function! s:SID() return "" . matchstr(expand(''), '\zs\d\+_\zeSID$') endfun if !exists('g:vim_home') let vim_home = fnamemodify($MYVIMRC, ':p:h') endif if !exists('g:vim_bundle_home') let vim_bundle_home = g:vim_home . '/bundle/' endif " example call: " call PathogenAddPlugin(g:vim_bundle_home . '/unused/csapprox{}') function! PathogenAddPlugin(plugin) call pathogen#surround(a:plugin) silent! runtime! plugin/*.vim endfunction function! CurrentPartialWord() let p = searchpos('\W\zs\w\+\%#', 'bnW') let b:partial_word = strpart(getline('.'), p[1]-1, col('.')-p[1]) endfunction augroup Vimple au! autocmd CursorMovedI * call CurrentPartialWord() augroup END function! Scope() let ft = tolower(&ft) if exists('*Scope_' . ft) return call('Scope_' . ft, []) endif endfunction if ! exists('g:vimple_override_file_complete') let g:vimple_override_file_complete = 0 endif if ! exists('g:vimple_file_complete_short') let g:vimple_file_complete_short = 0 endif if ! exists('g:vimple_override_line_complete') let g:vimple_override_line_complete = 0 endif if g:vimple_override_file_complete if g:vimple_file_complete_short inoremap complete#trigger('complete#short_files_in_path') else inoremap complete#trigger('complete#files_in_path') endif endif if g:vimple_override_line_complete inoremap complete#trigger('complete#foist') endif function! ExtendedRegexObject(...) return call('regex#ExtendedRegex', a:000) endfunction " ERex is a global object with access to Vim's vars: let ERex = ExtendedRegexObject() function! TagSearch() let ident = expand('') if exists('s:tags') unlet s:tags endif let s:tags = taglist(ident) if empty(s:tags) echohl Warning echom 'Tag not found: ' . ident echohl None return endif let data = map(copy(s:tags), 'v:key . " " . . "\t" . v:val.filename') call overlay#show( \ data \, { \ '' : ':call ' . s:SID() . 'tagsearchaccept()' \ , 'q' : ':call overlay#close()' \ } \, {'filter' : 1, 'use_split' : 1}) endfunction function! s:tagsearchaccept() let ident = matchstr(overlay#select_line(), '^\d\+') let fname = s:tags[ident].filename if bufnr(fname) == -1 exec 'edit ' . fname else exec 'buffer ' . fname endif silent! exe s:tags[ident].cmd endfunction nnoremap vimple_tag_search :call TagSearch() if !hasmapto('vimple_tag_search') nmap g] vimple_tag_search endif function! IdentSearch(type) let type = a:type ? ']I' : '[I' try let data = vimple#redir('norm! ' . type) catch '^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E389:' echohl Warning echom 'Could not find pattern' echohl None return endtry call overlay#show( \ data \, { \ '' : ':call ' . s:SID() . 'identsearchaccept(' . a:type . ')' \ , 'q' : ':call overlay#close()' \ } \, {'filter' : 1, 'use_split' : 1}) endfunction function! s:identsearchaccept(type) let type = a:type ? ']' : '[' let num = matchstr(overlay#select_line(), '\d\+') exe 'silent! norm! ' . num . type . "\t" endfunction nnoremap vimple_ident_search :call IdentSearch(0) nnoremap vimple_ident_search_forward :call IdentSearch(1) if !hasmapto('vimple_ident_search') nmap [I vimple_ident_search endif if !hasmapto('vimple_ident_search_forward') nmap ]I vimple_ident_search_forward endif function! SpellSuggest(ident) call overlay#show( \ s:getsuggestions(a:ident) \, { \ '' : ':call ' . s:SID() . 'spellsuggestaccept()' \ , 'q' : ':call overlay#close()' \ } \, {'filter' : 0, 'use_split' : 1}) endfunction function! s:getsuggestions(ident) let spell = &spell if ! spell set spell endif let suggestions = list#lspread(spellsuggest(a:ident), 5) if ! spell set nospell endif return suggestions endfunction function! s:spellsuggestaccept() let line = getline('.') let idx = strlen(substitute(line[:col('.')], '[^\t]', '', 'g')) let word_list = split(line, '\t') call overlay#close() let [r1, r2] = [@@, @-] exe 'norm! ciw' . word_list[idx] let [@@, @-] = [r1, r2] endfunction nnoremap vimple_spell_suggest :call SpellSuggest(expand('')) if !hasmapto('vimple_spell_suggest') nmap z= vimple_spell_suggest endif function! BufGrep(pattern) let pattern = a:pattern let fc = pattern[0] let lc = pattern[-1] if fc !