*unite-quickfix.txt*	Source for unite.vim that shows outputs from quickfix

Index						*unite_quickfix-contents*

INTRODUCTION			|unite_quickfix-introduction|
USAGE				|unite-quickfix-usage|
SETTINGS			|unite-quickfix-setting|
  VARIABLES			  |unite-quickfix-variables|
EXAMPLES			|unite-quickfix-example|

INTRODUCTION					*unite_quickfix-introduction*

|unite_quickfix| is a |unite-source| for outputting |quickfix|
(|location-list|) data to |unite.vim|, a plugin written by Shougo.

unite.vim - github : https://github.com/Shougo/unite.vim

|unite-qf|, written by sgur, is similar to this plugin.

unite-qf - github : https://github.com/sgur/unite-qf

There are several differences between |unite-quickfix| and |unite-qf| including:

- Support for is_multiline
 - Lines that do not fit in one line can be wrapped and shown in following
 - |g:unite_quickfix_is_multiline|

- Use previous quickfix outputs with |:colder| and |:cnewer|
 - |unite-quickfix-usage|

- Show shortened file paths using |pathshorten()|
 - |g:unite_quickfix_filename_is_pathshorten|

- Outputs from location_list
 - :Unite location_list

- Highlighting
 - see: http://d.hatena.ne.jp/osyo-manga/20130326/1364298157

- Character code conversion is not supported

USAGE						*unite-quickfix-usage*

Start |unite.vim| after sending outputs to |quickfix|.

	" Use output to quickfix as source
	:Unite quickfix
	" Use output to location-list as source
	:Unite location_list
	" Use quickfix output prior to the current as source.
	" Only the output to unite.vim is modified.
	" Note that :colder is not actually executed.
	:Unite quickfix:2
	" Behaviour similar to quickfix
	" Open unite.vim at the bottom (-direction=botright),
	" and don't quit unite.vim (-no-quit) after selecting candidate.
	:Unite -no-quit -direction=botright quickfix

SETTINGS						*unite-quickfix-setting*

VARIABLES					*unite-quickfix-variables*

g:unite_quickfix_filename_is_pathshorten	*g:unite_quickfix_filename_is_pathshorten*
	Choose whether or not to show shortened file name.

	0 : Don't shorten
	1 : Shorten

Default: >
	let unite_quickfix_filename_is_pathshorten = 1

g:unite_quickfix_is_multiline			*g:unite_quickfix_is_multiline*
	Whether or not to show lines that go beyond the width of the window in
	multiple lines.

	0 : Don't show in multiple lines
	1 : Show in multiple lines

Default: >
	let g:unite_quickfix_is_multiline = 1

	Setting bold type for error message.

	0 : No bold type
	1 : bold type

Default: >
	let g:unite#filters#converter_quickfix_highlight#enable_bold_for_message = 1

HIGHLIGHTS					*unite-quickfix-highlight*

Highlights to be applied at converter_quickfix_highlight.

UniteQuickFixError		*unite-quickfix-highlight-UniteQuickFixError*
	Setting the highlight of "error".
	"error" のハイライトを設定します。
Default: >
	highlight UniteQuickFixError ctermfg=1 guifg=Red term=bold gui=bold

UniteQuickFixWarning		*unite-quickfix-highlight-UniteQuickFixWarning*
	Setting the highlight of "warning".
Default: >
	highlight UniteQuickFixWarning ctermfg=1 guifg=Purple

EXAMPLES					*unite-quickfix-example*

Enable highlighting			*unite-quickfix-example-highlight*
You need to configure unite-filters in order to enable highlighting.
Highlighting does not work with the -multi-line option. You need to use -wrap
in order for it to work.

Example: >
	" Disable multi-line
	let g:unite_quickfix_is_multiline=0
	" Set converter_quickfix_highlight as the converter
	call unite#custom_source('quickfix', 'converters', 'converter_quickfix_highlight')
	call unite#custom_source('location_list', 'converters', 'converter_quickfix_highlight')

	" Highlighting does not work correctly unless used with -wrap option
	:Unite quickfix -wrap
