" Jump to a help-tag entry in the current help file
" In the overlay window:
" You're prompted with a filter pattern. Use <esc> to cancel.
" <enter> jumps to the tag beneath the cursor
" q closes the overlay without action
" functions {{{1
function! HelpTOC() "{{{2
call overlay#show(
\ list#lspread(map(filter(string#scanner(getline(1, '$')).collect('\*\S\+\*'), 'v:val =~ "[a-z]"'), 'strpart(v:val, 1, len(v:val)-2)'), 3)
\, {
\ '<enter>' : ':exe "tag " . HelpTOCAccept()<cr>'
\ , 'q' : ':call overlay#close()<cr>'
\ }
\, {'filter' : 1, 'use_split' : 1, 'setlocal tabstop=50' :-0})
function! HelpTOCAccept()
let line = getline('.')
let idx = strlen(substitute(line[:col('.')], '[^\t]', '', 'g'))
let word_list = split(line, '\t')
call overlay#close()
return word_list[idx]
" maps {{{1
nnoremap <leader>t :call HelpTOC()<cr>
" vim: fen fdm=marker