~ '[[:punct:]]' let fc = '/' let lc = '/' elseif fc != lc let lc = fc let pattern = pattern[1:] else let pattern = pattern[1:-2] endif let pattern = escape(pattern, fc) let data = vimple#redir('global ' . fc . pattern . lc . '#') if data[0] =~ 'Pattern not found:' echohl Warning echo data[0] echohl None return endif call overlay#show( \ data \, { \ '' : ':call ' . s:SID() . 'bufgrepaccept()' \ , 'q' : ':call overlay#close()' \ } \, {'filter' : 1, 'use_split' : 1}) endfunction function! s:bufgrepaccept() let num = matchstr(overlay#select_line(), '\d\+') exe 'silent! norm! ' . num . "G" endfunction command! -nargs=* G call BufGrep() function! StringScanner(first, last, command, ...) let args = [] if a:0 let args = a:000 endif let ss = string#scanner(getline(a:first, a:last)) let g:vimple#ss = call(eval('ss.' . a:command), args, ss) return g:vimple#ss endfunction command! -bar -range=% -nargs=+ StringScanner echo StringScanner(, , ) function! Mkvimrc() let rtp = uniq(map(filter(map(getline(1, '$'), \ 'matchstr(v:val, "^\\s*\\d\\+:\\s\\+\\zs.*")'), 'v:val != ""'), \ 'fnameescape(substitute(v:val, "/\\(autoload\\|colors\\|compiler\\|doc\\|ftdetect\\|ftplugin\\|indent\\|keymap\\|lang\\|plugin\\|syntax\\).*", "", ""))')) if empty(rtp) echohl Error echom 'Mkvimrc: Buffer does not contain :scriptnames output' echohl None return endif let vimrc_lines = [ \ "set nocompatible" \ , "let &rtp = join(" . string(map(rtp, 'fnameescape(v:val)')) . ", ',') . ',' . &rtp" \ , "filetype plugin indent on" \ , "syntax enable" \ ] let datetime = localtime() let vimrc_file = './vimrc-' . datetime call writefile(vimrc_lines, vimrc_file) return vimrc_file endfunction command! -nargs=0 -bar Mkvimrc echom Mkvimrc() function! BufDo(cmds) let old_hidden = &hidden set hidden tabnew echom 'bufdo ' . a:cmds exe 'bufdo ' . a:cmds tabclose let &hidden = old_hidden endfunction function! BufTypeDo(args) let [type; commands] = split(a:args, ' ') let cmds = join(commands) call BufDo('if &ft ==? "' . escape(type, '"') . '" | exe "' . escape(cmds, '"') . '" | endif') endfunction function! BufMatchDo(args) let [pattern; commands] = split(a:args, ' ') let cmds = join(commands) call BufDo('if expand("%") =~? "' . escape(pattern, '"') . '" | exe "' . escape(cmds, '"') . '" | endif') endfunction command! -nargs=+ BufTypeDo call BufTypeDo() command! -nargs=+ BufMatchDo call BufMatchDo() function! QFbufs() return quickfix#bufnames() endfunction command! -bar QFargs call quickfix#to_args(1) command! -bar QFargslocal call quickfix#to_args(0) command! -bar LLargs call loclist#to_args(1) command! -bar LLargslocal call loclist#to_args(0) command! -bar QFbufs echo quickfix#bufnames() command! -bar LLbufs echo loclist#bufnames() command! -nargs=+ QFdo call quickfix#do() command! -nargs=+ LLdo call loclist#do() command! -range -nargs=0 Filter call vimple#filter(getline(1,'$'), {}).filter() nnoremap vimple_filter :Filter if !hasmapto('vimple_filter') nmap cf vimple_filter endif " Takes a range as well as optional start and end lines to extract from the " file. If both ends of the range are given, the shorter of first:last vs " start:end will be used to fill the range. function! ReadIntoBuffer(file, ...) range let first = a:firstline let last = a:lastline let lines = readfile(a:file) let start = 0 let end = len(lines) if a:0 let start = a:1 - 1 if a:0 > 1 let end = a:2 - 1 endif endif if start > len(lines) return endif let lines = lines[start : end] if len(lines) > (last-first) let lines = lines[0:(last-first-1)] endif call append(first, lines) endfunction command! -range -nargs=+ -complete=file ReadIntoBuffer ,call ReadIntoBuffer() function! View(cmd) call ShowInNewBuf(vimple#redir(a:cmd)) endfunction function! ViewFT(cmd) call overlay#show(vimple#redir(a:cmd), { \ 'q' : ':call overlay#close()', \ '' : ':let t:linenum = matchstr(getline("."), "^\\s*\\d\\+") \| wincmd w \| exe "normal! " . t:linenum . "G"' \ }, { \ 'set ft=' . &ft : 1, 'use_split' : 1, 'filter' : index(g:vimple_auto_filter, 'view') != -1 \ }) endfunction if ! exists('g:vimple_auto_filter') let g:vimple_auto_filter = ['view', 'vfm'] endif function! ShowInNewBuf(data) call overlay#show(a:data, {'q' : ':call overlay#close()'}, {'use_split' : 1, 'filter' : index(g:vimple_auto_filter, 'view') != -1}) endfunction command! -bar -nargs=+ -complete=command View call View() command! -bar -nargs=+ -complete=command ViewFT call ViewFT() command! -bar -nargs=+ -complete=command ViewExpr call ShowInNewBuf(eval()) command! -bar -nargs=+ -complete=command ViewSys call ShowInNewBuf(split(system(), "\n")) function! Collect(args) let [regvar; command] = split(a:args) let cmd = join(command, " ") let list = &list set nolist let buf = join(vimple#redir(cmd), "\n") if list set list endif if len(regvar) > 1 exe 'let ' . regvar . '="' . escape(buf, '"') . '"' else call setreg(regvar, buf) endif return split(buf, '\n') endfunction function! GCollect(pattern) return map(Collect('_ g/' . a:pattern), 'substitute(v:val, "^\\s*\\d\\+\\s*", "", "")') endfunction function! GCCollect(pattern) return map(map(Collect('_ g/' . a:pattern), 'join(split(v:val, "^\\s*\\d\\+\\s*"))'), \ 'substitute(v:val, a:pattern, "", "")') endfunction function! VCollect(pattern) return map(Collect('_ v/' . a:pattern), 'substitute(v:val, "^\\s*\\d\\+\\s*", "", "")') endfunction function! VCCollect(pattern) return map(map(Collect('_ v/' . a:pattern), 'join(split(v:val, "^\\s*\\d\\+\\s*"))'), \ 'substitute(v:val, a:pattern, "", "")') endfunction command! -nargs=+ Collect call Collect() command! -nargs=+ GCollect let GC = GCollect() function! SCall(script, function, args) let scripts = g:vimple#sn.update().filter_by_name(a:script).to_l() if len(scripts) == 0 echo "SCall: no script matches " . a:script return elseif len(scripts) > 1 echo "SCall: more than one script matches " . a:script endif let func = '' . scripts[0]['number'] . '_' . a:function if exists('*' . func) return call(func, a:args) else echo "SCall: no function " . func . " in script " . a:script return endif endfunction command! -nargs=+ Silently exe join(map(split(, '|'), '"silent! ".v:val'), '|') " " Pre-initialise library objects if get(g:, 'vimple_init_vars', 1) if get(g:, 'vimple_init_ab', 1) let vimple#ab = vimple#abbreviations#new() endif if get(g:, 'vimple_init_bl', 1) let vimple#bl = vimple#ls#new() endif if get(g:, 'vimple_init_hl', 1) let vimple#hl = vimple#highlight#new() endif if get(g:, 'vimple_init_sn', 1) let vimple#sn = vimple#scriptnames#new() endif if get(g:, 'vimple_init_vn', 1) let vimple#vn = vimple#version#new() endif if get(g:, 'vimple_init_ma', 1) let vimple#ma = vimple#marks#new() endif if get(g:, 'vimple_init_ul', 1) let vimple#ul = vimple#undolist#new() endif if get(g:, 'vimple_init_mp', 1) let vimple#mp = vimple#map#new() endif if get(g:, 'vimple_init_op', 0) let vimple#op = vimple#options#new() endif endif call vimple#default_colorscheme() call completers#init() " disabled by default " let vimple#au = vimple#autocmd#new()