" Our private history.
let s:search_literal_hist =
\ exists('s:search_literal_hist') ? s:search_literal_hist : []
function! searchparty#literal_search#find_literal(...)
" First, empty the input history.
call histdel('input')
" next, add our own history.
call map(copy(s:search_literal_hist), 'histadd("input", v:val)')
" Prepare a prompt.
let prompt = 'Literal Search ' . (a:0 && a:1 ? '/' : '?')
" Search forward or backward.
let search_cmd = a:0 && a:1 ? '/' : '?'
" Get user's input.
let input = input(prompt)
"Thanks to \V only slashes and, backslashes or question marks need to be escaped.
let escaped = a:0 && a:1 ? escape(input, '\/') : escape(input, '\?')
" Allow control chars.
call join(map(split(escaped, '\zs'), 'v:val =~# [[:control:]] ? "\<C-V>".v:val : v:val'))
if empty(input)
" Nothing to do here.
" Perform the search after we're done.
call feedkeys("\<c-\>\<c-n>" . search_cmd . "\\V" . escaped . "\<CR>", 'n')
call feedkeys(":call searchparty#mash#mash()\<CR>\<C-L>", 'n')
"Add current string to our private history.
call add(s:search_literal_hist, input)