" camelcasemotion.vim: Motion through CamelCaseWords and underscore_notation.
" - Requires Vim 7.0 or higher.
" Copyright: (C) 2007-2009 by Ingo Karkat
" The VIM LICENSE applies to this script; see ':help copyright'.
" Maintainer: Ingo Karkat <ingo@karkat.de>
" 1.50.001 05-May-2009 Do not create mappings for select mode;
" according to|Select-mode|, printable character
" commands should delete the selection and insert
" the typed characters.
" Moved functions from plugin to separate autoload
" script.
" file creation
"- functions ------------------------------------------------------------------"
function! s:Move(direction, count, mode)
" Note: There is no inversion of the regular expression character class
" 'keyword character' (\k). We need an inversion "non-keyword" defined as
" "any non-whitespace character that is not a keyword character" (e.g.
" [!@#$%^&*()]). This can be specified via a non-whitespace character in
" whose place no keyword character matches (\k\@!\S).
"echo "count is " . a:count
let l:i = 0
while l:i < a:count
if a:direction == 'e' || a:direction == 'ge'
" "Forward to end" motion.
" number | ACRONYM followed by CamelCase or number | CamelCase | underscore_notation | non-keyword | word
let l:direction = (a:direction == 'e' ? a:direction : 'be')
call search('\m\d\+\|\u\+\ze\%(\u\l\|\d\)\|\l\+\ze\%(\u\|\d\)\|\u\l\+\|\%(\a\|\d\)\+\ze[-_]\|\%(\k\@!\S\)\+\|\%([-_]\@!\k\)\+\>', 'W' . l:direction)
" Note: word must be defined as '\k\>'; '\>' on its own somehow
" dominates over the previous branch. Plus, \k must exclude the
" underscore, or a trailing one will be incorrectly moved over:
" '\%(_\@!\k\)'.
if a:mode == 'o'
" Note: Special additional treatment for operator-pending mode
" "forward to end" motion.
" The difference between normal mode, operator-pending and visual
" mode is that in the latter two, the motion must go _past_ the
" final "word" character, so that all characters of the "word" are
" selected. This is done by appending a 'l' motion after the
" search for the next "word".
" In operator-pending mode, the 'l' motion only works properly
" at the end of the line (i.e. when the moved-over "word" is at
" the end of the line) when the 'l' motion is allowed to move
" over to the next line. Thus, the 'l' motion is added
" temporarily to the global 'whichwrap' setting.
" Without this, the motion would leave out the last character in
" the line. I've also experimented with temporarily setting
" "set virtualedit=onemore" , but that didn't work.
let l:save_ww = &whichwrap
set whichwrap+=l
normal! l
let &whichwrap = l:save_ww
" Forward (a:direction == '') and backward (a:direction == 'b')
" motion.
let l:direction = (a:direction == 'w' ? '' : a:direction)
" word | empty line | non-keyword after whitespaces | non-whitespace after word | number | lowercase folowed by capital letter or number | ACRONYM followed by CamelCase or number | CamelCase | ACRONYM | underscore followed by ACRONYM, Camel, lowercase or number
call search( '\m\<\D\|^$\|\%(^\|\s\)\+\zs\k\@!\S\|\>\<\|\d\+\|\l\+\zs\%(\u\|\d\)\|\u\+\zs\%(\u\l\|\d\)\|\u\l\+\|\u\@<!\u\+\|[-_]\zs\%(\u\+\|\u\l\+\|\l\+\|\d\+\)', 'W' . l:direction)
" Note: word must be defined as '\<\D' to avoid that a word like
" 1234Test is moved over as [1][2]34[T]est instead of [1]234[T]est
" because \< matches with zero width, and \d\+ will then start
" matching '234'. To fix that, we make \d\+ be solely responsible
" for numbers by taken this away from \< via \<\D. (An alternative
" would be to replace \d\+ with \D\%#\zs\d\+, but that one is more
" complex.) All other branches are not affected, because they match
" multiple characters and not the same character multiple times.
let l:i = l:i + 1
function! camelcasemotion#Motion(direction, count, mode)
" Perform the motion over CamelCaseWords or underscore_notation.
