# vim: ft=zsh noet ts=4 sts=4 sw=4

# confz functions for dealing with iproute2

confz_rename_interface_check() {
	checkvars name mac

	# local -A ifaces
	local ignored iface mac rest out old_name

	out=$( confz_do ip link show ) || die "ip failed"

	while read ignored iface rest; do
		read ignored mac rest
		if [[ ${iface%:} == $vars[name] ]]; then
			[[ $mac == $vars[mac] ]] || \
				die "${(qqq)iface%:} already exists with different MAC address"
			return 0
		if [[ -z $old_name && $mac == $vars[mac] ]]; then
	done <<<$out

	[[ -n $old_name ]] || die "could not find interface with MAC: $vars[mac]"

	do_command=( ip link set dev $old_name name $vars[name] )
	return 1