" File : autoload/unite/sources/outline/defaults/ruby/rspec.vim
" Author : h1mesuke <himesuke@gmail.com>
" Updated : 2012-01-11
" Contributed by kenchan
" Licensed under the MIT license:
" http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
" Default outline info for Ruby/RSpec
" Version: 0.1.2
function! unite#sources#outline#defaults#ruby#rspec#outline_info() abort
return s:outline_info
let s:Util = unite#sources#outline#import('Util')
" Outline Info
" Inherit Ruby's outline info.
let s:super = unite#sources#outline#get_outline_info('ruby', 1, 1)
let s:outline_info = deepcopy(s:super)
call extend(s:outline_info, {
\ 'super': s:super,
\ 'rspec_heading_keywords': [
\ 'shared\=_\%(as\|context\|examples\%(_for\)\=\)',
\ 'describe', 'context', 'before', 'after', 'let!\=',
\ 'subject\%(\s*\%(do\|{\)\)\@=', 'it\%(_\w\+\|s\)\=', 'specify',
\ ],
\ 'not_match_patterns': [
\ '^\s*\%(let!\=\)\@!\S\+\s*\zs([^)]*)',
\ ],
\ 'rspec_highlight_rules': [
\ { 'name' : 'shared_context',
\ 'pattern' : '/\<shared\=_\%(as\|context\|examples\%(_for\)\=\)\>.*/',
\ 'highlight': unite#sources#outline#get_highlight('rspec_shared_context', 'level_1') },
\ { 'name' : 'behavior',
\ 'pattern' : '/\<\%(describe\|context\)\>.*/',
\ 'highlight': unite#sources#outline#get_highlight('rspec_behaviour', 'level_1') },
\ { 'name' : 'hook',
\ 'pattern' : '/\<\%(before\|after\)\>.*/',
\ 'highlight': unite#sources#outline#get_highlight('rspec_hook', 'level_3') },
\ { 'name' : 'let',
\ 'pattern' : '/\<let!\=\>.*/',
\ 'highlight': unite#sources#outline#get_highlight('rspec_let', 'level_3') },
\ { 'name' : 'subject',
\ 'pattern' : '/\<subject\>.*/',
\ 'highlight': unite#sources#outline#get_highlight('rspec_subject', 'level_2') },
\ { 'name' : 'example',
\ 'pattern' : '/\<\%(it\%(_\w\+\|s\)\=\|specify\)\>.*/',
\ 'highlight': unite#sources#outline#get_highlight('rspec_example', 'level_2') },
\ ],
function! s:outline_info.initialize() abort
let self.rspec_heading = '^\s*\(' . join(self.rspec_heading_keywords, '\|') . '\)\>'
let self.heading_keywords += self.rspec_heading_keywords
let self.highlight_rules += self.rspec_highlight_rules
call call(self.super.initialize, [], self)
function! s:outline_info.create_heading(which, heading_line, matched_line, context) abort
let word = a:heading_line
let type = 'generic'
let level = 0
if a:which == 'heading' && a:heading_line =~ self.rspec_heading
let h_lnum = a:context.heading_lnum
let level = s:Util.get_indent_level(a:context, h_lnum) + 3
" NOTE: Level 1 to 3 are reserved for toplevel comment headings.
let type = 'rspec'
let word = substitute(word, '\s*\%(do\|{\)\%(\s*|[^|]*|\)\=\s*$', '', '')
"let word = substitute(word, '\%(;\|#{\@!\).*$', '', '')
if word =~ '^\s*\%(subject\|it\)\s*$'
let word = self.fold_ruby_block(a:context, h_lnum)
if level > 0
let heading = {
\ 'word' : word,
\ 'level': level,
\ 'type' : type,
\ }
let heading = call(self.super.create_heading,
\ [a:which, a:heading_line, a:matched_line, a:context], self.super)
return heading