" none
" Move cursor / change selection.
" a:direction one of 'w', 'b', 'e'
" a:count number of "words" to move over
" a:mode one of 'n', 'o', 'v', 'iv' (latter one is a special visual mode
" when inside the inner "word" text objects.
" none
" Visual mode needs special preparations and postprocessing;
" normal and operator-pending mode breeze through to s:Move().
if a:mode == 'v'
" Visual mode was left when calling this function. Reselecting the current
" selection returns to visual mode and allows to call search() and issue
" normal mode motions while staying in visual mode.
normal! gv
if a:mode == 'v' || a:mode == 'iv'
" Note_1a:
if &selection != 'exclusive' && a:direction == 'w'
normal! l
call s:Move(a:direction, a:count, a:mode)
if a:mode == 'v' || a:mode == 'iv'
" Note: 'selection' setting.
if &selection == 'exclusive' && (a:direction == 'e' || a:direction == 'ge')
" When set to 'exclusive', the "forward to end" motion (',e') does not
" include the last character of the moved-over "word". To include that, an
" additional 'l' motion is appended to the motion; similar to the
" special treatment in operator-pending mode.
normal! l
elseif &selection != 'exclusive' && a:direction != 'e' && a:direction == 'ge'
" Note_1b:
" The forward and backward motions move to the beginning of the next "word".
" When 'selection' is set to 'inclusive' or 'old', this is one character too far.
" The appended 'h' motion undoes this. Because of this backward step,
" though, the forward motion finds the current "word" again, and would
" be stuck on the current "word". An 'l' motion before the CamelCase
" motion (see Note_1a) fixes that.
normal! h
function! camelcasemotion#InnerMotion(direction, count)
" If the cursor is positioned on the first character of a CamelWord, the
" backward motion would move to the previous word, which would result in a
" wrong selection. To fix this, first move the cursor to the right, so that
" the backward motion definitely will cover the current "word" under the
" cursor.
normal! l
" Move "word" backwards, enter visual mode, then move "word" forward. This
" selects the inner "word" in visual mode; the operator-pending mode takes
" this selection as the area covered by the motion.
if a:direction == 'b'
" Do not do the selection backwards, because the backwards "word" motion
" in visual mode + selection=inclusive has an off-by-one error.
call camelcasemotion#Motion('b', a:count, 'n')
normal! v
" We decree that 'b' is the opposite of 'e', not 'w'. This makes more
" sense at the end of a line and for underscore_notation.
call camelcasemotion#Motion('e', a:count, 'iv')
call camelcasemotion#Motion('b', 1, 'n')
normal! v
call camelcasemotion#Motion(a:direction, a:count, 'iv')
function! camelcasemotion#CreateMotionMappings(leader)
" Create mappings according to this template:
" (* stands for the mode [nov], ? for the underlying motion [wbe].)
for l:mode in ['n', 'o', 'v']
for l:motion in ['w', 'b', 'e', 'ge']
let l:targetMapping = '<Plug>CamelCaseMotion_' . l:motion
execute (l:mode ==# 'v' ? 'x' : l:mode) .
\ 'map <silent> ' . a:leader . l:motion . ' ' . l:targetMapping
" Create mappings according to this template:
" (* stands for the mode [ov], ? for the underlying motion [wbe].)
for l:mode in ['o', 'v']
for l:motion in ['w', 'b', 'e', 'ge']
let l:targetMapping = '<Plug>CamelCaseMotion_i' . l:motion
execute (l:mode ==# 'v' ? 'x' : l:mode) .
\ 'map <silent> i' . a:leader . l:motion . ' ' . l:targetMapping
" vim: set sts=2 sw=2 expandtab ff=unix fdm=syntax :