

* Improved the detection regexp for comments:
  * the comment no longer needs to begin with a non-alphabetic character, which
    is needed for some file types, such as dosbatch (issue #2);
  * there has to be `':'`, `'='`, or space before the name of the encoding, so
    e.g. `'encodinglatin2'` is no longer valid.
* Add emission of warning messages when the external program is not executable
  or its execution failed (issue #3). As usual, these messages are emitted only
  when `g:autofenc_emit_messages` is set.
* Dropped the `'-L czech'` parameter for `enca` in `g:autofenc_ext_prog_args`
  (this setting is specific for the Czech language and thus not suitable as the
  default one).

1.5.1 (2014-05-03)

* Cleanup.
* Put the sources to GitHub (

1.5 (2012-03-17)

Thanks to Ingo Karkat for the updates in this version.
* Supported HTML/XML/CSS file types have been made configurable and added more
* Do not emit the _"unrecognized charset"_ message when the encoding is known.

1.4 (2012-03-11)

Thanks to Ingo Karkat for the updates in this version.
* Improved the detection regexp for comments:
  * added `"fileencoding"` and `"charset"`;
  * demands that there is whitespace in front of the keyword, so that
    `"daycoding"` doesn't match;
  * `g:autofenc_autodetect_commentexpr` allows to configure the pattern
    for comment detection.
* Introduced `g:autofenc_enc_blacklist` to disable some encodings. For example,
  the `enca` tool has a tendency to detect plain text files as UTF-7.
  With the blacklist, AutoFenc can be instructed to ignore those encodings.
* The check for ASCII is set to be case-insensitive because `enca` reports
  this in uppercase, so the condition fails unless `ignorecase` is set.
* Keeps changed CWD with `'autochdir'` setting by temporarily disabling it. For
  example, suppose that a user has `":lcd .."` in
  `after/ftplugin/gitcommit.vim` and that he or she is in the Git root
  directory, not the `.git` subdir when composing a commit message. The reload
  of the buffer by AutoFenc (via `:edit`) again triggered the automatic change
  of the working dir, and therefore the customization was lost. The
  `'autochdir'` setting needs to be temporarily disabled to avoid that.
* Added support for plain Vim 7.0 in the `shellescape()` emulation from
  version 1.3.4. Otherwise, there were errors in Vim 7.0.

1.3.4 (2012-02-27)

* Don't override when the user explicitly sets file encoding with `++enc`
  (thanks to Benjamin Fritz).
* Fixed TOhtml version detection (again) and made sure line continuations can
  actually be used (thanks to Benjamin Fritz and Ingo Karkat).
* Disabled the `'shellslash'` option on Windows before calling `shellescape()`
  (it may cause problems on Windows, thanks for the tip goes to Benjamin

1.3.3 (2011-11-29)

Thanks to Ingo Karkat for the updates in this version.
* Fixed a problem in the TOhtml detection when, for example,
  `g:loaded_2html_plugin = 'vim7.3_v6'`.
* The return code of the call of an external program via `system(ext_prog_cmd)`
  is now checked. This prevents Vim interpreting an error message as an
* `shellescape()` is now used instead of quoting `file_path` manually.

1.3.2 (2011-11-24)

Thanks to Benjamin Fritz for the updates in this version.
* Fixed the detection of the version of the TOhtml plugin.

1.3.1 (2011-07-23)

Thanks to Benjamin Fritz for the updates in this version.
* Fixed the plugin behavior when reloading a file with different settings.

1.3 (2011-04-22)

Thanks to Benjamin Fritz for the updates in this version.
* Added support for HTML version 5 encoding detection.
* The script now dies gracefully in old Vims.
* `g:autofenc_autodetect_comment_num_of_lines` renamed to

1.2.1 (2011-04-13)

* Fixed a typo in a variable name (this resulted in an error in some
  occasions). Thanks to Charles Lee for pointing this bug out.

1.2 (2011-03-31)

Thanks to Benjamin Fritz for the updates in this version.
* TOhtml's IANA name/Vim encoding conversion functions are now used.
* Changed BOM detection so it does not duplicate a check Vim already did by
  default (i.e. default to off if ucs-bom is in `'fileencodings'`).
* Put autocmds in the AutoFenc augroup for easier handling.
* Made autocmd nested so we don't need to worry about restoring everything that
  other autocmds may set (e.g. syntax).
* Jumplist or cursor position during detection are not affected.
* The `g:autofenc_autodetect_num_of_lines` option is now used also in
  HTML/XML/CSS detection routines (previously only used for encoding specified
  in comments).
* Improved HTML charset line regex.
* Added an option `g:autofenc_emit_messages` to emit messages about the
  detected/used encoding upon opening a file.

1.1.1 (2009-10-03)

* Fixed the comment encoding detection function (the encoding was not detected
  if there were some alphanumeric characters before the `"encoding"` string,
  like in `"# vim:fileencoding=<encoding-name>"`).

1.1 (2009-08-16)

* Added three configuration possibilities to disable autodetection for specific
  files (based on file size, file type and file path). See script description
  for more info.

1.0.2 (2009-08-11)

* Fixed the XML encoding detection function.
* Minor code and documentation fixes.

1.0.1 (2009-08-02)

* Encoding autodetection is now performed only if the opened file exists (is
  stored somewhere). So, for example, the autodetection is now not performed
  when a new file is opened.
* Correctly works with `.viminfo`, where the last cursor position in the file
  is stored when exiting the file. In the previous version of this script, this
  information was sometimes ignored and the cursor was initially on the very
  last line in a file. If the user does not use this `.viminfo` feature (or he
  does not use `.viminfo` at all), then the cursor will be initially placed on
  the very first line.
* Fixed the implementation of the function which sets the detected

1.0 (2009-07-26)

* Initial release version of this script.