let &rtp = expand('<sfile>:p:h:h') . ',' . &rtp . ',' . expand('<sfile>:p:h:h') . '/after'
let @* = ''
runtime plugin/SearchParty.vim
" Nexus is needed for SearchHighlightReplace
runtime plugin/Nexus.vim
" Have to manually call SPLoadUserMaps() because RunVimTests doesn't seem to be
" triggering the VimEnter autocommand.
call SPLoadUserMaps()
function! Is(got, expected, description)
let qgot = string(a:got)
call vimtap#Is(a:got, a:expected, qgot, a:description)
let g:test_count = 0
function! LineColPos(line, col, ...)
for cmd in a:000
exec cmd
let g:test_count += 1
let msg = join(a:000, '|') . '.'
let l = line('.')
let c = col('.')
call Is(l, a:line, 'LineColPos Line, Test ' . g:test_count . ': ' . msg)
call Is(c, a:col, 'LineColPos Column, Test ' . g:test_count . ': ' . msg)
function! VisualMatch(expected)
call Is(@*, a:expected, 'VisualMatch. Test ' . g:test_count)
function! LineMatch(line, expected)
call Is(getline(a:line), a:expected, 'LineMatch. Test ' . g:test_count)