" camelcasemotion.vim: Motion through CamelCaseWords and underscore_notation.
"   - Requires Vim 7.0 or higher.
" Copyright: (C) 2007-2009 by Ingo Karkat
"   The VIM LICENSE applies to this script; see ':help copyright'.
" Source: Based on vimtip #1016 by Anthony Van Ham.
" Maintainer:  Ingo Karkat <ingo@karkat.de>
"   1.50.019  05-May-2009  Do not create mappings for select mode;
"        according to|Select-mode|, printable character
"        commands should delete the selection and insert
"        the typed characters.
"           Moved functions from plugin to separate autoload
"        script.
"           Split off documentation into separate help file.
"           Now cleaning up Create...Mappings functions.
"   1.40.018  30-Jun-2008  Minor: Removed unnecessary <script> from
"        mappings.
"   1.40.017  19-May-2008  BF: Now using :normal! to be independent from
"        any user mappings. Thanks to Neil Walker for the
"        patch.
"   1.40.016  28-Apr-2008  BF: Wrong forward motion stop at the second
"        digit if a word starts with multiple numbers
"        (e.g. 1234.56789). Thanks to Wasim Ahmed for
"        reporting this.
"   1.40.015  24-Apr-2008  ENH: Added inner "word" text objects 'i,w' etc.
"        that work analogous to the built-in 'iw' text
"        object. Thanks to David Kotchan for this
"        suggestion.
"   1.30.014  20-Apr-2008  The motions now also stop at non-keyword
"        boundaries, just like the regular motions. This
"        has no effect inside a CamelCaseWord or inside
"        underscore_notation, but it makes the motions
"        behave like the regular motions (which is
"        important if you replace the default motions).
"        Thanks to Mun Johl for reporting this.
"        Now using non-capturing parentheses \%() in the
"        patterns.
"   1.30.013  09-Apr-2008  Refactored away s:VisualCamelCaseMotion().
"        Allowing users to use mappings different than
"        ,w ,b ,e by defining <Plug>CamelCaseMotion_?
"        target mappings. This can even be used to
"        replace the default 'w', 'b' and 'e' mappings,
"        as suggested by Mun Johl.
"        Mappings are now created in a generic function.
"        Now requires Vim 7.0 or higher.
"   1.20.012  02-Jun-2007  BF: Corrected motions through mixed
"        CamelCase_and_UnderScore words by re-ordering
"        and narrowing the search patterns.
"   1.20.011  02-Jun-2007  Thanks again to Joseph Barker for discussing the
"        complicated visual mode mapping on the vim-dev
"        mailing list and coming up with a great
"        simplification:
"        Removed s:CheckForChangesToTheSelectionSetting().
"        Introduced s:VisualCamelCaseMotion(), which
"        handles the differences depending on the
"        'selection' setting.
"        Visual mode mappings now directly map to the
"        s:VisualCamelCaseMotion() function; no mark is
"        clobbered, the complex mapping with the inline
"        expression has been retired.
"   1.20.010  29-May-2007  BF: The operator-pending and visual mode ,e
"        mapping doesn't work properly when it reaches
"        the end of line; the final character of the
"        moved-over "word" remains. Fixed this problem
"        unless the "word" is at the very end of the
"        buffer.
"        ENH: The visual mode motions now also (mostly)
"        work with the (default) setting
"        'set selection=inclusive', instead of selecting
"        one character too much.
"        ENH: All mappings will check for changes to the
"        'selection' setting and remap the visual mode
"        mappings via function
"        s:SetupVisualModeMappings(). We cannot rely on
"        the setting while sourcing camelcasemotion.vim
"        because the mswin.vim script may be sourced
"        afterwards, and its 'behave mswin' changes
"        'selection'.
"        Refactored the arguments of function
"        s:CamelCaseMotion(...).
"   1.10.009  28-May-2007  BF: Degenerate CamelCaseWords that consist of
"        only a single uppercase letter (e.g. "P" in
"        "MapPRoblem") are skipped by all motions. Thanks
"        to Joseph Barker for reporting this.
"        BF: In CamelCaseWords that consist of uppercase
"        letters followed by decimals (e.g.
"        "MyUPPER123Problem", the uppercase "word" is
"        skipped by all motions.
"   1.10.008  28-May-2007  Incorporated major improvements and
"        simplifications done by Joseph Barker:
"        Operator-pending and visual mode motions now
"        accept [count] of more than 9.
"        Visual selections can now be extended from
"        either end.
"        Instead of misusing the :[range], the special
"        variable v:count1 is used. Custom commands are
"        not needed anymore.
"        Operator-pending and visual mode mappings are
"        now generic: There's only a single mapping for
"        ,w that can be repeated, rather than having a
"        separate mapping for 1,w 2,w 3,w ...
"   1.00.007  22-May-2007  Added documentation for publication.
"  006  20-May-2007  BF: visual mode [1,2,3],e on pure CamelCase
"        mistakenly marks [2,4,6] words. If the cursor is
"        on a uppercase letter, the search pattern
"        '\u\l\+' doesn't match at the cursor position,
"        so another match won. Changed search pattern
"        from '\l\+',
"  005  16-May-2007  Added support for underscore notation.
"        Added support for "forward to end of word"
"        (',e') motion.
"  004  16-May-2007  Improved search pattern so that
"        UppercaseWORDSInBetween and digits are handled,
"        too.
"  003  15-May-2007  Changed mappings from <Leader>w to ,w;
"        other \w mappings interfere here, because it's
"        irritating when the cursor jump doesn't happen
"        immediately, because Vim waits whether the
"        mapping is complete. ,w is faster to type that
"        \w (and, because of the left-right touch,
"        preferred over gw).
"        Added visual mode mappings.
"  0.02  15-Feb-2006  BF: missing <SID> for omaps.
"  0.01  11-Oct-2005  file creation

