" File : autoload/unite/sources/outline/text.vim
" Author : h1mesuke <himesuke@gmail.com>
" Updated : 2012-01-11
" Licensed under the MIT license:
" http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
" Default outline info for Text (WzMemo style)
" Version: 0.0.2
" 1. Copy this file to '~/.vim/autoload/unite/sources/outline'
" 2. Rename this file to 'text.vim'
" If needed:
" 3. Make a ftdetect file for text filetype at '~/.vim/ftdetect/text.vim'
" and write this:
" autocmd BufRead,BufNewFile *.txt set filetype=text
function! unite#sources#outline#defaults#text#outline_info() abort
return s:outline_info
let s:outline_info = {
\ 'heading' : '^\.\+',
\ }
function! s:outline_info.create_heading(which, heading_line, matched_line, context) abort
let level = strlen(matchstr(a:heading_line, '^\.\+'))
let heading = {
\ 'word' : substitute(a:heading_line, '^\.\+\s*', '', ''),
\ 'level': level,
\ 'type' : 'generic',
\ }
return heading