snippet module options head module `substitute(substitute(expand('%:r'), '[/\\]','.','g'),'^\%(\l*\.\)\?','','')` ${1} where${2} snippet import options head abbr import alias imp import ${1:String} snippet importAs options head abbr import ... as ... alias impa import ${1} as ${2} snippet importExposing options head abbr import ... exposing (..) alias impe import ${1:Html} exposing (${2:..}) snippet main options head main : Signal Html main = ${0} snippet case abbr case ... of case ${1} of ${2} -> ${0} snippet if abbr if ... then ... else ... if ${1} then ${2} else ${3} snippet let abbr let ... in ... options head let ${1} =${2} in ${3} snippet lambda abbr λ \ ${1:x} -> ${0}