" Avoid installing twice or when in compatible mode
if exists('g:loaded_camelcasemotion') || (v:version < 700)

let g:loaded_camelcasemotion = 1

"- mappings -------------------------------------------------------------------
" The count is passed into the function through the special variable 'v:count1',
" which is easier than misusing the :[range] that :call supports.
" <C-U> is used to delete the unused range.
" Another option would be to use a custom 'command! -count=1', but that doesn't
" work with the normal mode mapping: When a count is typed before the mapping,
" the ':' will convert a count of 3 into ':.,+2MyCommand', but ':3MyCommand'
" would be required to use -count and <count>.
" We do not provide the fourth "backward to end" motion (,E), because it is
" seldomly used.

for s:mode in ['n', 'o', 'v']
  for s:motion in ['w', 'b', 'e', 'ge']
    let s:targetMapping = '<Plug>CamelCaseMotion_' . s:motion
    execute s:mode . 'noremap <silent> ' . s:targetMapping .
          \ ' :<C-U>call camelcasemotion#Motion(''' . s:motion . ''',v:count1,''' . s:mode . ''')<CR>'

" To create a text motion, a mapping for operator-pending mode needs to be
" defined. This mapping should move the cursor according to the implemented
" motion, or mark the covered text via a visual selection. As inner text motions
" need to mark both to the left and right of the cursor position, the visual
" selection needs to be used.
" Vim's built-in inner text objects also work in visual mode; they have
" different behavior depending on whether visual mode has just been entered or
" whether text has already been selected.
" We deviate from that and always override the existing selection.

for s:mode in ['o', 'v']
  for s:motion in ['w', 'b', 'e', 'ge']
    let s:targetMapping = '<Plug>CamelCaseMotion_i' . s:motion
    execute s:mode . 'noremap <silent> ' . s:targetMapping .
          \ ' :<C-U>call camelcasemotion#InnerMotion(''' . s:motion . ''',v:count1)<CR>'

" vim: set sts=2 sw=2 expandtab ff=unix fdm=syntax :