but also their ancestors are displayed as the results of the narrowing. Outline infos for some filetypes decide the level of headings from their indentation depth at the buffer. In this case, the built tree may be structured incorrectly. As a result, the results of narrowing may contain headings that are neither matched nor ancestors of matched ones. ============================================================================== CHANGELOG *unite-outline-changelog* 0.5.1 2011-11-01 * Changed unite#sources#outline#get_outline_info()'s interface. - And supported filetype redirection. |unite#sources#outline#get_outline_info()| * Deleted unite#sources#outline#get_default_outline_info() * Added a new hook. - initialize |unite-outline-info-initialize| * Changed hook names. - initialize -> before |unite-outline-info-before| - finalize -> after |unite-outline-info-after| * Refactoring the internal data management. * Improved the speed of tree-aware matching. - No recursive calls. The matcher does its task iteratively. 0.5.0 2011-9-06 * Implemented the auto-update feature and added the following filetype specific options. - auto_update |unite-outline-filetype-option-auto-update| - auto_update_event 0.3.8 2011-08-25 * Improved the speed of heading extraction. Some restrictions on the regular expressions used in heading-1, heading or heading+1 were introduced along with this change. |unite-outline-info-heading-pattern-restrictions| * Added |g:unite_source_outline_filetype_options| variable. g:unite_source_outline_ignore_heading_types variable was integrated into this new variable as one filetype option. * Deprecated the following keymappings. - (unite_outline_loop_cursor_down) - (unite_outline_loop_cursor_up) vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl:noet:fen:fdl=0:fdm=marker: