" File : autoload/unite/sources/outline/defaults/perl.vim
" Author : h1mesuke <himesuke@gmail.com>
" Updated : 2012-01-11
" Licensed under the MIT license:
" http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
" Default outline info for Perl
" Version: 0.1.0
function! unite#sources#outline#defaults#perl#outline_info() abort
return s:outline_info
let s:Util = unite#sources#outline#import('Util')
" Outline Info
let s:outline_info = {
\ 'heading-1': s:Util.shared_pattern('sh', 'heading-1'),
\ 'heading' : '^\%(\s*\%(sub\s\+\h\|subtest\s\+["'']\?\h\|\%(package\|BEGIN\|CHECK\|INIT\|END\)\>\)\|__\%(DATA\|END\)__$\)',
\ 'skip': {
\ 'header': s:Util.shared_pattern('sh', 'header'),
\ 'block' : ['^=\%(cut\)\@!\w\+', '^=cut'],
\ },
\ 'highlight_rules': [
\ { 'name' : 'comment',
\ 'pattern' : '/#.*/' },
\ { 'name' : 'sub',
\ 'pattern' : '/\h\w*/',
\ 'highlight': unite#sources#outline#get_highlight('function') },
\ { 'name' : 'subtest',
\ 'pattern' : '/\h\w*/',
\ 'highlight': unite#sources#outline#get_highlight('normal') },
\ { 'name' : 'block',
\ 'pattern' : '/\<\%(BEGIN\|CHECK\|INIT\|END\|__\%(DATA\|END\)__\)\>/',
\ 'highlight': unite#sources#outline#get_highlight('special') },
\ { 'name' : 'package',
\ 'pattern' : '/\S\+\ze : package/',
\ 'highlight': unite#sources#outline#get_highlight('type') },
\ { 'name' : '_after_colon',
\ 'pattern' : '/ : \h\w*/',
\ 'highlight': unite#sources#outline#get_highlight('normal') },
\ ],
function! s:outline_info.create_heading(which, heading_line, matched_line, context) abort
let h_lnum = a:context.heading_lnum
" Level 1 to 3 are reserved for comment headings.
let level = s:Util.get_indent_level(a:context, h_lnum) + 3
let heading = {
\ 'word' : a:heading_line,
\ 'level': level,
\ 'type' : 'generic',
\ }
if a:which == 'heading-1' && a:heading_line =~ '^\s*#'
let m_lnum = a:context.matched_lnum
let heading.type = 'comment'
let heading.level = s:Util.get_comment_heading_level(a:context, m_lnum)
elseif a:which == 'heading'
if a:heading_line =~ '^\s*package\>'
let heading.word = substitute(heading.word, ';\s*$', '', '')
let heading.word = substitute(heading.word, '^\s*\zspackage\s\+', '', '') . ' : package'
let heading.word = substitute(heading.word, '\<subtest\>\s*q\?[''"]\(.*\)[''"]\s.*$', '\1 : subtest', '')
let heading.word = substitute(heading.word, '\<sub\>', '', '')
let heading.word = substitute(heading.word, '\s*{.*$', '', '')
let heading.level += 1
return heading