require "spec_helper" shared_examples_for "vim" do before(:each) { # clear buffer vim.normal 'gg"_dG' # Insert two blank lines. # The first line is a corner case in this plugin that would shadow the # correct behaviour of other tests. Thus we explicitly jump to the first # line when we require so. vim.feedkeys 'i\\\' } describe "when using the indent plugin" do it "sets the indentexpr and indentkeys options" do vim.command("set indentexpr?").should include "GetPythonPEPIndent(" vim.command("set indentkeys?").should include "=elif" end it "sets autoindent and expandtab" do vim.command("set autoindent?").should match(/\s*autoindent/) vim.command("set expandtab?").should match(/\s*expandtab/) end end describe "when entering the first line" do before { vim.feedkeys '0ggipass' } it "does not indent" do indent.should == 0 proposed_indent.should == 0 end it "does not indent when using '=='" do vim.normal "==" indent.should == 0 end end describe "when after a '(' that is at the end of its line" do before { vim.feedkeys 'itest(\' } it "indents by one level" do proposed_indent.should == shiftwidth vim.feedkeys 'something' indent.should == shiftwidth vim.normal '==' indent.should == shiftwidth end it "puts the closing parenthesis at the same level" do vim.feedkeys ')' indent.should == 0 end end describe "when after an '(' that is followed by something" do before { vim.feedkeys 'itest(something,\' } it "lines up on following lines" do indent.should == 5 vim.feedkeys 'more,\' indent.should == 5 end it "lines up the closing parenthesis" do vim.feedkeys ')' indent.should == 5 end it "does not touch the closing parenthesis if it is already indented further" do vim.feedkeys ' )' indent.should == 7 end end describe "when after an '{' that is followed by a comment" do before { vim.feedkeys 'imydict = { # comment\' } it "indent by one level" do indent.should == shiftwidth vim.feedkeys '1: 1,\' indent.should == shiftwidth end it "lines up the closing parenthesis" do vim.feedkeys '}' indent.should == 0 end end describe "when using gq to reindent a '(' that is" do before { vim.feedkeys 'itest(' } it "something and has a string without spaces at the end" do vim.feedkeys 'something_very_long_blaaaaaaaaa, "some_very_long_string_blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"\gqq' indent.should == 5 end end describe "when after multiple parens of different types" do it "indents by one level" do vim.feedkeys 'if({\' indent.should == shiftwidth end it "lines up with the last paren" do vim.feedkeys 'ifff({123: 456,\' indent.should == 5 end end describe "when '#' is contained in a string that is followed by a colon" do it "indents by one level" do vim.feedkeys 'iif "some#thing" == "test":#test\pass' indent.should == shiftwidth end end describe "when '#' is not contained in a string and is followed by a colon" do it "does not indent" do vim.feedkeys 'iif "some#thing" == "test"#:test\' indent.should == 0 end end describe "when inside an unfinished string" do it "does not indent" do vim.feedkeys 'i"test:\' vim.echo('synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name")' ).downcase.should include 'string' vim.feedkeys 'a\' proposed_indent.should == 0 indent.should == 0 end it "does not dedent" do vim.feedkeys 'iif True:\"test:\' vim.echo('synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 0), "name")' ).downcase.should include 'string' proposed_indent.should == shiftwidth indent.should == shiftwidth end end describe "when the previous line has a colon in a string" do before { vim.feedkeys 'itest(":".join(["1","2"]))\' } it "does not indent" do vim.feedkeys 'if True:' indent.should == 0 proposed_indent.should == 0 end end describe "when the previous line has a list slice" do it "does not indent" do vim.feedkeys 'ib = a[2:]\' indent.should == 0 proposed_indent.should == 0 end end describe "when using simple control structures" do it "indents shiftwidth spaces" do vim.feedkeys 'iwhile True:\pass' indent.should == shiftwidth end end describe "when using a function definition" do it "indents shiftwidth spaces" do vim.feedkeys 'idef long_function_name(\arg' indent.should == shiftwidth * 2 end end describe "when using a class definition" do it "indents shiftwidth spaces" do vim.feedkeys 'iclass Foo(\' indent.should == shiftwidth * 2 end end describe "when writing an 'else' block" do it "aligns to the preceeding 'for' block" do vim.feedkeys 'ifor x in "abc":\pass\else:' indent.should == 0 end it "aligns to the preceeding 'if' block" do vim.feedkeys 'ifor x in "abc":\if True:\pass\else:' indent.should == shiftwidth end end describe "when using parens and control statements" do it "avoids ambiguity by using extra indentation" do vim.feedkeys 'iif (111 and\' if shiftwidth == 4 indent.should == shiftwidth * 2 else indent.should == 4 end vim.feedkeys '222):\' indent.should == shiftwidth vim.feedkeys 'pass\' indent.should == 0 end it "still aligns parens properly if not ambiguous" do vim.feedkeys 'iwhile (111 and\' indent.should == 7 vim.feedkeys '222):\' indent.should == shiftwidth vim.feedkeys 'pass\' indent.should == 0 end it "still handles multiple parens correctly" do vim.feedkeys 'iif (111 and (222 and 333\' indent.should == 13 vim.feedkeys 'and 444\' indent.should == 13 vim.feedkeys ')\' if shiftwidth == 4 indent.should == shiftwidth * 2 else indent.should == 4 end vim.feedkeys 'and 555):\' indent.should == shiftwidth vim.feedkeys 'pass\' indent.should == 0 end end describe "when a line breaks with a manual '\\'" do it "indents shiftwidth spaces on normal line" do vim.feedkeys 'ivalue = test + \\\\\' indent.should == shiftwidth end it "indents 2x shiftwidth spaces for control structures" do vim.feedkeys 'iif somevalue == xyz and \\\\\' indent.should == shiftwidth * 2 end it "indents relative to line above" do vim.feedkeys 'i\value = test + \\\\\' indent.should == shiftwidth * 2 end end describe "when current line is dedented compared to previous line" do before { vim.feedkeys 'i\\if x:\y = True\\' } it "and current line has a valid indentation (Part 1)" do vim.feedkeys '0i\if y:' proposed_indent.should == -1 end it "and current line has a valid indentation (Part 2)" do vim.feedkeys '0i\\if y:' proposed_indent.should == -1 end it "and current line has an invalid indentation" do vim.feedkeys 'i while True:\' indent.should == previous_indent + shiftwidth end end describe "when current line is dedented compared to the last non-empty line" do before { vim.feedkeys 'i\\if x:\y = True\\\' } it "and current line has a valid indentation" do vim.feedkeys '0i\if y:' proposed_indent.should == -1 end end describe "when an 'if' is followed by" do before { vim.feedkeys 'i\\if x:\' } it "an elif, it lines up with the 'if'" do vim.feedkeys 'elif y:' indent.should == shiftwidth * 2 end it "an 'else', it lines up with the 'if'" do vim.feedkeys 'else:' indent.should == shiftwidth * 2 end end describe "when an 'if' contains a try-except" do before { vim.feedkeys 'iif x:\try:\pass\except:\pass\' indent.should == shiftwidth } it "an 'else' should be indented to the try" do vim.feedkeys 'else:' indent.should == shiftwidth proposed_indent.should == shiftwidth end it "an 'else' should keep the indent of the 'if'" do vim.feedkeys 'else:\<<' indent.should == 0 proposed_indent.should == 0 end end describe "when a 'for' is followed by" do before { vim.feedkeys 'i\\for x in y:\' } it "an 'else', it lines up with the 'for'" do vim.feedkeys 'else:' indent.should == shiftwidth * 2 end end describe "when an 'else' is followed by" do before { vim.feedkeys 'i\\else:\XXX\' } it "a 'finally', it lines up with the 'else'" do vim.feedkeys 'finally:' indent.should == shiftwidth * 2 end end describe "when a 'try' is followed by" do before { vim.feedkeys 'i\\try:\' } it "an 'except', it lines up with the 'try'" do vim.feedkeys 'except:' indent.should == shiftwidth * 2 end it "an 'else', it lines up with the 'try'" do vim.feedkeys 'else:' indent.should == shiftwidth * 2 end it "a 'finally', it lines up with the 'try'" do vim.feedkeys 'finally:' indent.should == shiftwidth * 2 end end describe "when an 'except' is followed by" do before { vim.feedkeys 'i\\except:\' } it "an 'else', it lines up with the 'except'" do vim.feedkeys 'else:' indent.should == shiftwidth * 2 end it "another 'except', it lines up with the previous 'except'" do vim.feedkeys 'except:' indent.should == shiftwidth * 2 end it "a 'finally', it lines up with the 'except'" do vim.feedkeys 'finally:' indent.should == shiftwidth * 2 end end describe "when jedi-vim call signatures are used" do before { vim.command 'syn match jediFunction "JEDI_CALL_SIGNATURE" keepend extend' } it "ignores the call signature after a colon" do vim.feedkeys 'iif True: JEDI_CALL_SIGNATURE\' indent.should == shiftwidth end it "ignores the call signature after a function" do vim.feedkeys 'idef f( JEDI_CALL_SIGNATURE\' indent.should == shiftwidth * 2 end end end shared_examples_for "multiline strings" do describe "when after an '(' that is followed by an unfinished string" do before { vim.feedkeys 'itest("""' } it "it indents the next line" do vim.feedkeys '\' expected_proposed, expected_indent = multiline_indent(0, shiftwidth) proposed_indent.should == expected_proposed indent.should == expected_indent end it "with contents it indents the second line to the parenthesis" do vim.feedkeys 'second line\' expected_proposed, expected_indent = multiline_indent(0, 5) proposed_indent.should == expected_proposed indent.should == expected_indent end end describe "when after assigning an unfinished string" do before { vim.feedkeys 'itest = """' } it "it indents the next line" do vim.feedkeys '\' expected_proposed, expected_indent = multiline_indent(0, shiftwidth) proposed_indent.should == expected_proposed indent.should == expected_indent end end describe "when after assigning an unfinished string" do before { vim.feedkeys 'i test = """' } it "it indents the next line" do vim.feedkeys '\' expected_proposed, expected_indent = multiline_indent(4, shiftwidth + 4) proposed_indent.should == expected_proposed indent.should == expected_indent end end describe "when after assigning a finished string" do before { vim.feedkeys 'i test = ""' } it "it does indent the next line" do vim.feedkeys '\' indent.should == 4 end it "and writing a new string, it does indent the next line" do vim.feedkeys '\""' indent.should == 4 end end describe "when after a docstring" do before { vim.feedkeys 'i """' } it "it does indent the next line to the docstring" do vim.feedkeys '\' indent.should == 4 proposed_indent.should == 4 end end describe "when after a docstring with contents" do before { vim.feedkeys 'i """First line' } it "it does indent the next line to the docstring" do vim.feedkeys '\' indent.should == 4 proposed_indent.should == 4 end end end describe "vim when using width of 4" do before { vim.command("set sw=4 ts=4 sts=4 et") } it_behaves_like "vim" end describe "vim when using width of 3" do before { vim.command("set sw=3 ts=3 sts=3 et") } it_behaves_like "vim" end describe "vim when not using python_pep8_indent_multiline_string" do before { vim.command("set sw=4 ts=4 sts=4 et") vim.command("unlet! g:python_pep8_indent_multiline_string") } it_behaves_like "multiline strings" end describe "vim when using python_pep8_indent_multiline_first=0" do before { vim.command("set sw=4 ts=4 sts=4 et") vim.command("let g:python_pep8_indent_multiline_string=0") } it_behaves_like "multiline strings" end describe "vim when using python_pep8_indent_multiline_string=-1" do before { vim.command("set sw=4 ts=4 sts=4 et") vim.command("let g:python_pep8_indent_multiline_string=-1") } it_behaves_like "multiline strings" end describe "vim when using python_pep8_indent_multiline_string=-2" do before { vim.command("set sw=4 ts=4 sts=4 et") vim.command("let g:python_pep8_indent_multiline_string=-2") } it_behaves_like "multiline strings" end describe "vim for cython" do before { vim.command "enew" vim.command "set ft=cython" vim.command "runtime indent/python.vim" } describe "when using a cdef function definition" do it "indents shiftwidth spaces" do vim.feedkeys 'icdef long_function_name(\arg' indent.should == shiftwidth * 2 end end describe "when using a cpdef function definition" do it "indents shiftwidth spaces" do vim.feedkeys 'icpdef long_function_name(\arg' indent.should == shiftwidth * 2 end end end