snippet mot abbr module signature options head module type ${1} = sig ${2:TARGET} end snippet mod abbr module struct options head module ${1} = struct ${2:TARGET} end snippet mos abbr module signature options head module ${1} : sig ${2:TARGET} end snippet cc abbr comment (* ${0:TARGET} *) snippet Cc abbr multi line comment (* ${0:TARGET} *) snippet oo abbr ocamldoc comment (** .. *) (** ${0:TARGET} *) snippet if abbr if..then..else if ${1:TARGET} then ${2} else ${3} snippet let abbr let ${1:TARGET} in ${0} snippet letr abbr let rec .. in options head let rec ${1:TARGET} in ${0} snippet match abbr match match ${1:TARGET} with | ${2} -> ${0} snippet obj abbr object object ${0:TARGET} end snippet try abbr try..with try ${1:TARGET} with ${0} snippet lopen abbr let open .. in options head let open ${1} in ${2:TARGET} snippet for abbr for i=x..y do; ... done options head for ${1:i} = ${2:0} to ${3:10} do ${0:TARGET} done snippet while abbr while ... do; ... done options head while ${1:true} do ${2:TARGET} done snippet fun abbr (fun x -> ...) (fun ${1:x} -> ${2:TARGET}) snippet arl abbr array literal [| |] [| ${0:TARGET} |] snippet fail abbr failwith "..." failwith "${0:TARGET}" snippet beg abbr begin ... end begin ${0:TARGET} end snippet exn abbr exception options head exception ${0:TARGET} of ${1:string} snippet lit abbr string literals {xxx| ... |xxx} options head {${0:}|${1:TARGET}|$0} snippet @@ abbr [@@deriving ...] options head [@@deriving ${0:TARGET}]