*eunuch.txt* File manipulation
Author: Tim Pope <http://tpo.pe/>
License: Same terms as Vim itself (see |license|)
This plugin is only available if 'compatible' is not set.
Vim sugar for the UNIX shell commands that need it the most. Delete or rename
a buffer and the underlying file at the same time. Load a `find` or a
`locate` into the quickfix list. And so on.
Since this plugin can delete files, you should be aware that this plugin can
delete files. Fat fingers beware.
If you create a new file that starts with #!, `chmod +x` will automatically be
invoked on it when you first write the file.
File type detection for files edited with `sudoedit` and `sudo -e` happens
based on the original file name.
New init scripts are automatically prepopulated with `/etc/init.d/skeleton`,
if available.
COMMANDS *eunuch-commands*
:Remove[!] |:bdelete|, and, if successful, delete the file from
disk. If a bang is given, it is passed along to
:Unlink[!] Delete the file from disk and reload the buffer.
If a bang is given, discard unsaved changes.
:Move[!] {file} Like |:saveas|, but delete the old file afterwards.
:Rename[!] {file} Like |:Move|, but relative to the current file's
containing directory.
:Chmod {mode} Change the permissions of the current file.
:Mkdir {dir} Create directory {dir} with |mkdir()|.
:Mkdir! {dir} Create directory {dir} with |mkdir()| passing the "p"
argument. This is like `mkdir -p`.
:Mkdir[!] With no argument, create the containing directory for
the current file.
:Find[!] {args} Run `find` and load the results into the quickfix
list. Jump to the first result unless ! is given.
:Locate[!] {args} Run `locate` and load the results into the quickfix
list. Jump to the first result unless ! is given.
:SudoEdit [file] Edit a file using sudo. This overrides any read
permission issues, plus allows you to write the file
with :w!.
:SudoWrite Use sudo to write the file to disk. Handy when you
forgot to use sudo to invoke Vim. This uses :SudoEdit
internally, so after the first invocation you can
subsequently use :w!.
*eunuch-:Wall* *eunuch-:W*
:Wall Like |:wall|, but for windows rather than buffers.
:W It also writes files that haven't changed, which is
useful for kicking off build and test suites (such as
with watchr or guard). Furthermore, it handily
doubles as a safe fallback for people who, like me,
accidentally type :W instead of :w a lot.
ABOUT *eunuch-about*
Grab the latest version or report a bug on GitHub: