" TagKind shows an overlay containing the kind of tag requested
" In the overlay window:
" <enter> jumps to the current-line tag name
" q closes the overlay without action
function! TagKind(kind)
let tags = sort(map(filter(taglist('.'), 'v:val.kind == "' . a:kind . '"'), 'v:val.name'))
call overlay#show(
\ tags
\, {
\ '<enter>' : ':call TagKindAccept()<cr>'
\ , 'q' : ':call overlay#close()<cr>'
\ }
\, {'filter' : 0, 'use_split' : 1})
function! TagKindAccept()
let tag = overlay#select_line()
exe 'tjump ' . tag
nnoremap <leader>tc :call TagKind('c')<cr>
nnoremap <leader>tf :call TagKind('f')<cr>