" Wish you could jump to a global mark that's already open in another tabpage? " Ensure that: " set swb+=useopen,usetab " In the overlay window: " does a sbuffer to the current-line global-mark's filename " q closes the overlay without action function! GlobalMarks() let data = split(g:vimple#ma.update().global_marks().to_s(), "\n") call overlay#show( \ data \, { \ '' : ':call GlobalMarksAccept()' \ , 'q' : ':call overlay#close()' \ } \, {'filter' : 0, 'use_split' : 1}) endfunction function! GlobalMarksAccept() let file = matchstr(overlay#select_line(), '\s\zs\S\+$') silent! exe 'sbuffer ' . file endfunction nnoremap gg' :call GlobalMarks()