*scriptease.txt*  Write Vim scripts with ease

Author:  Tim Pope <http://tpo.pe/>
License: Same terms as Vim itself (see |license|)

This plugin is only available if 'compatible' is not set.

INTRODUCTION                                    *scriptease*

It's dangerous to Vimscript alone!  Take this.

zS                      Show the names of all syntax highlighting groups for
                        the character under the cursor.

{count}zS               Show the |:syn-list| for the {count}th syntax group
                        under the cursor.  1zS shows the innermost group.

K                       Like setting 'keywordprg' to :help, but slightly
                        smarter.  Only mapped in Vim files.

g!{motion}              Call |eval()| on the text the motion moves over and
                        replace it with the result.  If you press g!! on a
                        line containing "2+2", the line will be changed to

{Visual}g!              Call |eval()| on the selection and replace it with the

:Breakadd ..            Like |:breakadd|, but accepts s: functions, and if you
                        give it an argument of "here" inside a function, it
                        sets a breakpoint inside the function as you would
                        expect.  Only available in Vim files.

:Breakdel ..            Like |:breakdel|, but with the same enhancements as
                        |:Breakadd|.  Only available in Vim files.

:Disarm {file} ..       Attempt to disable a runtime file by removing its
                        |:map|s, |:command|s, and |:autocmd|s.  Accepts either
                        an absolute (~/.vim/plugin/scriptease.vim) or
                        runtime-relative (plugin/scriptease.vim) path.

:PP {expr}              Pretty print the value of {expr}.

:PP! {expr}             Pretty print the value of {expr} without wrapping.

:{range}PP[!] {expr}    Pretty print the value of {expr} into the buffer after

:PP                     With no {expr}, input, evaluate, and pretty print a
                        series of expressions.  Quit on a blank line.  This is
                        essentially a REPL.

:PPmsg {expr}           Pretty print the value of {expr} using |:echomsg|.

:PPmsg! {expr}          Pretty print the value of {expr} using |:echomsg|
                        without wrapping.

:{count}PPmsg[!] {expr} Pretty print the value of {expr} using |:echomsg| if
                        and only if the value of 'verbose' is greater than or
                        equal to {count}.

:PPmsg                  With no {expr}, |:echomsg| the current |<sfile>| and
:Runtime {file} ..      Invokes |:runtime|! on the given files, after
                        |:unlet|ting any include guards found within them.
                        Invokes |:filetype| detect afterwards.

:Runtime                In a Vim script, |:Runtime| on the current file.
                        Otherwise, re-perform filetype detection after
                        |:unlet|ting any include guards in the relevant
                        syntax, indent, and ftplugin files.

:Scriptnames            Load |:scriptnames| into the quickfix list and

:[count]Time {command}  Run the given command [count] times (default: 1) and
                        report how long it takes.

:[count]Verbose {command}
                        Like |:verbose|, but capture the results to a file
                        with 'verbosefile' and load it in the preview window.
                        This is particularly useful for higher, noisier values
                        of [count].

                                        *scriptease-:Vedit* *scriptease-:Ve*
:[count]Vedit {file}    Scan for [file] through the 'runtimepath', load all
                        matching files into the |location-list|, and jump to
                        the first (or [count]th) one.

                                        *scriptease-:Vedit!* *scriptease-:Ve!*
:[count]Vedit! {file}   Like |:Vedit|, but forcefully discard all changes.

:[count]Vopen {file}    Open the first (or [count]th) matching file in
                        'runtimepath', and |:lchdir| to the directory it was
                        found in.  This is a handy command to use when you
                        want to start working on a plugin in a fresh instance
                        of Vim.

:[count]Vopen! {file}   Like |:Vopen|, but forcefully discard all changes.

:[count]Vread {file}    Read the first (or [count]th) matching file in
                        'runtimepath' into the current buffer.

:Vsplit {file}          |:Vedit| meets |:split|.

:Vvsplit {file}         |:Vedit| meets |:vsplit|.

:Vtabedit {file}        |:Vedit| meets |:tabedit|.

:Vpedit {file}          |:Vedit| meets |:pedit|.

:Vsplit! {file}         |:Vopen| meets |:split|.

:Vvsplit! {file}        |:Vopen| meets |:vsplit|.

:Vtabedit! {file}       |:Vopen| meets |:tabedit|.

:Vpedit! {file}         |:Vedit| meets |:pedit|.

ABOUT                                           *scriptease-about*

Grab the latest version or report a bug on GitHub:

