#!/command/execlineb -s0 s6-envdir env multisubstitute { importas -i -u CONTAINER_NAME CONTAINER_NAME importas -i -u CONTAINER_USER CONTAINER_USER } backtick -in CONTAINER_USER_HOME { homeof $CONTAINER_USER } multisubstitute { importas -i -u CONTAINER_USER_HOME CONTAINER_USER_HOME define CONTAINER_TMPFS /run/containers/${CONTAINER_NAME}.sysroot define -s tmpfs_dirs "home run tmp inbox run/inbox tmp/.X11-unix" } getpid NS_PID foreground { importas -i NS_PID NS_PID if { test -d /run/cgroup2 } if { mkdir -p /run/cgroup2/containers/${CONTAINER_USER}/${CONTAINER_NAME} } redirfd -w 1 /run/cgroup2/containers/${CONTAINER_USER}/${CONTAINER_NAME}/cgroup.procs printf "%s" ${NS_PID} } if { touch ${CONTAINER_TMPFS}.lockfile } s6-setlock -n ${CONTAINER_TMPFS}.lockfile # Needs to exists otherwise the find below fails. if { mkdir -p ${CONTAINER_TMPFS} } # This is non-POSIX but even busybox has these flags. if { find ${CONTAINER_TMPFS} -depth -mindepth 2 -delete } #if { rm -rf ${CONTAINER_TMPFS} } if { mkdir -p ${CONTAINER_TMPFS}/${tmpfs_dirs} } if { chmod 1770 ${CONTAINER_TMPFS}/${tmpfs_dirs} } if { chown root:${CONTAINER_USER} ${CONTAINER_TMPFS}/${tmpfs_dirs} } if { mount -a --fstab data/fstab } # Put UID/GID/GIDLIST into environment for use by s6-applyuidgid below s6-envuidgid ${CONTAINER_USER} env HOST=${CONTAINER_NAME} # NS_EXTRA="if { mount -o bind,ro /etc/passwd etc/passwd } if { mount -o bind,ro /etc/group etc/group }" emptyenv -c export NS_NO_PID1 1 pidns_run ns_run data/root /mnt/ns/bin/s6-applyuidgid -U $@